Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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Quote: Is anybody getting REALLY tired of constantly getting inadvertently logged out of Deltanet? I can't be logged on for more than 5-7 minutes and then the server logs me out. At first, I thought it might be on my end, but I talked to I.T. yesterday and they told me it's a systemwide problem. They also have no idea when the problem will be fixed. For me, the problem has already been going on for the past couple of weeks.

Delta I.T. - "Bringing you yesterday's technology tomorrow!"

It is happening to our main page, too.

My parents went to book tickets and were kicked out of their FF account three times that they gave up.
Quote: Heyas,

I agree with Nosmo. Virtual basing is a scheduling nightmare. It MAY work with FAs and places like SWA because everyone can fly anything that parks at the gate. At a place like DAL, there are too many sub-sets of pilots. Could you imagine trying to call around to cover a trip because you're sick?

I would, however, endorse a move where you could swap out your trip on a leg-by-leg basis. Doing the last turn through home? No problem...swap out with a guy going to work, and call it done.

There are options here. Marketing changes the lift on a day to day basis, so there are some real issues here.

If they want virtual basing, it may because they see it as a way to thwart off that nasty rumor of having to live within150 miles of your domicile. It was rumored to be part of the sub committees bill. Doubt it would get out, but it would be a smart move to look at virtual basing, if this thing got wings.
If that is the premise, 80% of the first and last legs would probably by DH,

I am just sayin....
Quote: I opposed virtual basing on many occasions as a rep. To me its a staffing issue and a nightmare to get the language written correctly to avoid getting abused by scheduling.

For starters, no virtual basing in an existing domicile. Example - no virtual SLC A320 base.
No virtual basing outside the CONUS. Do you really want to see a virtual base in NRT or AMS? Helping the company is one thing, helping the company by reducing their deadhead penalty time is a huge staffing issue on international. Need to make sure that virtual base is staffed normally under the formula for schedule holders and reserve needs. None of this no reserve cover it on your own crap.

A previous proposal had virtual bases being BID for every month. If you were lucky enough to hold it and a schedule, they wanted you to commute/sign-in in one day early and sit one day of Reserve without pay.

Lots of bad things can happen with virtual basing and some nice lifestyle changes can happen for a small number of pilots.

Personally, I commute a long distance. I don't enjoy it, but its my choice. I'd rather not lose jobs to a poorly written agreement just to have virtual basing.

For those that like the idea, Greg Baden ws always a big supporter of "Satellite Bases."

My response is - Do you support virtual basing if it causes a pilot surplus or creates a reduced number of pilots required in certain categories (like 777A or 765A)?
I know nothing about VB. Thank you for your perspective. Gives us a lot to think about.
Quote: Passenger Gets Banned After Attack on Kiosk

To be honest, I've actually contemplated doing the same thing.
We've got his credit card number. Lets simply bill him $15,000 and call it even.
Virtual basing is not a good deal, a benefit to the company and a few pilots, but for the majority not so good...its a negation of seniority.
Quote: I know nothing about VB. Thank you for your perspective. Gives us a lot to think about.
I don't think virtual basing will be viable for pilots until we have a massive fleet simplification. Right now Hauenstein likes having the ability to change gauge on a daily basis. Flight attendants can fly an A-320 today and a 757 tomorrow, but pilots not so much.
Read the Code-A-Phone. We are getting a calendar with all meeting dates on it. Progress.
Quote: I "choose" to commute though I am based in a city that I wouldn't mind living in (SLC). I can't sell my house for what I owe on it, so I "choose" to keep making my payments instead of "choosing" foreclosure. Of course, if I did "choose" to loose my house then I could move to my base and not commute - but I'm junior and with the upcoming Airbus for MD swap I would probably have to move again to not be a commuter. Some "choice" eh?

By the way, I'm not bitter - I like where I work and I know that the current situation isn't permanent. But to say that commuters are commuters simply by choice doesn't tell the whole story in today's world.
All very good points that I agree with. It's not easy to just pick up & move to a base when your junior and have no idea what airplane or base you be at over the next several years.

As mentioned, with the housing collapse many people are upside down on their mortgages so selling a house is not an option.

Secondly, my wife & I grew up where we currently live. We have a daughter, & live 15 minutes from my mom, 25 minutes from her mom, 5 minutes from her dad, & 3 minutes from her sister who has 2 daughters and a son. Point being, I have already been selfish enough by choosing a career as an Airline Pilot.

Must I be even MORE selfish by uprooting my wife & daughter away from their family so I can simply drive to work? No way! That's way too selfish IMO. Being on the road is inevitable. The least I can do is keep my family near their family so they have company and emotional support while I'm on the road, especially during the Holidays.

Living in base DOES NOT work for everyone. Some people just choose to do it.
When do we report our numbers? Any chance we'll make money for a change?
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