Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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A quick shift in gears, but after getting logged out of Deltanet and iCrew all morning, I followed the Trim Tab's advice and called the help number. Let me save you the trouble.

After slogging through the phone tree, I finally got a live person on the phone. I described the problem and she says, "You're not using a Mac, are you?" "Why, yes I am," I reply. "Well, you shouldn't be using a Mac. We don't support Macs," was her answer. "That's why you're having all these problems."

She was completely unhelpful. When I told her that I (and many others) never had these problems until recently, she said that my Mac software was probably going bad. Riiiiight. The only advise she gave me was to delete my cookies and start over, but other than that didn't seem interested in finding out what the real problem is (and it's not with my Mac).

Anyway, I think she's full of it. My question to all of you who have had similar issues: Are you on a Mac or a PC?

PC here. It's become a bit less frequent.... but happened 3 times in a row last night.
Quote: Anyway, I think she's full of it. My question to all of you who have had similar issues: Are you on a Mac or a PC?
Umm, maybe this is the one time I'm glad to be using a PC. I haven't had any problems. Now, using my phone, that's another matter completely. Used to be able to use an Instinct to access DeltaNet. Since the last change which accomodates iphone users, my phone doesn't work anymore.
PC here also. I've had some issues the last couple of days but hasn't been a show stopper. Another thought, some of the IT types aren't all that IT. I had one tell me a few months ago that I couldn't use my AT&T cell phone to call crew scheduling. He said it had to be a hard line. So, take their advice with a grain of salt.
Quote: Hmmm.. moving from California... define cheap.
Quote: Its gotta be cheap-er. Can't be any more expensive as I sit here upside down on my house and trying to figure a way to pay my property taxes (just shy of political extortion).
There was an article in Forbes recently on the top most expensive counties to live in within the US. Six of the top ten were in NJ. NJ consistently ranks in the top three of property taxes, auto insurance, and state/local taxes. Addtionally, all bridges leaving NJ are now toll. If you plan to commute to NY for LGA or JFK from NJ, you can expect a minimum of $150/month for tolls.

Housing generally isn't as costly as is in California, but the total cost of living in NJ is higher. The FBI a few months back rounded up 60 or so local mayors and city officials from around the entire state and threw them in jail for corruption and other charges. Seriously, when you watch the Sopranos, reality isn't that far off.

Nonetheless, I've lived in the area now since late 1999 and I'm somewhat used to it. I'm waiting to see how the chips fall once SOC hits. I am wanting to move and am really looking into trying to get based in MSP DTW CVG ... maybe ATL.

When I was a Captain living in South Korea, I banked more money in one year than I did in 8 years as a Captain/Major living in NJ. I'm tired of seeing a majority of my hard earned money going to a state where the morals and politics of nearly opposite of myself.

NJ does have a lot of selling points. The best schools in America ... assuming you don't live in the hood. You are close to NYC, PHL, BALT, DC, and BOS. You have the beaches of NJ, DE, and MD close by and Atlantic City for your gambling habit. You have the Pine Barins of NJ and the Poconos of PA and NY for the outdoors in you. And for you Nascar fans, it is probably the only place where you close to three Nascar tracks: Dover, Martinsburg, and Pocono. All of these things are within a 3 hours drive ... traffic dependent.

My two cents.
Quote: I was hopping for a place in the same neighborhood as KC10 FATboy so we can ride share.

I moved to a rural area of PA. You can have NJ if you want.
Quote: I moved to a rural area of PA. You can have NJ if you want.

Amish beet farm? Dwight Schrute, maybe?
Quote: PC here also. I've had some issues the last couple of days but hasn't been a show stopper. Another thought, some of the IT types aren't all that IT. I had one tell me a few months ago that I couldn't use my AT&T cell phone to call crew scheduling. He said it had to be a hard line. So, take their advice with a grain of salt.
What is the consensus on the best way to use your iPhone when accessing Deltanet? Someone mentioned an app that worked about 700 pages ago... Anyone have any luck?
Funny you should say that, most of the farms around here are Amish but it isn't as common as it is in Lancaster Co. The Amish and Mennonites love Walmart and even have special parking spots for their horse and carriages. No, I'm not joking.

Quote: What is the consensus on the best way to use your iPhone when accessing Deltanet? Someone mentioned an app that worked about 700 pages ago... Anyone have any luck?
I'm sure they'll come out with an Iphone App that makes your farts smell like a Freshly-Baked Apple Pie before they come up with a browser that supports Deltanet/Icrew.
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