United pax forcibly removed from flight

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Quote: Well half the country just elected Trump so expecting them to understand "articles" is probably a doomed endeavor.
Thanks for an example of the definition for "Butthurt".

Good signature, "I hate half the country."
Quote: Thanks for an example of the definition for "Butthurt".

Good signature, "I hate half the country."
To be fair it's less than half of the country, over 3 million less.
Quote: Without comment on whether compensation for denied boarding is flawed or not, denied boarding is not the issue. The passenger was permitted to board, and was subsequently removed. While the airline may have been well within its rights to deny him boarding (we don't know if he met the criteria according to their boarding priority list, but let's assume he did), they allowed him to board. According to the Contract of Carriage Document, he should not have been removed involuntarily.

You keep saying that he can't be 'denied boarding' because he has already boarded, but here's a least one person involved in the industry that disagrees with you (along with all of the passenger airline pilots that deal with this on a much more frequent basis than a FedEx guy).

Can an Airline Really Just Yank You Off the Plane?

"The burning question is, why did they wait until everyone was seated before realizing they needed to move their employees to that flight?" Hobica asks. Most airlines avoid having to yank someone who has already settled in to their seat. Technically, that is still considered a "denied boarding" as long as the plane is still at the gate and is permissible under the law.
Quote: To be fair it's less than half of the country, over 3 million less.
Lol. Don't rile them up. I don't hate them. It's great disdain I feel.
although they weren't thrilled, it was a non event.
...for you!!!
Quote: You keep saying that he can't be 'denied boarding' because he has already boarded, but here's a least one person involved in the industry that disagrees with you (along with all of the passenger airline pilots that deal with this on a much more frequent basis than a FedEx guy).

Can an Airline Really Just Yank You Off the Plane?
Please don't lump me in with "all of the passenger pilots". You do not speak for me.
Quote: /\ Yykes!

What would this guy have done if the flight was canceled?
Where is he now? Still in airport jail?

Takes 6 hours to drive from ORD TO SDF. Limo anyone? One way rental?

I'm led to believe that 3 other people sanely got up, left the plane, collected their checks and went to a comped hotel room. Was "I got to get home" guy on their flight the next day?

If I was in the news behaving this way I'd loose my job. Could have been handled better by both sides but this guy has a screw loose.
I believe he is concussed - he went silent after the initial blow to the head, and is repeating the last thing/thought he remembers.

Do you ever watch boxing or MMA? Have you seen the guys wrestle with the ref after getting KO'd, and act confused afterward until being hauled away? They often awake and do the last thing they remember which is wrestle with the nearest person.

A middle aged physician wouldn't exactly have an iron jaw.

The whole situation is sad.
After reading our CEOs factual account of the events this guy was more of a security threat than taking up a DH seat.
Did the cops go a little overboard......probably.......but UAL followed the same procedure every other airlines does with DH crew members. If the DH crew would of shown up before the last minute this could of all been alleviated.
From what I read so far, they offered $800 and a hotel. The could have gone to the $1350 maximum and I'm sure someone would have taken that.

Any attorney types have an idea how much this lawsuit could cost?
Quote: I believe he is concussed - he went silent after the initial blow to the head, and is repeating the last thing/thought he remembers.

Do you ever watch boxing or MMA? Have you seen the guys wrestle with the ref after getting KO'd, and act confused afterward until being hauled away? They often awake and do the last thing they remember which is wrestle with the nearest person.

A middle aged physician wouldn't exactly have an iron jaw.

The whole situation is sad.
Good theory.

Boss: We need to let you go after this public meltdown. It's hurting our business.
You: But it's not my fault! I had a brain injury after refusing to comply with a reasonable lawful order from an LEO.
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