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Quote: The first recalled pilot is sen 2442. The 18th pilot for the July class is 2512. March class of 6, June class of 12, July class of 18= 36 recalled pilots + 35 deferrals =71. Yes I have way too much free time. Fire away.
Which sen list are you using?
Quote: Which sen list are you using?
June 2014 Seniority List
Quote: June 2014 Seniority List
Yes but it gives two sets of numbers on the left side. Just wondering which ones, for me that could mean the august calls or the September class.
The company list (the one with two less total pilots than the union one)
Ok, thanks.
Netjets Recall notice on Military Deployment?

I am one of the 495 furloughed from NJAs. I was blessed to find myself back in the military in a flying position. I am currently on a deployment and I'm concerned about somehow missing a recall notice, not responding in time and inadvertently loosing my seniority number. I contacted the Union prior to deployment and it is my understanding that the Company has agreed to send out a recall email in addition to the certified letter. Has anyone confirmed this?? If that is the case then I will get the email while deployed. Otherwise I have given my parents strict instructions to look for all NetJets mail and to let me know ASAP if they get anything. I do not like having zero control over my mail while I am gone, but I have no choice. And, the fact that the agreement/contract only gives 7 days to respond (I think) to the recall letter does not give someone away from home much chance.

Any thoughts? I am in the middle of the furloughed list.
Thank you all in advance!
First of all the company has not agreed to send an email. They have been sending an email but they are not obligated to do so per the CBA so it is not official. Also the 7 day clock does not start until you sign for the certified letter. So if USPS attempts delivery and no one signs then they leave the little note but you have not been contacted. I think another wise thing to do is sign up for the union message board. You will have furlough access and when recalls are announced several people post so you can look at the seniority list and you will know when it is your turn. Also make sure your contact info is current with the union because as soon as they find out about recalls they contact the recalled pilot as well to advise them of their rights and options.
Netjets Recall notice on Military Deployment?

There is a easy fix to your problem. Submit for military leave, contact Labor relations and see what they need for military leave of absence. You will be able to keep your sen number and when come back if your number was called you should go to the next class. The union won't be able to help you. This what I was told to do by the company when I deployed. Good luck.
Quote: First of all the company has not agreed to send an email. They have been sending an email but they are not obligated to do so per the CBA so it is not official. Also the 7 day clock does not start until you sign for the certified letter. So if USPS attempts delivery and no one signs then they leave the little note but you have not been contacted. I think another wise thing to do is sign up for the union message board. You will have furlough access and when recalls are announced several people post so you can look at the seniority list and you will know when it is your turn. Also make sure your contact info is current with the union because as soon as they find out about recalls they contact the recalled pilot as well to advise them of their rights and options.
I will try and get back into the Union message boards. It has been awhile. I understand that the Company "agreed" to send out emails although it is not official per the CBA. I just wanted to see if they were in fact doing it by asking you guys. I also made sure my contact info was up to date with the union and Labor Relations prior to deploying.
Take care.
Seniority List?
Quote: June 2014 Seniority List
Where does one find the seniority list? Thanks.
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