Prepare Yourselves... 2021 AEs

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Quote: The bottom 65% of the UAL pilot seniority list had to take substantial pay cuts to make that happen..
they took an hours cut but in exchange were pay protected to whatever pay they had pre COVID. And with CARES those cuts lasted 1 bid month.

we probably could have reached a better deal but the company was dead-set against several deals (because “optics”) and many in our ranks were incredible vocal NO to anything. I’m honestly amazed we got as far as we did.

With that said I think it will be years before we are caught up on hiring. I keep hearing we want to be back to 100% 2019 numbers by XX date. As of right now we need to hire ~2,100 pilots to get back to our April 2020 seniority list headcount and that number grows every month.
If we want to be 100% 2019 numbers in summer 2023, we will need to hire ~3,000 pilots between now and then (on top of training all UNAs)
Does anybody else think we’re getting buttered up for a nice scope side letter?

-DHs fixed
-1000 captain positions
-787/max rumors

“All contingent upon ratification of JV “global solution?”
Quote: they took an hours cut but in exchange were pay protected to whatever pay they had pre COVID. And with CARES those cuts lasted 1 bid month.

we probably could have reached a better deal but the company was dead-set against several deals (because “optics”) and many in our ranks were incredible vocal NO to anything. I’m honestly amazed we got as far as we did.

With that said I think it will be years before we are caught up on hiring. I keep hearing we want to be back to 100% 2019 numbers by XX date. As of right now we need to hire ~2,100 pilots to get back to our April 2020 seniority list headcount and that number grows every month.
If we want to be 100% 2019 numbers in summer 2023, we will need to hire ~3,000 pilots between now and then (on top of training all UNAs)
3,000 in 24 months isn’t impossible. Before COVID I think we were gearing up for something like 1,200. Some judicial use of off site sims makes it within touching distance. Throw in likely a few extra sims and FTDs and I don’t think it’s beyond the realm of possibility. Nice seniority boost for the guys at the bottom who had a rough last year.
Quote: Does anybody else think we’re getting buttered up for a nice scope side letter?

-DHs fixed
-1000 captain positions
-787/max rumors

“All contingent upon ratification of JV “global solution?”
Maybe for some of those listed above, but the company is in no position to wait out things as far as staffing. Zero leverage for them on that subject.
Quote: 3,000 in 24 months isn’t impossible. Before COVID I think we were gearing up for something like 1,200. Some judicial use of off site sims makes it within touching distance. Throw in likely a few extra sims and FTDs and I don’t think it’s beyond the realm of possibility. Nice seniority boost for the guys at the bottom who had a rough last year.
agreed but it’s 3,000 plus about 1300 affected pilots, I don’t think any of the 4 junior fleets (73N,320,220,717) will be done training from the March AE before July so maybe an august NH class at the earliest.

Either way I think it will be a few years before we are un-gummed and that assumes we start making the right decisions yesterday
Quote: Does anybody else think we’re getting buttered up for a nice scope side letter?

-DHs fixed
-1000 captain positions
-787/max rumors

“All contingent upon ratification of JV “global solution?”
Hope not, we just witnessed why scope is so important. I hope whatever we see, it improves the long term job protections in section 1.
1612 positions. Over 1000 being captain positions. Hold on, this is going to get wild. JL memo is out. BS memo later today.
Check your emails, next AE will have 1,612 positions with over 1,000 A positions. Hope it’s not a sick April 1st joke

edit, skyckicken types faster than I do
Quote: Next AE April2? Or after Easter, April 5?
Nostradamus FTW!!!
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