Its time to negotiate a better flow

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Easy, we just have to change one word. Per Month to Per Class.
Quote: Easy, we just have to change one word. Per Month to Per Class.
It’s that easy is it?
Quote: Easy, we just have to change one word. Per Month to Per Class.
They’ll need something more substantial than this. AA/‘Voy is going to be up ****** creek soon if everyone continues to leave for United and Jet Blue.
I know of at least a dozen that all interview at UA in the next 30 days. Their recruiting department went from 0-60 really quick. Whatever they’re doing, they’re doing it right. If you want to move on, definitely get your UAL apps in.
Quote: I know of at least a dozen that all interview at UA in the next 30 days. Their recruiting department went from 0-60 really quick. Whatever they’re doing, they’re doing it right. If you want to move on, definitely get your UAL apps in.
They are interviewing 96 a week
Quote: They are interviewing 96 a week
That means less than 40% who interviewed will get a hired
Quote: That means less than 40% who interviewed will get a hired
That's not how it works.
Well, sort of. But they might give 90% CJOs. Bunch of them are interviewing everywhere.
Quote: The problem is that the AAG business model REQUIRES regional feed and they DON’T (at least not yet) need flow. They can (at least at present) meet their mainline new hire needs by hiring ex military, hiring away competitors regional pilots, and hiring ULCC people who are still junior enough to be tempted. But increasing the rate of acquisition of their own regional pilots would just hurt their bottom line. They’d much rather hurt their competitors bottom lines by stealing their pilots than make it harder to keep their own regionals fully staffed.
That model only works if no one else hires WO pilots. At my shop, there's a LOT more leaving to DAL, UAL, FDX, etc. Probably the only reason they haven't metered flow is because the moment they do that the only thing they'd accomplish is incentivizing more pilots to leave for other carriers.

And I really think if F9 and NK do something about their ludicrous first year pay, a lot of regionals are going to lose a lot of reasonably senior people.
Ha! No, as a broad market segment they're just going to go after 1,000 hour R-ATP CFIs. I mean, the 320 was designed in Europe around a 250 TT MPL FO. Heck, maybe universities just swap out their CRJ trainers for 320s and everyone can graduate with a type. Get the LCCs to sponsor the hardware.

All of which exacerbates my point above, regionals are going to start being squeezed from both ends.

This will be interesting to watch play out.
On that we agree.
Quote: It’s that easy is it?
I mean, in the short term that would solve one problem, but in very short order Envoy would cease to function because you'd have no Captains.

The WO regionals are between a rock and a hard place with regard to attrition, be it Flow or OAL.
Quote: I mean, in the short term that would solve one problem, but in very short order Envoy would cease to function because you'd have no Captains.

The WO regionals are between a rock and a hard place with regard to attrition, be it Flow or OAL.
My point was more the process by which the change would come about. Like you pointed out, that much increase in flow would cripple the regional. But as I pointed out, flow is not about staffing AA, but the WO regionals that feed it. It is a balancing act, but unlike figuring the CG on an RJ, no one knows where the balance point is.
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