Southern Air B-747 or Contract B-767 Flying

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Well put Snoop! I'm surprised how diplomatic and restrained you were with this "kid" B73H.

I'm a retired USN TACAMO Pilot flying for JALWays now. I know your predicament. When I retired out of the Navy several years ago, I thought it was going to be an easy transition, considering I was flying the E-6 TACAMO. Things looked pretty bleak, after months and months of no reply, I didn't here a peep from any of the airlines. I was worried about my family and what to do next, perhaps get out of flying all together. The one airline I did get an interview, I didn't make the cut. Out of the blue through word of mouth, I had the opportunity to interview for JALWays. Luckily, I made it through the long process and got hired. But strangley, my sim-mate in the practice sim-session a former VC-25 Air Force One Pilot from the 89th SAM failed the JALWays interview process....who would of thought (he had a terrific personality). I wondered, how could a guy who flew the President around get rejected? Like you said, "it's the Magic 8 Ball".

I know of the contract offer you got flying the B-767, it's a pretty sweet deal and a lot of pilot were rejected. But understand the necessities of uprooting the family and all (it's a really tough decision). Hang in there, go with your heart and it'll work out.


Don't you know that you're suppose to wear your oxygen mask above 15,000', what reality are you in?

As you put it, "DUDE", it's immature children like you who are totally "clueless" and still being breast-fed from their mommies, who screw everything up for the pilot profession.

Maybe your Daddy is going to buy you a B-747-400!

Yeah, take your little Piper and your Private Pilots License and see how far you get!

Advise for B73H:


Start your own thread: "Junior Piper Airline Pilot Wanna-be!"
Southern Air
Does anybody know what jumpseat agreements Southern has, is it part of the CASS system? I work for Comair, and I know there is an agreement between Southern and Comair.
More Questions:
What are the typical questions that they like to ask on the interview? HOw many are they hiring? Where do the majority of duty assignments begin from? What are the primary routes? How many days is the average trip rotation? How many days off a month is typical?


If you're interviewing next week in Miami, there's a sim-check in the B-737-400. I called Aero Service a few days ago (don't know why I wasted my dime) to see if they had a sim-prep for the profile. A rep who could barely speak English, had no clue what-so-ever and instead tried to sell me a B-737 Type Rating instead (told them I got my Type elsewhere and hung-up)...what an crappy outfit! I called Higher Power, FTI, K&S and CAE and no one had the profile. If you already have a B-737 Type, it shouldn't be a problem, though with the Aero Services sims, it's anyone's guess. Knowing how Aero Service is, they probably have several people pulling ropes with a pulley system, back and forth on the simulator to simulate the motion!

I posted a thread asking about the interview gouge and it appears that no one has any idea. There's going to be two classes (January 30 and February 13) and according to the email I got from Southern that there are going to be a few PFE's. The HR person master CC the emailed to the people interviewing and appears to be about 25 interviewing. Just assuming that there is going to be 6-9 per class to fill out the sims (just speculation). Don't know if your part of the group, but they didn't mention anything about bringing Log Books or SSN Card...that's a first.

"Amigo" and "18 Wheeler" posted what's it like at Southern and appears to be pretty much on the mark.

I personally havn't heard anything positive things about Southern Air, so I'm a bit reluctant to hire on. The only thing I hear is use Southern as a stepping stone to another airline (appears the turnover is very high). I'm looking for a New Years Day Miracle that another air carrier will call. No pay and just per diem during training is really painful, along with no pay for deadheading.

Good luck with your interview!
Snoopy and Tacamo you've got to be joking, so you gave up on Majors because they didn't call? Good luck and have a happy new year. Sorry for the "DUDE".
Hey B73H:

What planet in a far away galaxy are your flying your Piper at, it sure can't be here on planet Earth?

Holy Jesus H. Key---rist....., get a clue, even a small one, do you seriously and honestly think the majors such as American, United, Northwest, Delta is still hiring pilots?

You think getting hired on because you have a extensive military aviation background is automatic? You know how many thousands if not tens of thousands of "Qualified" highly experienced pilots have applied to or have resume's on file with carriers such as Southwest, FedEx or Continental and still have not gotten the call (even with internal recommendations)?

You are so far from reality that it scares me that there are pilots out there buzzing around in their little Piper's with IQ level such as yours! You're a college student, don't you know anything about current events? Ever here of 9-11?

You know what, your comments are so dumb that you're probably not even a pilot but just a pilot wanna-be playing Flight Simulator on your home computer. I guess they must have a Piper set up on the Flight Simulator software? There's no way that you're a pilot or even a student pilot for that matter. You're probably one of those wanna-be pilots who walks around school or to the local Burger King dressed up in an Halloween airline pilot uniform with 4 giant gold stripes on your shoulders and brags to others that I'm a P I L O T!

Give up my ass B73H, you Dickweed, I'm flying B-747s right now and it looks like Snoop here will be flying either the 76s or 74s in the upcoming months. Sorry Snoop to get you into this mix with the brainless idiot, but it just ****es me off to hear a kid whose still breast feeding and in diapers come up with comments like that.

Go post our mindless crap in another thread!
Hey B73H ...

If you tilt your head back and hold your nose.. the bleeding should stop.. From the sounds of all of this.... it's a good thing I'm staying in the Navy for 20 years... Mostly because any airline that is worth working for.. has about 10,000 resumes on file for the next 10 seats open in the next class.. It doesn't sound pretty.... I'll retire with about 5,500 hours TT.. but since it'll be helo and turboprop time... I'll be lucky to ever see the cockpit of a 747. So when a 20 yr USAF fighter guy is taking a Supplemental Carrier job... It's not because he's passing up the majors... it's because the opportunities just aren't there and he loves his profession enough to sacrifice quality of life for it. When you sit in the dorm eating pizzas that mom and dad's allowance pay for.. you probably don't see this. When you have to sit on reserve eating pop tarts for dinner, but still enjoy what you do.. you may have a clue what these guys are talking about..
Everything in life is timing.. hopefully you can take something away from this site that will help you at a later date (I doubt if you'll recognize the pearls presented to you..) Don't stop answering these threads though just because you got your pee pee smacked.. I need a good laugh out here in the desert.. Oh yeah.. forgot to mention.. you never stop paying your dues.. Just because get called for the interview doesn't mean the bleeding stops..

What's your major...Stupidity? Your last post was the most idiotic thing I've read recently. You must be so stupid that TACAMO's right, you must be only "playing fantasy pilot" on your home computer. In fact, you must be so dumb, that the Flight Simulator software must have "automatically" dumbed you down to a Piper level and won't let you play anything else.

Quite pot smoking and taking LSD you twit, you only have a limited amount of functioning brain cells left!
Hey TACAMO your reply above shows your personality, it's no wonder no one would hire you. You should know that I don't know everything, I was merely try to suggest to Snoopy that he could try others that are hiring like Jetblue not neccsarely the "Majors". You guys somehow took offense to that. Atleast Snoopy tried to reply in a civilized manner. Stop thinking world is picking on you because they said something you don't agree with and start making up **** like I'm not a pilot, how childish.
Southern Air
I just wanted to clarify a few points that have been brought up so that Snoopy can make an informed decision.
1. The average training time has been just over 8 weeks to finish OE.
2. I did forget to mention in another post that you will be paid block time
while doing OE.
3. Depending on scheduling you may go home at some point during training and Southern will pay for it. And you will continue to recieve per diem while there.
4. I do not know what the jumpseat situation is.
5. Normally you will be sent from your home airport to one in the lower 48 or in Anchorage. It depends on your line of flying. On the Hong Kong trips you may be sent there, Munich, or Dubai, to start your line.
6. All of the airplanes are on contracts with almost no DOD flights. Only happens if the customer has nothing scheduled for a several days.
7. The airplanes are having FMS's installed as we write.
8. There are a few less than stellar captains, but I would be surprised if every airline did not have a few.
9. As I mentioned before I have broken guarentee 7 out of 14 months.
And only had to stay out one extra day on two months. Another time by my choice.
10. I have never had a 24 hour duty day. It probably does happen but would be very rare.
11. I think Snoopy answered his own question when he asked why would anyone come to work here. Because we needed a job.

My turn for a question. How many days might you be away from home if you got a back to back schedule with Air Atlanta, Focus, Tradewinds, Atlas, or Polar?

By the way I got screwed this month and had to go out for 10 days.
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