PSA & PDT:Industry Leading Race to the Bottom

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Quote: This XJT guy is going to bad mouth you now too. PSA pilots are weak pathetic back stabbing scum. You will never ever ride my jumpseat. I wouldn't allow you the opportunity to taint my cockpit or my FO with your yellow bellied drivel. PSA pilots gave concessions in the face of record profits and massive attrition. You morons are all hopeless. Enjoy your welfare, food stamps and mommies basement.
Wow you must feel great about taking Envoy's flying while denying PSA pilots. Talk about baking the cake and eating it too! I don't know what concessions you guys keep referring to because it's been proven on so many occasions that PSA has the potential to make the most and have best QOL in the regionals. Now that's a fact.
A couple years at Skywest. I'd say Saturn is qualified to judge us. He's god's gift to aviation.
Quote: Really their jobs are not in jeopardy? How do you figure this? They are losing 47 aircraft to PSA and possibly the all the 140's too. Are the actually loosing so many pilots that attrition alone will cover this reduction in flying? I think not look for the furlough and downgrade announcement in 2015
I don't think their jobs are in jeopardy. AAG is making room for the E-Jets plus the flow has plenty of room to increase. This news is just to lock in the PDT vote but would have happened anyway. It is an obvious business decision to have consolidated feet types. Any airlines biggest mistake is what they accept not what they reject. Eagle accepted a BK contract, and surrendered a fleet plan and ownership of their airplanes for flow rights that are taking longer than the assumed. What was not calculated was metering the flow for so long.
Quote: The regional industry is just as strong as it's weakest link(s)... Who knows what would of happened if neither PSA nor Pinnacle voted in concessions.
AAG has proven that what we all thought would happen is true.

They were not bluffing. Our threat was "vote this in or the 900s go to Mesa." Obviously they were more than prepared to make this a reality.

The war cry of "no one can staff" is a fallacy. PSA has almost doubled their pilot group in less than 8 months. Mesa is filling classes and Compass is flooded with apps.

I'm not happy about any of this but the hardcore "hold the line" guys need to think rationally at this point and protect their jobs.(At wholly owns at least)

All you Eagle guys were very vocal a few months ago "I don't care, burn it down!!!!" Now you are angry that "burning it down" has become a reality?

The 700s were going away regardless of how your vote turned out at Eagle. You've known that for a year now. Why is it all of a sudden PSAs fault?

The seniority system combined with fragmented "local only" unions unfortunately creates this problem. This cycle will continue until there is either a regional only pilot union, or one seniority list at the regional level. Both of those scenarios are pipe dreams.
Piedmont has been the one holding the line for years and working towards improving the industry with continuing negotiations that have left us within a couple years of the desert, why do you think Piedmont hasn't been refleeted in 30 years moron?? Glad you all have finally joined the fight to improve the industry, we've fought for an industry leading prop contract that's better than a lot of jet operators and now we are almost out of business, glad everyone else has finally "joined the fight" but several of the jet operators, mesa and psa have continually undercut and screwed us over and now we have nothing left, you don't know what you're talking about shut up you should appreciate what the piedmont pilots have tried to do for years, stop blaming us.
Yes I am a pilot, and I am on the outside looking in on this as it regards to AA FFD. The purpose of having multiple regional carriers contracted out is to create competition amongst them to keep costs low. The purpose today of having a wholly owned regional is to set the lowest rate, having direct oversight of labor costs. Look no further than Endeavor and DL. The pilot profession as we all know has had a lower standard of living year over year. It's sad to see it continue, especially when it's perpetuated by professionals vs professionals, instead of company vs company. Pilots are always a few short of standing together as one to bring improvement for all.
PSA didn't choose job vs unemployment. They are choosing between making 2000 a month and 2100 a month. I m sorry, but I fail to see how us eagle guys are greedy by refusing to fly at 1990's rate. We all had an opportunity to change the industry for the best, starting by being a cohesive group of pilots. PSA yes voters, you helped destroying any chance we had. Enjoy flying the envoy crj 700 as FO for fast food wages. God forbid, you don't get to upgrade for 6,7 years ; you will be stuck with that paycheck well into 2020's and considering the increase in cost of living, have fun being poor. Me, I m more than happy to move on with my head held high and go make some money somewhere else that doesn't involve AAG.
Quote: This XJT guy is going to bad mouth you now too. PSA pilots are weak pathetic back stabbing scum. You will never ever ride my jumpseat. I wouldn't allow you the opportunity to taint my cockpit or my FO with your yellow bellied drivel. PSA pilots gave concessions in the face of record profits and massive attrition. You morons are all hopeless. Enjoy your welfare, food stamps and mommies basement.
And contrary to popular belief, my QOL improved 10 fold after this contract went into affect. I'm home more than I used to be, I make considerably more than I used to make as I almost solely fly trips at 150% pay which resulted in about a 30k per year pay raise and don't worry I live in base 20 minutes from the airport so I won't be looking to contaminant your jump seat any time soon on my commute to work. I do have a few friends at XJT though. One just finished IOE at PSA after 2 years over there, one starts training in the next class, and another guy is thinking about leaving for PSA after 3.5 years at XJT. In the mean time a small handful of XJT guys bad mouth PSA while they ramp up to take more Eagle flying to secure their own futures.
It's so nice to see the rest of the industry finally realize what scumbags psa pilots are, we've been going toe to toe fighting against them for years and it always ends the same, they happily take concessions to get airplanes. Did you know the jets psa has been flying for the last decade were supposed to come to Piedmont? We were winning in every category as far as performance etc to have the jets placed here and in desperation at the 11th hour psa offered concessions to steal the jets, welcome to the party envoy grab some punch, but please don't put us in the same group as that swine
Quote: PSA didn't choose job vs unemployment. They are choosing between making 2000 a month and 2100 a month. I m sorry, but I fail to see how us eagle guys are greedy by refusing to fly at 1990's rate. We all had an opportunity to change the industry for the best, starting by being a cohesive group of pilots. PSA yes voters, you helped destroying any chance we had. Enjoy flying the envoy crj 700 as FO for fast food wages. God forbid, you don't get to upgrade for 6,7 years ; you will be stuck with that paycheck well into 2020's and considering the increase in cost of living, have fun being poor. Me, I m more than happy to move on with my head held high and go make some money somewhere else that doesn't involve AAG.
If it's that easy to get a job somewhere that doesn't involve AAG then why are we all not out making money at mainline somewhere? Maybe Delta or UAL will hire you which would be great and I wish you the best, or maybe you will go to a low cost carrier with an insecure future, or you will be forced to fly for another regional in which case Compass, ExpressJet, PSA, PDT, Mesa, Republic, Wisconsin, etc all deal with AAG. That unfortunately really narrows your options.
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