FO Hiring

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Quote: Out of curiosity, what would you do at Envoy if you got awarded ORD CRJ?
Probably shoot myself just like anyone else. It’s not necessarily a matter of getting a base I want but rather doing everything the right way. If a company is so willing to just blatantly disregard a contract like Mesa then they’re not someone I wanna work for.
Quote: Probably shoot myself just like anyone else. It’s not necessarily a matter of getting a base I want but rather doing everything the right way. If a company is so willing to just blatantly disregard a contract like Mesa then they’re not someone I wanna work for.
That's a fair point.
Not 100% sure if such regional exists though, based on what people are saying.
Quote: That's a fair point.
Not 100% sure if such regional exists though, based on what people are saying.
I’m hoping, at least with envoy, that living in base and an eventual flow would offset any negative aspects. I do only live about 3 hours from Houston so that does give me other options.
Quote: If a company is so willing to just blatantly disregard a contract like Mesa then they’re not someone I wanna work for.
You might want to cross Envoy off your list too then.
Quote: You might want to cross Envoy off your list too then.
The only reason I haven't yet is living in base and a flow. It pretty apparent that you wont find a "good" regional, but rather one just simply sucks less than others. Mesa is at the very bottom, maybe just above expressjet. I think Envoy is somewhere in the middle.
Quote: The only reason I haven't yet is living in base and a flow. It pretty apparent that you wont find a "good" regional, but rather one just simply sucks less than others. Mesa is at the very bottom, maybe just above expressjet. I think Envoy is somewhere in the middle.
I'd argue that flow should not be on your list. As it stands for incoming pilots, the flow is nearly a decade. With as volatile as the industry is, it may as well not be in the table.
Quote: The only reason I haven't yet is living in base and a flow. It pretty apparent that you wont find a "good" regional, but rather one just simply sucks less than others. Mesa is at the very bottom, maybe just above expressjet. I think Envoy is somewhere in the middle.
In what universe is XJT worse than Mesa? What are you looking at? Upgrade time maybe? Just trying to grasp at what people are looking at when they are choosing nowadays.
Quote: In what universe is XJT worse than Mesa? What are you looking at? Upgrade time maybe? Just trying to grasp at what people are looking at when they are choosing nowadays.
Mostly potential, fleet, and bases. XJT (as far as I know) only flies the 145, and has closed a base and lost or currently losing pretty big contracts recently. I’m sure QOL is much better than Mesa, but idk.
Quote: I'd argue that flow should not be on your list. As it stands for incoming pilots, the flow is nearly a decade. With as volatile as the industry is, it may as well not be in the table.
I guess the flow is more of a fall back than anything, being that it’s (at least currently) guaranteed.
Quote: I guess the flow is more of a fall back than anything, being that it’s (at least currently) guaranteed.
Guaranteed... Hmmmm...

It's massive hiring that makes us think a 9 year flow to be irrelevant. IF something happens such the massive hiring stops, so does the flow. Flow is a percentage of the classes.

Only way flow should matter for a new hire is unfixable resume issues.
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