Ground 'em all????

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All you can do is register for the site (Really easy, just type in any random email address, which doesn't need to be checked to activate or anything, and a password) and post your comments... Some ppl made some good ones already, it's just a shame you have to click on the "discuss this topic" link to see them. most idiots that believe this kind of crap probably won't understand that concept either. Stupidity breeds similar thought patterns in any aspect of life - computers included. lol. (I work in IT, don't take it personally)

""by frank hummel New Message Reply w/ Quote Email Author Search
Wed, Feb 18 2009 at 8:32:26 AM EST
with all due respect, it looks to me like jim hall is preparing the field for nolan law to file a lawsuit.
by nate alm New Message Reply w/ Quote Email Author Search
Wed, Feb 18 2009 at 10:46:37 AM EST
Apparently 250 kts below 10000 is faster in a JET then 250 kts in turbo prop
by P Christensen New Message Reply w/ Quote Email Author Search
Wed, Feb 18 2009 at 12:21:06 PM EST
"Hall founded a consulting firm specializing in "legislative affairs, crisis management, and transportation safety and security," according to his Web site"

Sounds like a fine example of an ambulance chaser and former Political Appointee.

Just because this guy sat in the big office at the NTSB does not mean he knows anything about icing.

The original icinig certification of the ATR in Indiana was obviously suspect. The boots didn't cover enough area on the wing so they resized them. After the FAA reviewed the certification no less. Also in the ATR accident the pilots had been holding in the ice with the flaps partially deployed for a significant amount of time. That is a no-no.""
Quote: I can only imagine what the guys that are flying these airplanes now are dealing with, all the stupid passengers comments about the airplane and now this to add to it. This guys just made your working enviornment more stressfull. Hang in there guys!

Thanks EMB. I'm in Europe so we're a little shielded from this but the Colgan guys deserve our support. Hang on and keep flying them !!!
Great. This guy is really smart. Opening his mouth to scare people, just wait until the media gets ahold of this one...shouldn't be too much longer!
'Ground 'Em!!!'
I am dumbfounded by this Hall dude. I think that through similar flawed logic one could argue we should ground all aircraft. I feel deep sympathy for those who lost friends and relatives on that fateful Colgan flight, but in my humble opinion the way to honor them is to investigate thoroughly and try to improve the future. Some see the dollar signs in lawsuits, some see dollar signs by sensationalized news stories, whereas I think aviation professionals see these things entirely differently. God bless you Mr. former NTSB ambulance chaser...

Quote: This guy lost all credibility when he went to work as a "consultant" at a law firm which makes money suing airlines and pilots.
Actually, this is the EXACT quote as to what Mr. Hall does:

Since leaving the NTSB, Hall founded a consulting firm specializing in "legislative affairs, crisis management, and transportation safety and security," according to his Web site.

Hall is also a partner with the Nolan Law Group, a law firm specializing in aviation-related lawsuits.
That is a lot different than saying he goes around "suing airlines and pilots".
42,000 Auto Fatalities per Year
Following Mr. Hall's logic...

With an average of approximatley 42,000 auto fatalities per year I suggest we stop travelling in ground based vehicles.

FARS Encyclopedia

Between the Aug. '06 Comair accident and the Feb. '09 Colgan accident not one passenger died in an aircraft accident in the United States. During this period approximately 105,000 people were killed on America's roads.

That's 115 per day...more than one human being every 15 minutes. That's just the fatalities not the permanently maimed.

Don't drink and drive...
Wear your seatbelts my freinds...

I guess I would have expected a lot more from a former NTSB Chairman. As would most people on this board, I would imagine.
Quote: Following Mr. Hall's logic...

With an average of approximatley 42,000 auto fatalities per year I suggest we stop travelling in ground based vehicles.

FARS Encyclopedia

Between the Aug. '06 Comair accident and the Feb. '09 Colgan accident not one passenger died in an aircraft accident in the United States. During this period approximately 105,000 people were killed on America's roads.

That's 115 per day...more than one human being every 15 minutes. That's just the fatalities not the permanently maimed.

Don't drink and drive...
Wear your seatbelts my freinds...


Post this as a comment on that news site! The public looks at that, not these forums..
Quote: Between the Aug. '06 Comair accident and the Feb. '09 Colgan accident not one passenger died in an aircraft accident in the United States.
What if Comair was flying a Q in LEX and Colgan was flying a CRJ in BUF? Then we wouldn't have to ban all aircraft to make traveling on them safe.

I really love this bit...

The Star notes Hall's recommendation would cause "havoc" if implemented, stranding tens of thousands of passengers flying on routes now served by regional turboprops. FAA spokesperson Laura Brown told the paper she sees little chance of that happening.

Maybe they get their information from the show 24, where it's taking 7 hours to get every airliner over the USA back on the ground.

Where could the airline industry possibly find enough small aircraft to replace these deadly regional turboprops on short notice? Not to mention finding hundreds of pilots trained to fly them?
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