FDX GWOE on Sunday

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Quote: Think how long he would've lived if he didn't smoke or drink...

I think the important question was how fast did he run his mile?
So I was at my cardiologists office last week, getting my now, every 9 months checkup. He's a young guy and very bright, and we have a great doctor/patient relationship. Anyway, we were discussing diet and he said "if everyone gave up eating anything made from cows, they'd live 10 years longer." I asked him if he was talking about the people or the cows. After we got done laughing, he said that any dairy or beef product, in moderation, still isn't good for you. I told him that some things in life are not worth giving up, like a well grilled rare rib-eye or a New York cut steak. He agreed, but reiterated his point. I asked him how fast he could run around Shelby Farms, but it only drew a blank look. I concluded that although he's very smart, he doesn't know or understand pilots.

Did you challenge him to a game of racquetball?
Nah, he's a Yale graduate, so I'll have to challenge him to a game of squash. You know how those high-brows are.

Smoke till happy hour, drink till you are bloated, then eat to create a turd.
Quote: Smoke till happy hour, drink till you are bloated, then eat to create a turd.

No truer words have ever been spoken.
Quote: I'm just saying that lunchmeat is not good for you, turkey or not. I know what the numbers are, but that stuff is still packed with chemicals, nitrates, and who knows what else. But you're right, the way we are forced to eat on the road sometimes, it's probably the least worst of the bad stuff. I was just pointing out that guys think that just because they're eating at Subway, they think it's healthy. But the reality is, it's not the best thing in the world, just sometimes the best option.

And HireAstarPilots, that's awesome that you're running 43.4 miles per week. By the way, if you don't time yourself, how do you know that you're running 7:30's?
You don't need to time yourself each time. And I skip a couple of days and drink beer instead; I average about 30 miles/week.

-Jetjock has a valid point. I don't care what his cardiologist says, eating a steak now and then probably isn't going to change your lifespan one single day. I eat something high in cholesterol like that about once per month. ONCE per month! My family has a history of ballistic cholesterol levels, and via exercise and careful eating, I have been able to stay away from the cholesterol drugs.

My whole point here is that food is fuel. Now and then it should be something to enjoy, but generally it should be simple and healthy.

That's my take on it.
Quote: ...

He lived until 93 years old and smoked and drank whiskey like a fish.

How does the cigarette stay lit for the fish? Wouldn't it be easier for them to chew?
Quote: Smoke till happy hour, drink till you are bloated, then eat to create a turd.

Obligatory APC Scato-post score: 25
Quote: He lived until 93 years old and smoked and drank whiskey like a fish.
I've heard more than one doctor say that the best way to a long and healthy life is to pick your parents carefully. After that, you're playing in the margins.
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