This will open a can of worms

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Quote: The LEC is what makes up the MEC. The MEC officers don't even get a vote. They take direction from the local council reps. They are just administrators, the chairman being the spokesperson for the local reps' mandates.
I could be wrong but the MEC votes on TA's, MOU's, and LOA's negotiated directly with the company. The average line pilot or LEC rep doesnt get to vote on these. The LEC reps dont get a direct say at the MEC level.

It is my understanding that the LEC votes in the MEC officers and then has very little input (outside of commenting) on how the MEC conducts themselves until the next election. When C.M. went to management the MEC is the one who replaced that position. Correct me if i am wrong. I might have misunderstood what you were saying.

I believe there has been a huge disconnect between what the line pilot and our local reps want and what the MEC has implemented. The MEC is selecting people for positions on negotiating committees based on old friendships and not on background/ability. If you want to pass up someone who is qualified for the job and pick someone who is not that is your right as an MEC. When people ask "why did you make that decision" then you need to articulate why you made that choice. The response to the LEC and a line pilot who asked why was a simple "it was our decision."

These guys are playing clubhouse and electing best buds to important positions while there are qualified people for those positions. The MEC needs to be recalled yesterday. They tried the recall in IAH and most people who voted didnt understand why they would recall a chairman. I think people are starting to understand.
Quote: The LEC is what makes up the MEC. The MEC officers don't even get a vote. They take direction from the local council reps. They are just administrators, the chairman being the spokesperson for the local reps' mandates.
I could be wrong but the MEC votes on TA's, MOU's, and LOA's negotiated directly with the company. The average line pilot or LEC rep doesnt get to vote on these. The LEC reps dont get a direct say at the MEC level.

It is my understanding that the LEC votes in the MEC officers and then has very little input (outside of commenting) on how the MEC conducts themselves until the next election. When C.M. went to management the MEC is the one who replaced that position. Correct me if i am wrong. I might have misunderstood what you were saying.
The MEC is comprised of the three officers who have no voting power, just speaking rights with the chairman running the meeting. The voting members of the MEC are the chairman and vice chairman of the local councils. The local council secretary treasurer also has speaking rights at the MEC but does not have voting rights just like the charter pilot representative coordinator had. It's the local council reps who vote on TAs, MOUs, LOAs, and resolutions. It's with resolutions that the MEC directs the officers and committees. It's the local council reps who have all the power if they choose to use it.
Quote: I could be wrong but the MEC votes on TA's, MOU's, and LOA's negotiated directly with the company. The average line pilot or LEC rep doesnt get to vote on these. The LEC reps dont get a direct say at the MEC level.

It is my understanding that the LEC votes in the MEC officers and then has very little input (outside of commenting) on how the MEC conducts themselves until the next election. When C.M. went to management the MEC is the one who replaced that position. Correct me if i am wrong. I might have misunderstood what you were saying.

I believe there has been a huge disconnect between what the line pilot and our local reps want and what the MEC has implemented. The MEC is selecting people for positions on negotiating committees based on old friendships and not on background/ability. If you want to pass up someone who is qualified for the job and pick someone who is not that is your right as an MEC. When people ask "why did you make that decision" then you need to articulate why you made that choice. The response to the LEC and a line pilot who asked why was a simple "it was our decision."

These guys are playing clubhouse and electing best buds to important positions while there are qualified people for those positions. The MEC needs to be recalled yesterday. They tried the recall in IAH and most people who voted didnt understand why they would recall a chairman. I think people are starting to understand.
There is no could be about it. You are wrong.

As a former LEC status representative, I can tell you that the MEC officers do not vote. The local council reps give direction to the MEC and the local council reps are the ones who vote on the issues before the MEC. All the reps vote for the three (or four at large carriers) MEC officers. The reps vote on the replacement for any vacancy which occurs (such as the vacancy of this CM guy you reference). The reps also must approve the MEC Chairman's choices for the various committees. At the MEC level, it is ALL the reps say. The day-to-day operation of the MEC and office is handled by the officers as directed by the reps.
Having ALPA at Continental Express and Continental Airlines is like one lawyer representing the plaintiff and defendant.

It's pretty tough to read the ALPA magazine and see that Continental and United wish to do away with regionals.

USAirways-America West wasn't the first to kick ALPA to the curb, and they wont be the last.
Quote: Agreed. Unfortunately, XJT and Comair are furloughing because newer and cheaper regionals got all their flying.
XJT (ASA) is not furloughing, they're hiring.

I know, companies have hired then furloughed right away.
And what would you have different? You want all the flying to be stuck at the regional? You want to doom the rest of the people behind us to the crap we've had to put up with for the most recent history?

They let scope outta the bag with no idea what it would do. Now it's time to get it back. That's good for all of us.
Quote: I am not smart enough to find the data or know if it is even published somewhere but...

I have been gossiped to a number of times that at ASA we are allocated and spend more than we contribute to National. Not stirring the pot, just wondering if hard facts are out there?

How do you whittle a duck figure?

Easy: Get a block of wood and carve away everything that does not look like a duck.
Quote: It's pretty tough to read the ALPA magazine and see that Continental and United wish to do away with regionals.
When you see in the magazine that UniCAL wants to do away the the regionals, are you interpreting that to mean that we want to put all of the regional pilots out of work? If so, you are sadly mistaken.

So much of the domestic flying has been farmed out to feeder carriers for the legacy carriers the future at mainline isn't as bright as it was. We want to bring that flying in house. Do you think that bringing that flying in house will happen with the current number of mainline pilots carriers have? NO. It will require hiring more pilots onto the seniority list. No one is looking to *******w the small-jet pilots. We want to protect and enhance our careers and give opportunities for all of you to be part of that.
after making my post I spoke to some ex-alpa respresentative about the issue and one important aspect they brought up is that if we vote ALPA out, we will have less funds available when we need them most during contract negotiantion. Along with some other things that ALPA offers.

As far as the issue of all flying to be done by CO/UA. Well, this came from a couple of pilots I spoke to that were at Express when the jets showed up, and it was actually also confirmed by one management pilot. Management initially offered the EMB 145 to mainline pilots and they turned it down! I am not sure if it was an ego thing, or maybe a pay issue, I actually even read a coment about a mailine pilot not carring to fly a small jet because the pay would be to low. Also, CO pilots were not interested in merging the seniority list between Express and CO. So now they want all the flying back? Yeah, of course I would love to be flying for CO and making more money, there is no doubt that any pilot at XJT would love to be fllying the EMB 145 for CO for more money, but what is the reality of it? Regionals will stay regionals and mainline will stay mainline and therefore I still think it is better for the Regionals to have their own representation.

EWRBLOWS, man you hit the nail right on the head. STOP ALLLL negotiation until the pass travel is fixed to our satisfaction!

And yes, our MEC Vice Chairman going to a management position was a big slap in the face to all of us.

Perhaps voting ALPA out now may not be the right move, but we need to get new leadership.
Quote: This is going to be a loaded post no doubt, nevertheless I will ask anyway.

It seems that many pilots I have come in contact with recently are angry of about what is going on at Expressjet, specifically with the latest travel benefit change. It seems that no one is happy with the XJT ALPA leadership.

What will it take to vote out of ALPA and have our own in house union? It seems to me there is a conflict of interest between Continental ALPA and Expressjet ALPA.

I wonder also, if the Skywest pilots will be interested in merging all three pilots group if we have one in house union for all of them? would that serve us better?

Last but not least, what does it take to vote ALPA out like U.S. Airways did?

For me presonally I am not in favor of one or the other because I know very little information, hence this post. Now whether I would get answers that I could really learn from, but rather a bunch of angry replies, it is worth the shot at least.

Here is a suggestion, ...deleted.....
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