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Quote: Except you got NOTHING for it, and as usual usapa changed the rules by using general union funds to pay for it. Scum.

R57, don't forget to congratulate cactiB on his progress. He has mellowed to "scum", rather than "scum scab". Though some may see that as a small improvement, that took a lot of intestinal fortitude on his part.
Might be worth saving the history retell. Either USAPA will get DOH or they will not. It feels like we should find out by 2015 at the latest.

I don't think APA is going to let east control this SLI, west would never accept that USAPA is a fair broker.

I don't think west is asking to run the SLI between east and west.

That leaves the APA, who probably doesn't care what the east west combined list looks like as long as they can stick it down low against their list if possible.

So get the show on the road! Get APA in, get the east / west list merged, then merge with APA list.

Any chance of APA doing what USAPA did if faced with an "unfair" list following arbitration? The USAPA has advanced a lot of legal arguments and demonstrated a process there. Or would APA just want to avoid the type of labor fight that USAPA kicked off and accept the result? It would be great to be really just done with it.
AOL update
USAPA says SLI will be executed similar to the DaL and UAL arbitrations.

This is their repetitively strayed mantra these days.

Sounds reasonable.
Quote: USAPA says SLI will be executed similar to the DaL and UAL arbitrations.

This is their repetitively strayed mantra these days.

Sounds reasonable.
Except the west isn't allowed to participate and usapa gets to decide what usairways list looks like. When the west can finally sue (courts have ruled we can't until final list is in place) usapa will no longer exist. The company and APA are trying to remedy that, we will see if we can kill usapa pre sli.
Quote: USAPA says SLI will be executed similar to the DaL and UAL arbitrations.

This is their repetitively strayed mantra these days.

Sounds reasonable.
By law there are only two options..

1) USAPA and APA control the outcome by negotiating an SLI, pursuant to their MB right and authority to do so.

2) otherwise the only resolution to this will be a court ordered arbitration pursuant to MB (ordering who participates, when it happens, and the question of arbitration before the arbitrator).

APA wants neither. They are trying for option 3, a repeat of Reno/TWA type SLI, with useless lawsuits to follow.

USAPA is suing in D.C. to have the court order MB arbitration, option 2.

This will take longer than anyone predicted unless both sides suddenly agree on a solution.
Would anybody dare say that United and Continental or Southwest and Airtran has be a great success? These groups are upset and affects the entire operation.
Why would American management be in a hurry to integrate?
So get the show on the road! Get APA in, get the east / west list merged, then merge with APA list.
There is no longer any mechanism in place to merge the America West and UsAirways pilot groups.

That resided in the TA, portions of which are contradictory to and were additionally superseded by the New American MOU.

There will be two lists constructed. One by the APA encompassing all 15,000 pilots and another by an entity, yet to be determined, including all 15,000 as well.
Quote: There is no longer any mechanism in place to merge the America West and UsAirways pilot groups.

That resided in the TA, portions of which are contradictory to and were additionally superseded by the New American MOU.

There will be two lists constructed. One by the APA encompassing all 15,000 pilots and another by an entity, yet to be determined, including all 15,000 as well.
I get what you are saying.

Truth be told, MB is the statutory mechanism to combine the pilots of the New American into a single seniority list.

The real issue is what pilot representatives will 1) negotiate or 2) arbitrate to arrive at the single list. Presently APA and USAPA are the only two pilot representatives with the authority to negotiate a single list (and they could still do that at anytime). I see no reason that the pilot representatives in an arbitration would change, should an arbitration eventually be compelled by a court. And at present, it doesn't look like an arbitration will occur unless a court compels it (which will necessarily include a court order stipulating the pilot representatives engaged in the arbitration.)

The heart of the issue is who represents the pilots pursuant to MB, and that issue is being litigated, again.

Rip Van Winkle may wake up to find everything has changed, except the SLI.
AOL update
Quote: Except the west isn't allowed to participate and usapa gets to decide what usairways list looks like. When the west can finally sue (courts have ruled we can't until final list is in place) usapa will no longer exist. The company and APA are trying to remedy that, we will see if we can kill usapa pre sli.

Cacti, USAPA may likely submit the two current lists for arbitration along with APA's current list.

The resulting arbitrated list award will kill any DFR.

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