SWA easing expansion into HI

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Quote: Yea, acquiring HA would be a secondary element of the California battle. If Alaska retreats north, fight’s off.

BTW, what is HA’s Boeing book order?
10 787s with deliveries starting in 2021 with 10 options.

Still waiting on whether Hawaiian will take the additional 9 options for the 321 NEO on top of the 18 they are getting. The wait to exercise those options will be a good 4 to 5 years.
Quote: Must be realizing what its like doing biness in HI...
No way, didn't ya know they all know more than us about how Hawaii works .. Some of them have even done some inter island legs for a few days
You guys realize that pilots don’t make any decisions about where an airline serves and doesn’t, right?
You also realize that SWA literally has the guy who invented the modern Hawaiian route structure, right?
Not being boastful or saying that swa will crush it. They often pull out of markets that do not work, but usually after years of trying different things. This was not, however, a foolhardy move. It was well thought out and carefully planned.
Quote: You guys realize that pilots don’t make any decisions about where an airline serves and doesn’t, right?
You also realize that SWA literally has the guy who invented the modern Hawaiian route structure, right?
Not being boastful or saying that swa will crush it. They often pull out of markets that do not work, but usually after years of trying different things. This was not, however, a foolhardy move. It was well thought out and carefully planned.

Watterson? I can absolutely verify that he did not invent the interisland route structure. The current structure is just Hawaiian + Aloha, and that was started before he was at HAL. There is no magic to it, SWA has to run interisland since they don’t code share. I wouldn’t be surprised if they operate it at a loss.
SWA easing expansion into HI
Quote: Watterson? I can absolutely verify that he did not invent the interisland route structure. The current structure is just Hawaiian + Aloha, and that was started before he was at HAL. There is no magic to it, SWA has to run interisland since they don’t code share. I wouldn’t be surprised if they operate it at a loss.

Yes I am aware.
Look, I don’t give a sh1t about how well SWA does in Hawaii vs Hawaiian so I don’t really care. It isn’t a competition to me. I show up and fly where and when I am told and come home. The checks keep clearing. I am happy.
I am just saying that SWA is run very much like a business and not a pet project. They are there to make money, period, and I highly doubt that it will be a loss maker. I don’t think their goal is to run Hawaiian out of business at all. That would serve nobody’s best interests.
I have recently gotten PMs from folks who are way too emotionally attached to their airline of choice wildly defending it and refuting statements that I have made. We are all labor and are subject to the whims of our benevolent overlords. My cushy job is no more secure than anyone else’s.
In an oligarchy like the current airline business, fringe players who step on the wrong toes are going to be viewed as a threat. The oligarchs are going to use their size and power to stifle any competitive advantage that may upset the balance that exist$. That is not what is going on right now in the Hawaiian islands. This is a move to solidify SWAs play to own the west coast of the mainland.

Also, SWA could codeshare inter island if they chose to. There is nothing stopping them.
Quote: Also, SWA could codeshare inter island if they chose to. There is nothing stopping them.
Or from selling on Expedia, but then their profits will look like everyone else’s.
Quote: No way, didn't ya know they all know more than us about how Hawaii works .. Some of them have even done some inter island legs for a few days
... or a few weeks in your case.
Quote: .... I don’t think their goal is to run Hawaiian out of business at all. That would serve nobody’s best interests... .
Oh yeah? Then who paid for the southwest shark chasing after the Alaska and hawaiian as fishes?!

I had no issue with southwest prior to seeing that picture. To mean it shows a lack of respect for your fellow aviator. I'm baffled that pilots/swapa would even allow something like that. Maybe that's the swa culture I don't know.
Shows lack of pono.
Let's not forget about the Hawaiian flag hanging outside of the cockpit of the Southwest plane in solidarity with Mauna Kea. Well played.
Quote: Oh yeah? Then who paid for the southwest shark chasing after the Alaska and hawaiian as fishes?!

I had no issue with southwest prior to seeing that picture. To mean it shows a lack of respect for your fellow aviator. I'm baffled that pilots/swapa would even allow something like that. Maybe that's the swa culture I don't know.
Shows lack of pono.
Were you around to witness the Hawaiian's "superiority" complex during the attempted merger as well as the constant bashing of the fellow ALPA brothers across the ramp? Hawaiian pilots should be the last ones to talk about 'pono.'

I thought the shark was appropriate. From the sheer size of our prospective airlines to the market, let's face it, your entire airline is literally the size of one of our smaller domiciles and we have 11.

And you know what else? If I were at Hawaiian, I'd look at that picture and use it as a motivator: save gas, look to provide even better customer service, do small things for your customers individually, get myself in the mindset that we are the underdogs, embrace it and kick a$$ with it. Show the world how David beat Goliath.

Instead, we have a bunch of punanis running around screaming about how their feewings and okoles were hurt by a competitor's wall mounts. SMDH...
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