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Quote: Currently issues at PSA:

Reserve sucks
Company does not negotiate in good faith
LOA have gray areas that company uses in their favor all the time
Union not communicating.
Trip pairing and line sucks because we don't have any protection for that

Things that are great at PSA:
Flow (If it still true)

Possible Solutions:
Change in the Union office

Both the union/pilot group/company work together in the agreements and ALL parties demonstrate they are willing to negotiate in good faith.

If we get a PBS system, we NEED to have an option to go back to the past system of line bidding and SAP, otherwise it will be impossible for the pilot group to believe both the union and management that they are negotiating in good faith because of past practice.

Moreover, it's possible to still have SAP after PBS. My suggestion would be something like this, what I believe it's a good compromise from both parties

Straight drop button for green days
grid needs to be green 75% of the days, including two weekends.
4 golden drop days per year (can drop on red without any constrain but might be able to block a few holidays)
Holiday pay of 200% for everyone including reserve.
Duty rigs and trip rigs
Min Day 4 hours, despite show and release time.
100% deadhead pay
Aggressive pickup on reserve.
12 days off on reserve.

If that doesn't work, pilots can vote back to older system after a while.

This is something I would support and believe it would be a win-win for the pilots and company, however I don't believe it will be possible to see this coming true anytime soon because it's clear some part don't wanna negotiate in good faith or compromise a little bit to have a bigger win.

My advice:

They have an uphill battle convincing the pilot group that they won’t abuse and circumvent the language of whatever PBS LOA they come up with and that it’s somehow better for us than SAP. I have a hard time believing management wants it as bad as they make us think they do because I haven’t heard or seen any serious offers and that holiday pay LOA they put forth shows that.

However I do agree, vote the old guard out and bring in some new blood who’s goals are aligned with your own. We have some
of the lowest pilot group participation of any airline. That needs to change especially if we’re going to survive the onslaught from external forces.

less than 24hrs left to vote for our representatives... and if you’re wasting time reading this and haven’t yet then shame on you. You’re part of the problem.
PBS does, in fact, make the system magically more efficient.

you are correct it doesn’t make pairings better per se, but it keeps them from getting broken up by training and vacation as currently happens resulting in all the trash that we see.
Are you guys bringing some people out of furlough? I heard a magic number of 250.
Quote: PBS does, in fact, make the system magically more efficient.

you are correct it doesn’t make pairings better per se, but it keeps them from getting broken up by training and vacation as currently happens resulting in all the trash that we see.
The system, yes. The pairings, not really.

The ones that are broken up by training, vacation, or sick calls are just a small part of the overall package. They are logically 1, 2, and 3 days, very rarely 4 if they have a turn taken out in the beginning or end of the trip. Most of the trash I see are <15 hour 4-days that come as is and end up getting assigned to reservists because no one wants waste their time. Those aren't broken pairings, they're just made that way.
Roughly 8% of the pilot group has training or vacation every week. That’s significant low hanging fruit to prevent breaking all those pairings up
Quote: PBS does not magically make pairings more efficient. The efficiency of the flying that we do is dependent on what we get from American that month. Planning (and our ALPA guys now) plug all of that into the pairing generator and it spits out the pairings. PBS assigns those pairings in a way that will hopefully fit your preferences and shape itself around training and vacation.

The current system we have now, line bidding, takes those sweet 11 hour 4-days and stacks them into a month. You're then awarded that line of flying. If you have training, vacation, or anything else falling in during trip, then that trip then gets replaced by whatever TRN, VAC, etc, you've got and put in the OT pot.

Also, your premise makes zero sense. Lets say that PBS magically made pairings more efficient. Now instead of two 11 hour 4-days you've got one 22 hour 4-day. You'd only need one crew instead of 2. I don't understand how you've come to your conclusion that we would "build more lines." This isn't even possible with PBS because the whole point of PBS is to not build lines, but rather assign pairings.
You’re right, I didn’t think that I needed to mention that the contract language that goes along with PBS will be just as important, if not more so.
Quote: Are you guys bringing some people out of furlough? I heard a magic number of 250.
All sim instructors were ineligible to bid for December just to stir the rumor pot
Quote: Roughly 8% of the pilot group has training or vacation every week. That’s significant low hanging fruit to prevent breaking all those pairings up

They're going after trip touching mark my words. PBS is just the means to that end.
Quote: Exactly.

They're going after trip touching mark my words. PBS is just the means to that end.

I don’t think that phrase means what you think it means.

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Quote: I mean the majority of PSA has always been reserve who get nothing from SAP. I'd rather have something that benefits the whole pilot group a little bit, over something that really helps the top 20% or so of each seniority list.
Dude Pbs Benefits the company. PERIOD. it’s a weapon to be used to reduce required staffing and screw you over by thinking you get a preference. You don’t. It’ll be used against you.
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