Mesa won injunction

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Quote: I signed a contract in good faith, and I intend to honor it. That means I have a lack of respect for myself and am not a professional?
Well you can look at it from the other way of has Mesa lived up to your expectations of them? Have they honored every bit of their obligation to you as an employee?

Contracts are SUPPOSED to be quid pro quo. That contract is in the company's favor 100%, they are illegal to begin with and again, would never hold up in court. It's a scare tactic, and it's effective.
Quote: I signed a contract in good faith, and I intend to honor it. That means I have a lack of respect for myself and am not a professional?
I commend you dedication but I fear you’re a bit confused! You will continue to allow a Mgmnt team who doesn't operate in "good faith" to control your life. I think your priorities are in the wrong place, if you feel that working for JO is best then OooooooK, but that's not having much respect for yourself or your profession.
Quote: Well you can look at it from the other way of has Mesa lived up to your expectations of them? Have they honored every bit of their obligation to you as an employee?

Contracts are SUPPOSED to be quid pro quo. That contract is in the company's favor 100%, they are illegal to begin with and again, would never hold up in court. It's a scare tactic, and it's effective.
Scare tactic.
Quote: ...What a nice community you guys have here that someone throws up on hearing that fellow pilots keep their jobs.
Don't flatter yourself... This has nothing to do with you keeping your job or not. We are angry because a criminal is still running the show and you are still choosing to work for him. I don't know why you made a decision to work at Mesa or why you signed a BS training contract, but I gaurantee it was a poor decision... One you can't possibly defend rationally. Do us all a favor and find another job! I don't want you or anyone else to be unemployed, but at the same time I don't want you or anyone else to continue this race to the bottom either.

Cowboy up and go somewhere respectable.
Quote: I don't want to see anyone on the street, I would rather see Mesa pilots leave JO and work for a employer that actually cares.
That would be nice, but right now, if we're tossed out on the street, there's no assurance we'd get jobs elsewhere. Regional flying is being scaled back since no one can make money flying 50 seat jets right now. If Mesa goes under, I may find myself flight instructing again.
Quote: I signed a contract in good faith, and I intend to honor it. That means I have a lack of respect for myself and am not a professional?
YOU SIGNED A CONTRACT ALSO SIGNED BY JO (A CRIMINAL). Mesa doesn't honor your contract, so why are you loyal to Mesa? Mesa doesn't respect you or your family. Mesa doesn't pay their pilots like professionals.

8 days off a month for reserve and not getting paid block or better = the definition of unprofessional pilot working conditions man.

Don't have bottom feeder pride man. Stop listening to JO's garbage and maybe take a look at some other regional contracts, to see what is professional.

How long have you been there? That might explain your silly loyalty to Jonathan Ornstein.
When I was back at Mesa I saw massive flagrant contract violations every day....not every once in a a while...every damn day! In a twelve hour shift there were definately more than 20 violations. You guys still left at Mesa and Freedom need to take the same stance that Frank Lorenzo Jr and his gestapo has for you and not give a damn about the them. Leave for greener pastures or Shut the ****er Down!
Quote: 100% correct, it a scare tactic and nothing more.
Now that were hurting for money, they are coming after people for it. The have been for about 7 months now.

7 people in my class who have left, had to settle with them. 2 others went to court and paid the full amount. It is binding and since we sign it on day one.

Not a scare tactic.
Quote: Training contracts are illegal, if you don't pay it...they'll try to get it, but it would never hold up in court.
Hate to tell you bro but they can and will go after you for that training contract and while although in the end you may not have to pay it, you'll have to shell out just as much to fight it in court (which although illegal, Mesa will count on you backing down when looking at large court and attorney fees) plus have a nice dinger on your credit. Don't under estimate an airline desperate for cash and DEFINITELY don't under estimate JO's thirst for these kinds of tactics.
Quote: That would be nice, but right now, if we're tossed out on the street, there's no assurance we'd get jobs elsewhere. Regional flying is being scaled back since no one can make money flying 50 seat jets right now. If Mesa goes under, I may find myself flight instructing again.
I would rather flight instruct than work for JO. There are places you can CFI and make more money to support your family than your Mesa FO paychecks.
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