Delta Pilots Association

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Quote: So, speaking purely about hourly rates, preserving purchasing power is not a relevant factor in a new Delta contract, and exceeding the actual hourly rates of C2K should be the primary goal (when speaking ONLY about hourly rates, not any other factors such as scope, retirement, etc)?

Just trying to clarify your position.

Good luck with the DTW scope communications, in writing, of course.
Preserving purchasing power is very relevant in a new Delta contract. What you cannot do is look back 20 years from now and apply the next 20 year's worth of inflation data to say that those guys back in 2012 didn't help to make gains to the profession. All we can do is shoot for C2K restoration or better, then hope that actual future inflation doesn't continue to hurt our purchasing power.

Does that make sense?

Got it. Thanks for the clarification.
Quote: Riiiiiiight. So it was standard practice for CEOs to negotiate bankruptcy proof, taxes paid retirement plans? And not... one.... word.. from the association. Not... one... Sorry, I don't buy your argument. He knew what he had placed in motion. And on your minor point... they also know that they have labor as their ATM. The damage that man did to this company is mind boggling... It took a merger to undo it or we would still be peeling back the onion.

The SERPS were put into place almost 4 years after we set the pay standards on the new equipment and a full year after 911 when it was then becoming apparent that the airline industry was in deep trouble. The time line makes no sense. As a side note the company attempted to keep the Serps secret and their existence did not come out until the 03 annual report. There were put into place in late 02. They attempted to bury the info deep in the report but it eventually came out. There was a clear intent to deceive on the companies part.
Quote: The SERPS were put into place almost 4 years after we set the pay standards on the new equipment and a full year after 911 when it was then becoming apparent that the airline industry was in deep trouble. The time line makes no sense. As a side note the company attempted to keep the Serps secret and their existence did not come out until the 03 annual report. There were put into place in late 02. They attempted to bury the info deep in the report but it eventually came out. There was a clear intent to deceive on the companies part.
Why doesn't it make sense? Do you think that the companies' business decisions are made on the spot? Management (contrary to popular belief) is not making plans for next week.. They are looking a long way down the road. They understand the trends. If you don't buy my argument.. even a little... why do you think LM gave us those payrates? It may not have been his ulterior motive, but I'll bet he thought about it at some point. Or do you think our negotiators were really that good? But you bolster my point somewhat when you say that the industry was in trouble when the SERPS were conceived... at that point, LM and the biyatch had NOTHING to lose...

And what was the association's response?
Quote: Why doesn't it make sense? Do you think that the companies' business decisions are made on the spot? Management (contrary to popular belief) is not making plans for next week.. They are looking a long way down the road. They understand the trends. If you don't buy my argument.. even a little... why do you think LM gave us those payrates? It may not have been his ulterior motive, but I'll bet he thought about it at some point. Or do you think our negotiators were really that good? But you bolster my point somewhat when you say that the industry was in trouble when the SERPS were conceived... at that point, LM and the biyatch had NOTHING to lose...

And what was the association's response?
T, don't lay it all on the door step of the Association. You guys lapped up that contract and those rates like hungry dogs. Your Neg Com was just following orders. I bet the polling showed the number one issue to the majority of your pilots was pay rates. Just like today, I might add.

Forewarned is Forearmed...
Quote: T, don't lay it all on the door step of the Association. You guys lapped up that contract and those rates like hungry dogs. Your Neg Com was just following orders. I bet the polling showed the number one issue to the majority of your pilots was pay rates. Just like today, I might add.

Forewarned is Forearmed...

No doubt. I have never argued otherwise. I know very well that when any TA comes out that 99.99999999% of the guys will open it straight to section 3. I GUARANTEE you that. It's human nature. Probably even more so now that pay is the biggest thing in the contract that is immediately felt. That is not my current discussion however.
Quote: The SERPS were put into place almost 4 years after we set the pay standards on the new equipment and a full year after 911 when it was then becoming apparent that the airline industry was in deep trouble. The time line makes no sense. As a side note the company attempted to keep the Serps secret and their existence did not come out until the 03 annual report. There were put into place in late 02. They attempted to bury the info deep in the report but it eventually came out. There was a clear intent to deceive on the companies part.

The SERPS were particularly troubling, especially in light of the tremendous sacrafices that burdend the rest of the employees.

Despite how bitter and distasteful the SERPS were, management was doing what they do best. They were looking out for themselves. It was not personal, its just business.

Remember that as we continue going forward, particularly over the next several years. If ALPA eventually comes out and states restoration as our goal, there will be much passing of judgement on the merits of this by others. These others being our largely non union brothers and sisters, and of course management. Just remember when feeling the need to appease the others that.... It's just business.
Deadhead and anyone else that wrote a letter to our new DALPA chairman regarding his omission of scope - has anybody gotten a response of any kind from him? I've received nothing.

Nothing. Nada. Zippy.
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