VX loses...again.

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Okay we bring ALPO on board and set first year Capt pay at $150/hr, first year F/O at $50/hr. The paper on a new A-320 is appx. $330000/mo, and being smart VX has been hedging fuel going forward, so let's put it at $5/gal system wide. How do the numbers appear now?
"Never wrestle with a pig, you get dirty and the pig likes it."

But I digress...

So, ALPA is brought on the property to "jack the house" as you say. A fledgling start-up being "jacked-up" with oil where it is. How's that going to work out? As you are presenting it as a workable option, its doomed to fail, so your ultimate premise is a non-starter.

No. ALPA enjoys the fruits of OTHERS labors. Only the legacy carriers at ALPA are "protected" by the "jacked houses" but its important to recruit the underlings to kick in dues to the big ALPA pot.

ALPA is a business. The business is that of collecting dues. The most efficient means to that end is to recruit more subsidiary locals to increase revenue. Now, I have witnessed many safety programs, member-protection programs, and pro-stan benefits, but make no mistake, ALPA's foray into VX, in the short term would be purely economical to the extent of increasing their intake. Should it benefit other ALPA halls by "jacking the house" (to VX's potential demise) that's just gravy.

Lastly, the attitude that precipitates this discussion would not ease with the welcoming of ALPA on the VX property any more than it would raise wages, it would only intensify. No doubt it would change, but the sore would worsen. There wouldn't be a time when Fish writes a check to support a job action at VX.

Its not important for your argument to make financial or logical sense for the VX pilot because that does not further your goal. To that end, what is your motivation? Are you that jaded to believe you can affect change on APC? No, it seems you just relish the spreading of hate and malcontent for sport.

So, its ALPA's way or the highway, is that it?
Quote: VA is Virgin Atlantic, but you fly VX...you knew that, however.
Actually, Virgin Atlantic is VS...
That is incorrect, AU. If VX pilots were ALPA, I'd gladly pay assessments to support them.
Farewell Fish. Enjoy your misery.
Mod Note:

The next ignorant fool who uses "scab" inappropriately will be banned. Any other fools who engage in name calling or other inappropriate language will be given a 3 day vacation.

If you kids cannot discuss issues in an adult and intelligent manner (especially when it comes to Virgin America threads), then my advice to you is this: DO NOT ENGAGE. If you choose to participate and the thread(s) go downhill, the thread will be closed and you will also go on a much-needed vacation. If after your return from paradise you violate the Terms of Service again, I am more than happy to ban you for good.

And please do not send me nasty PMs; I don't particularly enjoy getting those and will delete them right away. Any questions, comments and fears you may have can be addressed to HSLD or Freight Dog.

As I have said many times on these Forums, it's really very difficult to believe that you guys are airline pilots who operate multimillion dollar machinery carrying valuable cargo all over the place. You're supposed to be professionals and hopefully unified in wanting to create a profession of which you can be proud once again.
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