FedEx number of pilots

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Quote: It's actually a transporter beam, they used to have the proof of concept at Disney World but I think the little dog died of radiation poisoning and they had to shut it down.
Its a fax machine, no, wait......
Quote: You're assuming the MD-11 crew will ALLOW the 777 crew to jumpseat on the flight from the boneyard to MEM. Such a long flight...Might be too cramped back there, you know.

Also, we certainly won't let two 777 pilots jumpseat on the same flight, in case they get an opportunity to be in the back together by themselves!
Quote: +1

Also, we certainly won't let two 777 pilots jumpseat on the same flight, in case they get an opportunity to be in the back together by themselves!
True or not. That's funny!
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