Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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Quote: I agree. You're Bionic!

Bionic. Hardly, you should see me with out my morning coffee
Quote: Bionic. Hardly, you should see me with out my morning coffee
Word is that there is going to be a resolution out of DTW that restricts the use of section 1 for bargaining credit.

Quote: Word is that there is going to be a resolution out of DTW that restricts the use of section 1 as bargaining credit.

I think the railway labor act would have a thing or two to say about that. Lets pass a resolution that no concession in any area can be used a bargaining credit! We need to work on rolling scope back. We have done it before and can do it again.
Quote: I think the railway labor act would have a thing or two to say about that. Lets pass a resolution that no concession in any area can be used a bargaining credit! We need to work on rolling scope back. We have done it before and can do it again.
A good idea, but it needs to be researched as well. I am sure there are some legal implications to it as well.
It sounds like there are going to be resolutions o'plenty at every LEC in the very near future.

The one I am familiar with in 44 is the most conservative - basically a request to "study, evaluate, report and support" leaving the course of action to the MEC after they study, evaluate and report.

I think it is good to re-evaluate where were are on scope given the vast changes in our airline compared to where it was during bankruptcy.

While none of this will result in changes to Section 1* we need to have a clearly defined long term scope strategy to benchmark our future activities. Without an objective look and policy we will constantly be reacting to bad news and the easy resolution is a scope concession. I'd like to get this done in conjunction with answering the Compass question since part of the deliberations has to be a determination whether we want to "take it back."

If we do have an objective scope strategy, it needs to be clearly communicated and understood to shut up guys like me that would really prefer to fly airplanes, support their union and stay out of politics.

While I have scope concerns, overall I think the Delta MEC did an outstanding job getting us raises during a recesso-depression and merging us without a US Air style meltdown.

*(except an adjustment for Compass' jets if they come on board)
Quote: Lets pass a resolution that no concession in any area can be used a bargaining credit! We need to work on rolling scope back. We have done it before and can do it again.
Sailing - we'd have to be careful with how that is worded. If it tied our MEC's hands, they would properly kill it at the MEC level. They have to be able to function.

After all, there was a lot of mutually beneficial horsetrading in our merger.
Yes, the goal is to make the a issue that is front and center. Not to push anyone in to a corner. Nothing constructive comes out of that.
We just feel there is a valid case at this point in time. When the union tasks its committees to report back with what is requested, not demanded, we will have new and relevant data to move forward with. That is the goal down here.
Quote: Sailing - we'd have to be careful with how that is worded. If it tied our MEC's hands, they would properly kill it at the MEC level. They have to be able to function.

After all, there was a lot of mutually beneficial horsetrading in our merger.
Bucking, I was joking in that post. You can't restrict anything in section 6 negotiations under the railway labor act. When you do a full section 6 operner everything is on the table. We as a union can set our priorities but arriving at the table and saying we refuse to discuss a specific section of the contract would not fly with the NMB.
Hey ACL or DAL, how are our future bookings looking?
OK, but fall is still horrible.
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