A Military Poser in the ALPA Magazine?

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I think a lot of guys probably legally changed their name after the hero article came out and are still stuck with it until the "undo" paperwork goes thru.
"•First year FO pay is $19/hour for the first 3 months"

That is amazing. How/why do guys endure that?
I'd change my name if I were his cousin and flew paper airplanes.
Let's see how obsessed we can get with T.M. and his every move...
Quote: "•First year FO pay is $19/hour for the first 3 months"

That is amazing. How/why do guys endure that?
Young, no wife or kids to support, already used to living a college/broke-ass lifestyle as a CFI...
Quote: Young, no wife or kids to support, already used to living a college/broke-ass lifestyle as a CFI...

Maybe Timmay has a retirement from the Air Force to subsidize his Mali Ex / CommutAir jobs?
There is only one Tim Martins in the FAA pilot Db.
I didn't even know CommutAir was hiring.
Quote: I didn't even know CommutAir was hiring.
he hired himself
Got a note from a guy that worked with our famous Timmay:

"Haha, it's not often you get to work with a celebrity. I am aware of all these things that he said (in the ALPA magazine). To be honest, he really isn't a bad guy. If one didn't know of these previous actions, they would consider him a real nice guy. From speaking with him, the way he explains it is that he was at a bar, drinking when he got a phonecall. He answered the call and it was somebody who said they were from ALPA and asked him about his past. He says that he was convinced it was one of his friends just joking around with him givin the hour he recieved the call so he didn't give serious answers. Plus the fact that he was drunk didnt help much. I feel bad for the guy because I lived and flew with him for a while, and he was actually an decent guy, and a great pilot. I also wouldnt defend a guy on this website or anywhere really if I truely didn't beleive what I am saying is factual."

This guy lies about his lies.
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