FAA Proposes 1500-Hour Rule Changes

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Quote: AviationNews.net

We had the POI of a major airline in the jumpseat 2 months ago and he told us this was coming. He said re-writing the ATP rules is a major priority of the FAA right now. However, he said the hours reduction will be approved in conjunction with a newly designed, airline sponsored training program. According to him said training program will consist of extensive sim time for new hires, probably in excess of 100 hours in the sim, followed by extensive IOE, well in excess of the current 20 hours for 121 IOE. He said he's been in many meetings on the subject and as of 2 months ago this is what they thought the program would look like.

Don't shoot the messenger. I'm just repeating what we were told.
I'll be curious to see if they bite. Right now the airlines are struggling to find enough sim space for the normal new hires, I can't imagine how limited space will be if they need to double the sim time.
Ch.11 is built in to the legacy carrier 10 year plans.

Quote: Not surprising. Doesn't replace experience, but it does accomplish several things...

1. Let's the FAA off the hook, they can justify reduced hours with more training which, while it doesn't substitute for actual experience, looks good on paper.

2. Let's the airlines avoid having to pay new-hires more to attract qualified applicants. That's problematic because...
a) Under a CBA the old-hires will want more too.
b) If contractual rates rise across the board, it's hard to undo them later without Ch.11.

This way the airlines throw money at additional training, but only for the duration of the pilot shortage. Once market conditions change, they can shift the training cost back to the applicants.
Quote: When I started at OO in May, they didn't even look at my log books; they just said, "You've got an ATP? Don't need to see em..."
Yeah, same with me. During my Regional interviews this summer it was just a cursory flip through if anything. Nobody spent more than 60 seconds looking through them. They were only interested on what was on the last page, the totals.
I don't think some people really get this. It's corporate america at it's finest. They don't even care or want to know if the logbooks are valid. There is money to be made, salaries to be paid and shareholders with expectations. No one has a good reason to actively try to screw up the situation.
Quote: Ch.11 is built in to the legacy carrier 10 year plans.
Actually Congress changed the law to make it a bit harder. IIRC both NWA and DAL filed on the very last day before the new rules took effect.

You can still file of course but it's harder for the same old pack of clowns to shed obligations and keep their jobs... Much more risk of liquidation. Took the "possession" out of debtor in possession.
Quote: As a student pilot who is at a 141 college with less than 300 hours until the magic 1,000 hours this would be absolutley horrible to me in my opinion. so much money wasted trying to get so many hours.

950 hours, and I need another 550 here.... I feel 1500 should stay to keep our salaries up (FAIR), and let people learn how to actually fly before they are right seat. Go overseas if you want to get thrown in the right seat at 250.
Quote: 950 hours, and I need another 550 here.... I feel 1500 should stay to keep our salaries up (FAIR), and let people learn how to actually fly before they are right seat. Go overseas if you want to get thrown in the right seat at 250.

I 100% agree with you

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Quote: 950 hours, and I need another 550 here.... I feel 1500 should stay to keep our salaries up (FAIR), and let people learn how to actually fly before they are right seat. Go overseas if you want to get thrown in the right seat at 250.
I'm approaching 1800 hrs in close to 4 years of very active part time CFI'ing and am glad to have had this great experience! I wish 1500 rule stays for better industry pay and work rules as well as improve safety, even if it is a minor improvement (as argued by many).
Quote: B9? Do you mean B6?

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Yes, my mistake.
Quote: Actually Congress changed the law to make it a bit harder. IIRC both NWA and DAL filed on the very last day before the new rules took effect.

You can still file of course but it's harder for the same old pack of clowns to shed obligations and keep their jobs... Much more risk of liquidation. Took the "possession" out of debtor in possession.

Didn't both RAH and endeavor have DiP in their BKs?
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