We need a plan B for no vaccine.

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Quote: Other countries have NOT stopped the infection rates.

Still waiting for the answer. Unless you have no clue. It’s ok to admit it.
Quote: You are actively pulling for this illness because you hate the president. You hope more people get sick, more are hospitalized, and more die - just so you can say "I told you so! Orange man bad!"

Your posts on this topic are disgusting. You need help.
It is almost comical how people like him, and others on social media, are so blatantly distorting data so the scare tactics may continue... I had a conversion with another pilot, who still quotes the death rate at 5%, and doesn't take into account asymptomatic non-tested people, and totally disregards the fact that early on the people tested were the worst cases...

Estimates of 20+ million asymptomatic people prove that an overwhelming majority feel nothing, less than a common cold. But lets keep everything shut down, that'll stop it... It worked so well the first time...

The US is the wealthiest country in the world, with an overwhelming ability to test... But yeah, I'm sure they're keeping real good track of cases in Bangladesh.
Quote: The US had 48,000 new cases in a single day yesterday, more than all of Asia. The countries in Europe don't come close, and comparing us to India with 3x the population and half the cases as us doesn't work either. Yes, there has been an increase in testing, but this does not account for these numbers or the increase in positive results on testing. The US has had among the worst responses to the virus, and there is no Plan B from what we have now. Plan A was contact tracing back and limiting spread through lockdown and social distancing. The US did not do that, or at least not effectively. Instead, the virus became a political issue and the federal government initially refused to deal with it for fear of upsetting the stock market. This problem is similar to climate change, in that once the consequences are indisputably apparent, it's too late to do anything about it. We had the chance to avoid this calamity, but we didn't. There were warnings in January from epidemiologists and US intelligence about the threat of the pandemic, but it was too inconvenient to deal with and this is an election year. Now our economy is in shambles and people are dying. There were alternatives, but the horse is out of the barn by now

Exactly. Other rates don’t even come close. Essentially right now they’ve stopped the spread of the virus. Delusion is the right word.
Quote: It is almost comical how people like him, and others on social media, are so blatantly distorting data so the scare tactics may continue... I had a conversion with another pilot, who still quotes the death rate at 5%, and doesn't take into account asymptomatic non-tested people, and totally disregards the fact that early on the people tested were the worst cases...

Estimates of 20+ million asymptomatic people prove that an overwhelming majority feel nothing, less than a common cold. But lets keep everything shut down, that'll stop it... It worked so well the first time...
Then why are all the states that have rising cases have started to stop the openings and are issuing mandatory mask mandates? You have no idea about what you’re talking about, listen to the experts.
All of you, please stick to flying. This stuff is way above your pay grades.
Quote: It is almost comical how people like him, and others on social media, are so blatantly distorting data so the scare tactics may continue... I had a conversion with another pilot, who still quotes the death rate at 5%, and doesn't take into account asymptomatic non-tested people, and totally disregards the fact that early on the people tested were the worst cases...

Estimates of 20+ million asymptomatic people prove that an overwhelming majority feel nothing, less than a common cold. But lets keep everything shut down, that'll stop it... It worked so well the first time...

The US is the wealthiest country in the world, with an overwhelming ability to test... But yeah, I'm sure they're keeping real good track of cases in Bangladesh.
what happened next? I bet that pilot didn’t even know how to navigate on a flat earth?
Quote: And yet Dallas hospitalizations have been flat for weeks. Still hovering around 70% occupancy.

Quote: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wfa...9-f74031aee91a
Interesting, another article with little actual data and just full of opinion. People can be “concerned” about a lot of things. That doesn’t mean it has happened or will happen. This opinion piece doesn’t change the fact that parkland still hasn’t been overwhelmed and that Dallas hospitals are still only at 70% capacity. One interesting quote from the article though.

“ Chang said it is common for Parkland to be at or near 100% full when we are not in the middle of a pandemic. ”

So Parkland, outside of a pandemic, is normally full anyway. Yet, it’s not even full right now during a pandemic.
Quote: Still waiting for the answer. Unless you have no clue. It’s ok to admit it.
Since you have yet to answer the question implied in the initial posting - what is the plan if no vaccine is forthcoming - or attempt to refute the premise, I think I’ll let you continue to wait for your question.
Quote: Interesting, another article with little actual data and just full of opinion. People can be “concerned” about a lot of things. That doesn’t mean it has happened or will happen. This opinion piece doesn’t change the fact that parkland still hasn’t been overwhelmed and that Dallas hospitals are still only at 70% capacity. One interesting quote from the article though.

“ Chang said it is common for Parkland to be at or near 100% full when we are not in the middle of a pandemic. ”

So Parkland, outside of a pandemic, is normally full anyway. Yet, it’s not even full right now during a pandemic.

Yep yep “another article” that makes it difficult on your notion. The truth hurts. I tried.
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