Will airlines force employees get vaccine??

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Quote: This ain’t the regular flu. I’m really not gonna start on this. The anti vax pilot group is the worst to argue with. No minds gonna get changed.
Well, good on you for finally figuring that out.
Quote: This ain’t the regular flu. I’m really not gonna start on this. The anti vax pilot group is the worst to argue with. No minds gonna get changed.

Dude, its truly none of your business what people decide to do with their health decisions. Im not for or against vaccines, but to sit here and try to pressure people into doing things they chose not to do is absolutely none of your business. Many people cant take vaccines due to prior health issues. I suggest you no longer try to debate, argue or pressure people into trying to decide their medical decisions for them. You shouldn't even be trying to change peoples minds anyway... it is their choice and im not even an Anti vaxxer. Just stop...
Quote: Obviously you can't fly to places which require it. No brainer. And the company will ultimately prevail if people expect to get paid to not fly because they chose not to get the vaccine... that would be like choosing not to renew your medical and expecting to still be paid for your trips.

They can make the case that it's operationally disruptive for crew to try to rely on negative covid tests, since those have high false positive rates for screening healthy people en masse... too many cancelled flights after somebody goes into quarantine at the destination.

Also most contracts probably have language related to force majeure and additional new regulatory requirements, like for example if the FAA added medical screening requirements. Contracts are not airtight, especially if it comes down to common sense.

They're pulling their punches now, but the heat's probably going to get dialed up when the vaccines get regular FDA approval.
Fortunately the unions will protect pilots from this sort of nonsense and dangerous decrees from the company.
The problem is that the COVID-19 vaccines are not like the vaccines for polio, yellow fever, etc.... Those vaccines are proven and have been around for DECADES.

The current COVID-19 vaccines have been around less than a year and is a much higher risk compared to proven and time tested vaccines.

Right now OSHA has decided that companies are liable if someone becomes injured from a vaccination due to it being required for continued employment. That's why DL said it only new hires are being required to get it because it would open up the company to too much liability if they required their employees to receive it.
Quote: Fortunately the unions will protect pilots from this sort of nonsense and dangerous decrees from the company.
Not if destination countries require it... even if somebody thinks their contract requires that they be paid to not get vaccinated and not fly, the force majeure clauses will prevail in court.
Quote: I love the pilots beotching about seniority abrogation if they can’t do international flights due to not being vaccinated. This is ‘Murica, but in the rest of the world don’t be surprised if you get a “no vaccine, no entry” rule. I can’t believe there are pilots who are refusing the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine these days. Yes, because pilots choose so expertly on women and investments. Nah. It’s this vaccine that they know would screw them.

Embarassing. I’ve flown with a few anti-vaxxers. It’s painful to hear their reasons why. Most are pure myth, BS type reasons.
Ya just don't understand do you? Keep listening.
Quote: Not if destination countries require it... even if somebody thinks their contract requires that they be paid to not get vaccinated and not fly, the force majeure clauses will prevail in court.
Look past the news Rick... I know they all want us to believe that all countries will require it. It is the medias job to put out these opinion pieces to control how we think. The media has been doing this for 50+ years. So far I have seen many countries opening up to tourism and yes when you read news articles( I see it too) they all say "countries open up to vaccinated travelers" but if you bypass that and go directly to the countries Embassy websites (Italy,Greece to name a few) where the real and accurate news is. Almost all of them (updated very recent) say "Proof of vaccine OR Negative Covid test to enter". I have always used information of a countries embassy website anyway whenever I travel the world in the past. I never rely on the news. So, Yes I know the narrative out there is everywhere will require vaccines, but thats just not the case and the media is full of "opinion pieces" There is so much fear and mind control tactics out there. Many of these world leaders understand that probably half of the worlds population wont get vaccines.
Quote: Look past the news Rick... I know they all want us to believe that all countries will require it. It is the medias job to put out these opinion pieces to control how we think. The media has been doing this for 50+ years. So far I have seen many countries opening up to tourism and yes when you read news articles( I see it too) they all say "countries open up to vaccinated travelers" but if you bypass that and go directly to the countries Embassy websites (Italy,Greece to name a few) where the real and accurate news is. Almost all of them (updated very recent) say "Proof of vaccine OR Negative Covid test to enter". I have always used information of a countries embassy website anyway whenever I travel the world in the past. I never rely on the news. So, Yes I know the narrative out there is everywhere will require vaccines, but thats just not the case and the media is full of "opinion pieces" There is so much fear and mind control tactics out there. Many of these world leaders understand that probably half of the worlds population wont get vaccines.
Say wut? Lay off the reptilian Illuminati conspiracy stuff. It's only my speculation that some countries might require vaccination for entry... some countries cater to random public opinions (like anti-vax culture) but some do nothing of the sort. I would also speculate that some airlines might not allow their crews to rely on covid testing due to high false positives in healthy populations and the risk if IROPs due to that... simple math can give you the ballpark odds of IROPs and it's high (a lot higher if they don't bring "installed spare" FA's). That depends on the required timing for tests, if it's 72 hours before departing base no problem but if you have to do it enroute or on arrival, that's a problem (go over to the cargo forum and ask those guys about their fun quarantine experiences in asia... all you can say for the experience is that it's marginally better than a Turkish prison).
Quote: Say wut? Lay off the reptilian Illuminati conspiracy stuff. It's only my speculation that some countries might require vaccination for entry... some countries cater to random public opinions (like anti-vax culture) but some do nothing of the sort. I would also speculate that some airlines might not allow their crews to rely on covid testing due to high false positives in healthy populations and the risk if IROPs due to that... simple math can give you the ballpark odds of IROPs and it's high (a lot higher if they don't bring "installed spare" FA's). That depends on the required timing for tests, if it's 72 hours before departing base no problem but if you have to do it enroute or on arrival, that's a problem (go over to the cargo forum and ask those guys about their fun quarantine experiences in asia... all you can say for the experience is that it's marginally better than a Turkish prison).
huh? Conspiracy stuff?? I literally just said that the news is saying one thing and the Country embassy is saying another. LOL Thats not a conspiracy, thats actually what the embassy says. Dam LOL Still trying to figure out how stating embassy requirements is a conspiracy?? You will be shocked what you find out when you read a news article and then check with the country themselves and its totally different from the news article... that really isn't an illuminati conspiracy LOL
Will airlines force employees get vaccine??
I don’t understand the requiring of vaccines.

The “break through” rate is incredibly small and even smaller for serious infection requiring hospitalization and almost non existent for death.

If your vaccinated move on with life. The unvaccinated aren’t a threat to you.

*443 (25%) of 1,811 hospitalizations reported as asymptomatic or not related to COVID-19.
†63 (18%) of 353 fatal cases reported as asymptomatic or not related to COVID-19.

353- 63(who didn’t actually die of COVID but with COVID)

290/163,000,000 vaccinated people in the us.

Move on with your lives!

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