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Quote: $335 vs ups's $255 (same assumptions) using the 757/767 rate. That smallest plane ups flys. The hourly rate at UPS is nowhere near what the pax have been able to achieve. The rest of the contract items such as schedules, medical, vacation etc are difficult to compare directly.

I'm with you all the way on whoever can raise the bar.
Able to achieve for what, about a year or so? Say what you want, the AVERAGE CAPT GUARANTEE at $250,000/YR (end of contract) would have been very difficult to achieve. Reminisce about the "good old days" if you want, (and that's what is was, days not years), but the FULL PACKAGE then was not as good as they have now. I point out the AVERAGE GUARANTEE because I'm about to get screwed AGAIN with this age 65 ruling. My career advancement will slow to a crawl so the dude who made "$312" can stay for another 5 years. You could give the AVERAGE CAPT here a 150% RAISE and we still wouldn't catch those guys! Would I switch now, NO. Do they owe us anything for the "good ole DAYS" contract, HECK NO! We were NEVER THERE...
P.S. If you think we were, post our OLD CONTRACT. I burned mine...

Perspective: A 3rd year FO at UPS/Fedex makes more GUARANTEED than the top A320 CAPTAIN here.
A 4th year FO makes more than a 757/767 CAPTAIN. Damn that hurts! I commend those guys for giving us something to shoot for...
Quote: Didn't you fly pax at one time?

Why yes! But according to Mr. Stud Nash there, apparently I have no experience in that arena.

I probably enjoyed the first 2 seconds of it and that's about it.

BTW, since some people on here may be a little slooooooooowwww, I should probably point out that I was being slightly sarcastic in my first post. The pax thing is definitely not for me, but I'm glad some people prefer it. I'd rather fly dog crap than look at the way pax treat the airplanes these days. It bugged me when I first got into 121 flying and it bothers me now.
Quote: Girl, Your showing your ignorance again. I knew it wouldn't take long. You haven't been in Aviation very long have you.
I knew it was HMP with a new screen name!

Seriously guys, if you think we'll be at the top of the heap for our entire careers then you are sorely mistaken. I want UAL to get everything back and then some from Contract 2K because that benfits ALL OF US.

My buddy and I are already planning on rioting in the streets of Denver, flipping over cop cars and such, in an underground effort to fuel UAL's next negotiations. $400+ an hour for top Captains or the city burns!
Quote: Why yes! But according to Mr. Stud Nash there, apparently I have no experience in that arena.

I probably enjoyed the first 2 seconds of it and that's about it.

BTW, since some people on here may be a little slooooooooowwww, I should probably point out that I was being slightly sarcastic in my first post. The pax thing is definitely not for me, but I'm glad some people prefer it. I'd rather fly dog crap than look at the way pax treat the airplanes these days. It bugged me when I first got into 121 flying and it bothers me now.
Yes, I recognized your attempt at sarcasm. What you actually accomplished was insult and immaturity. Your comment implied that you knew of nothing good about being a pilot at a major airline. And to say this on a major airline pilot forum is indeed classless. I sense a little narcissism also with regard to how "people" treat aircraft and putting the effort to achieve your goal then hating it after 2 seconds. It takes a special kind of person to fly pax or cargo, and be good at it at least. No one should ever let you near pax with that attitude, you'd hate it and subsequently, wouldn't be very good at it. The pax nightmare you experienced is over. Enjoy what your brethren UPS drivers have negotiated for you, and get some help. You don't have to bash pax to love cargo.
Quote: Yes, I recognized your attempt at sarcasm. What you actually accomplished was insult and immaturity. Your comment implied that you knew of nothing good about being a pilot at a major airline. And to say this on a major airline pilot forum is indeed classless. I sense a little narcissism also with regard to how "people" treat aircraft and putting the effort to achieve your goal then hating it after 2 seconds. It takes a special kind of person to fly pax or cargo, and be good at it at least. No one should ever let you near pax with that attitude, you'd hate it and subsequently, wouldn't be very good at it. The pax nightmare you experienced is over. Enjoy what your brethren UPS drivers have negotiated for you, and get some help. You don't have to bash pax to love cargo.

This has got to be some of the most hilarious crap I have ever read on here. I'd say you are the one in need of some help if you are that offended and you got all that out of my post. Don't you have other better things to do than read way too much into something? Sounds like your skin is a little thin buddy.

Narcissism with regard to how people treat aircraft???? Huh????
If it doesn't bother you that they throw garbage on the floor as if it was a garbage dump, leave crap in the seatback pockets even though the Flight Attendants come by 10 times with a garbage bag, or let their kids stomp on crackers on the floor and then leave it for someone else to clean up after them, then I would say you are part of the problem. Have a nice day!
This is getting silly.
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