Lookin' good!

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Quote: I think we should be in a uniform that looks like we get paid six figures (because we should, everyone of us).

Businessmen don't wear hats anymore, chauffeurs do. The public might see us as chauffeurs, but I'm sorry we're not.

No, the chauffeurs of aviation would be the Private Jet pilots.

We are the Bus Drivers of aviation, and like Ralph Kramden, we should wear hats!

Don't know about wearing a cover with the uniform but I know darn sure married women should be required to wear a hat when they are let out of their binders.
Quote: You guys all seem to want to dress down more, I would rather we dress up more, I want the Momar Gadafi look! Straight up 3rd World Dictator!

A tall hat, big yellow feather sticking up, 5 hanging shoulder braids, air medals all over the front under my wings, knee high black boots, and a real riding crop, to smack the F/A's on the arse as I board, and a sharp salute from my F/O's...if they expect a landing.

Kinda like this guy: Dyktator I Zwiastun I W kinach od 18 maja - YouTube

Sure, it might take me an hour to get dressed, but I'll bet you the azzholes at the TSA checkpoints will jump, when I say JUMP!

More likely the TSA will make you take it all off, after all pilots are a security threat you know!
Quote: I think we should be in a uniform that looks like we get paid six figures (because we should, everyone of us).

Businessmen don't wear hats anymore, chauffeurs do. The public might see us as chauffeurs, but I'm sorry we're not.
This is your opinion, and that is fine. But we are tasked by the company to wear a certain uniform. Period. You have a choice if you don't like it. Sorry, but dems the facts.
One of these days Alice...
Quote: I'm pretty sure that you saw CAL pilots, United pilots stopped wearing hats years ago.
Good point, however, in all fairness to UAL, it looks like wearing a hat w/ pig-tails might present a challenge.
It looks to me like management is succeeding at managing our expectations. The majority of these posts are anti-hat.

What would our compensation be if we inflation adjusted from the '70's?

Funny how things change, isn't it?!

I know, too deep...
Quote: This is your opinion, and that is fine. But we are tasked by the company to wear a certain uniform. Period. You have a choice if you don't like it. Sorry, but dems the facts.
Mr. tsquare, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
Quote: Don't know about wearing a cover with the uniform but I know darn sure married women should be required to wear a hat when they are let out of their binders.
Quote: Mr. tsquare, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Billy Madison quotes deserve better than that.
Quote: -100.

Billy Madison quotes deserve better than that.
YES!!!! Someone took the bait. Good job shiznit! Good luck with that Delta job with all that wit you have.

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