Please back me up on this

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Quote: "I got my PPL after only 185 hours! After another two hundred hours of dual recieved, I got my instrument rating! I got my other ratings all in one checkride, but the funny thing is we never flew. It was a ground based performance review, if you know what I mean. I then went to weight watchers, because I heard UPS need more women or they will get in trouble. Can you believe I lost 85 pounds? Anyway, I went to the UPS Christmas party. I had a few drinks, and the next thing you know it was two days later!! Man, I don't know what happened after those drinks but I woke up with a training date and an ice pack between my legs!! I am so lucky!!! Now I love my job, everyone respects me. The brown pants make my ass look like a side view of one of our delivery trucks, but thats the only downside. I gained my weight back, plus an extra hundred, but it's ok. I make six figures and get to talk sh*t to the people who actually are earning their flying positions. Sucks to be them!!!" -HotMamaPilot
Thats pretty funny.....

But guys come on! it seems every time someone moves up to the majors they come back and rag on the regional guys. Just read through some of the threads, it happens often! That right there is sad, just because you can hold more passengers, or can toss more boves across some damn water dont mean crap, who you are is all that matters. Clearly some people just let it go to their heads. Merry Christmas everyone!
I don't think many really care how HotMamaPilot got to UPS. Or at least people would keep their opinions to themselves if she didn't hang out in the regional thread attacking regional guys AND GALS for their chioces. She feels now that she hit the big time she can sit back and judge.
She mentioned how regioanl pilots work for nothing, or something like that, well I gurantee if UPS gave her a choice of losing her job or taking a paycut, I bet my last dollar she would be the first one offering to work for less than the regional folks. I'm sure she is aware how lucky she is to be in the position she is and she wouldn't risk it. Neither would most of us.
The difference for me anyway is that I don't judge others for their choices. What's up with hanging in the regional thread anyway?
Quote: Actually saab, your posts made me laugh. As I recall, I stated that RJ drivers WOULD(slash.....) NOT SHOULD. Anyhow, do you think that it was a false statement? You guys will work for a nickel, what should earn a person a dollar. It's sad. And to say that you can't blame the pilots is farce. If you accept a job flying a 170 jet for 20 dollars an are part of the problem..NOT the solution. I was thinking this morning: the only TRUE "regional airlines" out there are the likes of: Great lakes, Colgan, mesaba, and a few others. The rest of you guys are "replacement airlines". BTW, I know that I have been given breaks because of my gender. If the shoe fits....... "it's good to be the king"
You really need to shut your man-pleaser!
Quote: I don't know and don't care about anything in this thread. I do know what Freightpuppy's qualifications were when she was hired, and hers (along with all the black males) were equal to or better than all the white males hired. If anything, pointy-nose military pilots got a windfall, but that's neither here nor there.
Thanks for the back up! Hopefully, we will get to fly together someday!

Quote: This thread has more stink to it than my cats litter box after a 6+ day trip !!!

I don't really care how HotMama got to UPS ... you should be MORE concerned with getting YOURSELF to a major OR improving your careers at a regional.

This bitterness for one person will get you nowhere. One of these people that you annoy might be sitting across the table at your next interview ... wouldn't THAT be uncomfortable.
Good post! Not only that, but the gal you are ripping on (not HMP, but any gal) may help you out with a recommendation one day. I would do anything to help my buddies (mostly male) get on with UPS. I really would hope they don't talk smack behind my back and then have the nerve to ask for a recommendation.
However regardless of how someone got there they still have to meet standards. And if she is sexy I'd tip my hat in her direction. No reason not too.
Quote: You really need to shut your man-pleaser!
If it hasn't started yet... this should do the job nicely.
I happen to agree with Hotmomma pilot on most points except:' cutting the throats of their mothers to fly for DAL'.....because most rj pilots have to live with their mothers or a roommate to afford flying for such low pay!!! Come on Hotmomma, you knew that! What were you thinking?

You young'ns will soon find out the cost of raising a family and I hope you will be blessed with all girls!

You all stress out too much on the spelling thingy. Thanks for the laughs!


BTW I think the moderator pulled the thread on "Majors". As well he should. Hotmomma was out of line and so was who ever had word "squishy" in their post. The posts were in poor taste.
Just curious who she'd work for. No RJ time?
Quote: Just curious who she'd work for. No RJ time?
if you must know beagle. ATR's and saabs
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