Mesa 3.0

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Quote: Absolutely true. If Mesa were to announce that they were getting 30 or more airplanes (fleet expansion) you would see the flood gates open up. People from Envoy, Expressjet, Skywest, etc. would come to Mesa. Why? Because the most sought after experience of aviation is the coveted TPIC. People would give up money, QOL, benefits for it. I do believe that many think they can get their 1000 TPIC and they can have their pick of which legacy they can go to. That may be true 10 years down the line but I don't think it has the influence many think it does. It sure doesn't hurt to have that experience though.
Not quite sure about people jumping ship to go to Mesa (from SkyWest at least). With SKW's upgrades now a 2.5 years and falling, I just don't see that happening. Plus TPIC doesn't hold as much weight as it used to.
Quote: Honestly, I don't even think that's necessarily true anymore. With many, many regional airlines offering quick upgrades (TSA, CA, PDT, GJ, PSA just to name a few), I don't think even adding 15 airframes would get as significant lifeblood injection that it did only 2 years ago. I have former coworkers outside of 121 aviation that are looking in. I can't even begin to tell you how many of them have told me that 121 TPIC isn't important anymore and they'll be hired once they get 2000 SIC. You tell them that you have several thousand TPIC and know hundreds of others with it that haven't gotten a phone call but they ignore your advice. "Yeah, but I know other people who've been hired as an FO after being with X airline for only 1.5 years!" No one can predict what those idiots will do.
The only people who keep promoting the importance of TPIC are the ones who are lacking more important qualifications.
Quote: The only people who keep promoting the importance of TPIC are the ones who are lacking more important qualifications.
I don't think it's as significant as it used to be but I also don't think it's unimportant. If you have 100 candidates with equal hours, extra-curriculars and education, the one with more TPIC is most definitely going to have a leg up on the one with none. On the other hand, to say that TPIC is unimportant and going to a place thinking you'll swing gear for 2 years and get hired at a major is uninformed.
Southwest still puts high importance on TPIC. If you don't have 1000 hours when you apply you'll get the "thanks, but no thanks' letter pretty quick. I've heard that requirement is going to drop, or even go away...but for the time being they still find it to be valuable.
Quote: With that said, Mesa's pilot cadre is kind of like Silicon Valley/Law School/Investment Banks/America in general at the moment--100% of us think we're going to be the ~1-10% who actually make it out of this thing on top, with a secure future/retirement. But a majority of us will very likely end up being Mesa lifers/furloughs/downgrades/etc. at some point in this cycle or the next.
EXACTLY why I left Mesa as soon as my training note was satisfied. I don't regret coming to Mesa in the slightest, it served its purpose for me--but staying there any longer than necessary made zero sense.
Quote: EXACTLY why I left Mesa as soon as my training note was satisfied. I don't regret coming to Mesa in the slightest, it served its purpose for me--but staying there any longer than necessary made zero sense.
Getting furloughed from Mesa was the BEST thing that ever happened to me in my aviation career. I had no idea how bad it was there until I went someplace else (Skyw). Having been at both places, there is no comparison whatsoever. I agree that I had no regrets going there, it served a purpose, but I cringe to think of me still being there when there are much better options right now.
Im in the same boat, it's time for me to move on. Mesa was the best thing that ever happened to me thus far in aviation.
Quote: The only people who keep promoting the importance of TPIC are the ones who are lacking more important qualifications.
Lots of guys that went to TWA without 1,000 TPIC found themselves flying widebodies to Europe and ended up back on the street after AA's criminal acts. These newly unemployed pilots couldn't get anything better than a right seat RJ gig because of the "unimportant" TPIC. That hurdle will come back one day. Only a fool would think otherwise. Safe flying.
Quote: EXACTLY why I left Mesa as soon as my training note was satisfied. I don't regret coming to Mesa in the slightest, it served its purpose for me--but staying there any longer than necessary made zero sense.
skipping the upgrade and jumping to another regional doesn't make sense. Especially if the majors decide to park the 50 seaters at an accelerated rate. All it takes is the economy to tank or another terrorist attack for the music to stop >again<. Then the 1000 pic will be worth its weight in gold >again<. I know a lot of you weren't around when it was extremely hard to even get a regional job.
Quote: Lots of guys that went to TWA without 1,000 TPIC found themselves flying widebodies to Europe and ended up back on the street after AA's criminal acts. These newly unemployed pilots couldn't get anything better than a right seat RJ gig because of the "unimportant" TPIC. That hurdle will come back one day. Only a fool would think otherwise. Safe flying.
Are you suggesting in my post I stated TPIC was "unimportant"? My post clearly does not. It only states that there are more important qualifications. TPIC is not as important as it has been in the past.
More pilots are getting hired today without it than any other time. Most of this type of hiring is done by JBLU, Virgin, Alaska, Frontier and a small amount at the Legacy's.
And, not only was AA wrong for what they did to TWA it was also right after 9/11. Those pilots were at the wrong airline at the wrong time.
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