WSJ attacks 1500 hour rule causing pilot shor

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Quote: Lowering the 1500 hr rule will not stop the pilot shortage. It will just delay it about a year or 2. At my previous airline I was an LCA. I saw the change from when you needed 2000 hrs just to get a call from a regional, through the 500hr wonders and then on to the 1500 hr rule. I was there saw and saw it all. Over this time the regionals kept reducing the mins. Can't find folks with 1500hrs, fine, hire at 1000hrs, then at 500hrs.

The moral of the story is that we were running out of pilots long before the 1500 hr rule.

If you reset it to, say, 500 hrs the first thing that will happen is that training will stop as every CFI with a pulse gets hired. Then they will start getting retired folks to CFI at way higher pay. Training costs will climb and so-on ans so-on.

The solution is to make the actual QOL at the airlines better, or the pay higher, or both.
Until you offer a job that people actually want to apply for, it's all just lipstick on the same pig. And a lot of the younger generation are vegan.
Not that I disagree with you, but I don't think they put lipstick on it to eat it....
Quote: If Congress doesn’t drop the 1500 rule, which I think they will, then the airlines are going to just have Congress approve single pilot 121 operations on planes that have automation (aka autoland). Worst case scenario if something happens to the pilot, ATC can tell the F/A how to program the autoland. End of story. Pilot shortage resolved.
Can’t do that anymore thanks to 5G.
Quote: Can’t do that anymore thanks to 5G.
What are the chances the FA knows there is a NOTAM for 5G interference that prohibits a CAT III approach…
Quote: What are the chances the FA knows there is a NOTAM for 5G interference that prohibits a CAT III approach…
It's the FAs emergency authority, now that she's the captain?
Do I have to set up the lav if I regain consciousness?
If you reset it to, say, 500 hrs the first thing that will happen is that training will stop as every CFI with a pulse gets hired. Then they will start getting retired folks to CFI at way higher pay. Training costs will climb and so-on ans so-on.
That's the biggest factor in not changing the 1500 hr rule. Huge drop in CFI's and a resulting backlog in training.

As for single pilot, that could happen but it's unlikely anytime soon. Check out Garmin's Emergency Autoland system. It's available with the Garmin 3000 system. Pax push the red button and the system finds the nearest suitable airport, makes radio calls announcing what it's doing, configures the gear and flaps and lands:
Does it start the coffee pot? If not, thumbs down.
Single pilot 121 ops will take years if not decades. The approval process alone will assure that. First, the manufacturers will need to design the systems and cockpit. Second. Years of human factors research and procedures testing will need to occur. Third. Once all that is done, the political fight will start. Amid all of this, how long do you think it will take the FAA to approve this. And, that's all before you start trying to convince the general public to get aboard.

I have 15 years left and I doubt I'll see it.

Happy new year
Quote: If Congress doesn’t drop the 1500 rule, which I think they will, then the airlines are going to just have Congress approve single pilot 121 operations on planes that have automation (aka autoland). Worst case scenario if something happens to the pilot, ATC can tell the F/A how to program the autoland. End of story. Pilot shortage resolved.
Maybe a New Years resolution should be to not post on the internet about topics for which you have no concept or understanding?
Quote: 3345127[/url]] not post on the internet about topics for which you have no concept or understanding?

But that is the backbone of the interwebs
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