5 year Market Outlook/Opinions Part Deux

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Quote: I hope this doesn’t happen. The economy is on thin ice as it is. $150 per barrel of oil is going to crush the economy. I remember 2008 oil prices spiked but it was short lived as the world went into recession. If a run up of oil happens like that again I don’t think it will be sustained. It’ll crash just like everything else is right now.
Short term I think it will go higher than that. I see it settling around $150 /barrel. It will do some serious damage to the economy.
Quote: I hope this doesn’t happen. The economy is on thin ice as it is. $150 per barrel of oil is going to crush the economy. I remember 2008 oil prices spiked but it was short lived as the world went into recession. If a run up of oil happens like that again I don’t think it will be sustained. It’ll crash just like everything else is right now.
That's the economic cycle for you. Balances things out. Too many zombie companies(rapidly growing revenues along with rapidly growing cashburn) benefitted from the Fed's money printer. High interest rates and high oil prices will get rid of many mediocre businesses

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Quote: Nice work. Nice to see you took a nibble at $BTU. In my Brokerage Account I had JAN 2023 $10 calls and rolled them to a mix of JAN 2024 $17 and $20 calls. In my 401k just stilling on BTU equity that has grown into 40% of my account after last week's rise

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Volatility in BTU has been great for options premium. Not interested in it long term, but some small trades here and there 45 days out and closing about 15 or so days into the trade has been working out. So far. I’m short it right now with a call spread. We’ll see. #NKA!!!!
Quote: Volatility in BTU has been great for options premium. Not interested in it long term, but some small trades here and there 45 days out and closing about 15 or so days into the trade has been working out. So far. I’m short it right now with a call spread. We’ll see. #NKA!!!!
That's unfortunate you're not in it long term. It's my largest position and high conviction stock. Eagerly awaiting 3Q earnings where I anticipate nearly $1 Billion in Operational Cashflow. Back in 2018 when Newcastle Coal was trading in the $100 range per ton BTU traded at $45. Newcastle Coal is currently $400+ per ton and China hasn't even fully opened yet. I've been accumulating since $5 a share and still believe the stock is cheap. My base case Fair value for the stock is $70—$80

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Quote: That's unfortunate you're not in it long term. It's my largest position and high conviction stock. Eagerly awaiting 3Q earnings where I anticipate nearly $1 Billion in Operational Cashflow. Back in 2018 when Newcastle Coal was trading in the $100 range per ton BTU traded at $45. Newcastle Coal is currently $400+ per ton and China hasn't even fully opened yet. I've been accumulating since $5 a share and still believe the stock is cheap. My base case Fair value for the stock is $70—$80

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You still bag holding those Alibaba long calls for a massive loss? It’s funny how you don’t talk about how bullish you went on a big loser. Those contracts have to be totally worthless.
Quote: Short term I think it will go higher than that. I see it settling around $150 /barrel. It will do some serious damage to the economy.
I’m not sure what impact it will have but looks like sanctions are going to be eased on Venezuela. Oil related of course. I’d think this would have some impact on oil but I’m not an expert on the oil industry.
Quote: I’m not sure what impact it will have but looks like sanctions are going to be eased on Venezuela. Oil related of course. I’d think this would have some impact on oil but I’m not an expert on the oil industry.
hopefully Russia’s weakening will push Venezuela to have some sort of normalcy restored to relations with the US.
Quote: hopefully Russia’s weakening will push Venezuela to have some sort of normalcy restored to relations with the US.
It will be interesting to see with whom in Venezuela the U.S. will negotiate: will it be with President Juan Guaido -- whom the U.S. recognizes as the legitimate president -- or that other guy Nicholas Maduro.

OPEC+ is a collection of the worst folks on the planet. The fact any of our $$ goes to these murderous warmongers sucks. They are already off their production agreements by more than 3 bn barrells. The agreement to remove 2bn barrels is mostly talk; a handshake among murderous thugs.

Biden and most rational politicians realize the answer to American energy independence and affordable prices is "all the above."

Biden's power to do anything is severely limited. The banks and investors aren't interested in funding a lot of exploration. Most people in the business realize that constrained supply = greater profits. They know that they are on the back of the demand curve and they are going to try to pull down supply to maximize profits as long as they can.

Anyone who thinks this is simply partisan is not seeing the whole picture.
Quote: what a joke, opening venezuela corrupt oil is NOT the solution, is just digging ourselves a deeper hole, like everything this administration does. Biden doesn’t care about this. Biden is worried about elections. He is about to open the dollar flow gates for Nicolas Maduro so they can keep exploiting the people, and live like kings. He rather give dollars to those assassins, and the drug cartels than to his own American people.

The environment excuse is such BS, like if fracking in venezuela doesn’t damage the environment as well. These politicians are ruining this country.

lets give dollars to Maduro, not to our US workers. Blows my mind how people think this is okay.
The dollar flow gates are and have been open for decades to a regime that literally attacked us. Want to know the real conspiracy behind 9/11? The Saudi government, who live like kings. We’ve accepted them as our friends, but turn a blind eye to how they treat their citizens, because of oil. So I get it, it’s easy to bash Swiss cheese Biden, but let’s be real, this is nothing new. In fact, I won’t be surprised to see an Iranian deal as well.

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