ERA Bankruptcy

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7 200s replaced by 5 400s with one of those 400s a dedicated freighter. Plus the seat number (I last heard) was going to be fixed (FAA mandated) at 56, so no all seaters when the weather cancels a flight. There will be some gaps, admitted by AS management to friends who work there. Both companies should be prepared for extra charter work.
Penair and ERA merger ?
Quote: Hey, I want everyone to get upgraded as soon as practical, makes us better pilots.
This will still lead me back to the idea that it would be better for both airlines (Penair and Era) to merge somehow. Lower operating costs for a larger airline, better negociating for contracts (fuel, mx., etc) and a little better pull with AS. They will supposedly be getting their first 400 combi (although I've heard that is will be an all freighter) in April and the rest will start coming every 4 months? after that. Except that they are going to replace 9 200s with 5 400s. That leaves some openings in the schedule, that at least to date, haven't been offered or addressed by either company. And believe me, if either one of the companies were offered anything, we would know, because that news would spread faster than ...
I'm not trying to create argument or tension, just my opinion.
As a wise man once said, "I'm the leading authority on my opinion."

Wouldn't a merger make it even easier for Horizon to move in? There have been rumors of QX heading north for almost a decade now. A one horse town would make it easier.

just rumors
most markets in Alaska only move on average 30 pax per flight
thats what made the combi's for wien,markair,alaska work so well
qx has stated they will be flying all 70 seat aircraft in 5 years
those don't work up here.
we are going to see 30-50 seats max up here with more dedicated frieghters
185's absolutely right. The only way QX is coming to Alaska is if they stay in the 37 seat market. The busiest city has 260K people (ANC) and then the next busiest is FAI at 100K?. Major fall off to run 70 seat aircraft 5-8 times per day. Combi Q400s maybe. Ooo, wonder if Bombardier is working on that one yet.
Good news for Era. The March 6 hearing was cancelled again by the lender Capital Source. The next hearing is sometime in June. Looks loike those upgrades will have to wait a little longer.
the investors put up another million bucks to keep it alive.
the question has to be is it good money after bad?
Its a revolving credit line. Everyone keeps an emergency fund for the unexpected (savings, credit line, mom & dad ). As mgmt explained it to us, ours was cut off by Capitalsource in their whole let's get out process.
The panic set in because they had to hit the fund a couple of times last year because they had four, count four catestrophic medical expenses alone. You know, the ones that cost millions for the insurance and still cost companies a hundred thousand bucks (2 lukemia, one on the job fall that caused paralyzation, I still pray for them).
What to think, though? Not sure, but the investment group did close the Aloha deal and now that that debacle is over and we are coming to the busy season, maybe the rah rah sales pitch that came last summer (about this summer) can finally start coming about.
I heard were getting ready to hire again. Not too late to get your app in
I think they have the next hearing scheduled for June 13th. How many are they planning on hiring Tuff? You been at Era for a while or new?
DASH 8 Class? May th 8 2006
Do anyone know about Dash8 class in May 8th?

How many would be?
what do you hear??
Inside or From UAA pilots?
do you really think they will survive or will this just get them to next winter?
I don't remember any airline except for Yute to go in and out of bankruptcie in Alaska and survive except eventually Yute did not survive
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