Regional F/O's with no ATP/PIC..Are we hosed?

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Quote: It's a good suggestion in theory, but I'm told single-engine turbine may as well be piston time when it comes to getting on with a carrier like Cathay which is my career goal company.

You really need to talk to some of the guys working there. You might come up with a different career option.
Quote: This converstaion would never have droned on for 7 pages if DashBoy had started it.

that's the only thing positive I have to contribute
Bottom Line
If you want the job and live your dream then you will do what it takes and not focus on anything else. There are hundreds of ways to do it, just figure it out and make it happen. When you do and you get the interview you want, I can bet that the person listening to your personal account of how you got to your dream interview they will be impressed that you did what it took. Otherwise one can easily get hung up on excuses and never really feel satisfied, just more of the same self entitlement and disappointment.

Some do hit the timing right on and others just keep going doing what it takes until they get what they want. Just a perspective not a judgment. Best of luck!
Jetblue dropped their minimums to allow FO's at slow growing regionals to apply right before the recession and Deltas minimums arent out of reach either. I think if you keep plugging away at the TT, keep your record spotless, do some volunteer work, and continue to build the resume you will be fine.

An ATP at the fbo ATP will run around $2000 while the ATP plus a 737 round dial type will cost $5300 + lodging. I would say the 737 type is the best way to go. It checks the box off (most employers weight you by a score before they look at hours), it will make your checkride when you eventually do upgrade go a lot smoother, and it opens up the door to SWA when you do upgrade.
Quote: when were you hired at Piedmont? I was there back in 06--stayed for a few months to get 121 time on my resume, then went to a "respectable regional" with lots of growth. smartest thing i could have done.

day after day i flew with Piedmont captains that told me to, "get the hell out of here," and "call my son at chatauqua, this place is going nowhere."

i feel as though the writing has been on the wall at that place for a while, just curious why you didnt bail earlier to another regional. skywest and republic were hiring in droves back in 07.
And I was one of them hired back then. Still sitting in the right seat...nobody's moving up anywhere for a while. To the original poster. 2012...that's when I bet things will get moving again. Might take a couple of hiring waves before us current regional FO's can move on to the majors though, a heck of a lot of highly experienced regional CAs out there that will move up first. I'm right there with you....very tired of barely getting by.
Quote: Once again a professional comes in and posts something adult and encouraging. Why is it that some of you are more interested in criticizing someone then speaking to them with encouraging respect? I will never understand that type of board mentality.

Just so ya'll understand me as I'm not on here much...I don't strike first, but if you hit me with snide, belittling, or judgmental smartass comments just to make yourself look smarter, then I will give it right back to you X 10. Speak to me like brianb just did, I'll never be anything but friendly and respectful to you. I'll even call someone out who is giving you a hard time as I hate message board bullies. And I will not only listen to your opinion, I'll respect it even if I disagree with it.
Back at ya sista
Quote: Dash Girl you sound pretty ****ed off! I like it how bout a date....

Anyway... you said you wanted to go some place where you can retire. The SO upgrade in the past at Cathay has been about 2 - 4 years. Think about it, even as an SO the money is ok... You also said you wanted to live in HKG, and you can do that as an SO and Cathay will pay for your place. Who cares if youre doing the landings or talking on the radio during cruise. Have a drink sit down and think about it... Ive been in your shoes and went through a period of being totally ****ed also, now I just let things happen as they will (albeit nothing has happend yet). Hopefully Ill see you in class at Cathay in future.

Good Luck
Before anyone gets too warm and fuzzy about Cathay, better double check with the guys on pprune for details on SO recruiting. I believe they are only hiring Hong Kong locals (or those who are willing to live without a housing allowance in HK). HK isnt a place where you can find cheap housing... so be careful. DEFO hiring is non-existant currently(and even if it was you would need PIC turbine), and the mandatory retirement recently changed from 55 to 65. If Cathay brings back the expat benefits and housing allowance in HK I would jump on the opportunity as well, but until then i'll pass.
What can I get for 10 dollars? Will you love me long time?
Quote: Example, if one could get hired at GoJets and to a lesser extent, MESA, upgrade quick, and get out fast, does that mean that they should go there? You don't need to answer, it's a rhetorical question.
Your example could have included ANY regional including GoJet. A few bucks per hour more doesn't mean that a regional is somehow on the good side of the ethics line.
Quote: Dal pays during Indoc, but not for initial.
As long as places like Super 8 or the Wellesley Inn are at ATL, I don't think that's a problem!
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