Is the PIC requirement a thing of the past?

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Quote: I guess we disagree. My view is that all are free to enlist and pursue a position in the military as a pilot. That is the equal opportunity. Some medical requirements prevent some applicants from being successful. That is true in the civilian world too. So what?
Enlisting is nowhere near the same things as being appointed as an officer.
Quote: Good to know all I have to do is be a nice guy on the interweb thingy and then my phone will ring off the hook. Everybody knows the majors use APC as a recruiting tool.
.... and sometimes people completely miss the point.
Quote: A number of years ago, and 2 days before my commercial multi engine checkride, a retired military helo pilot with thousands of hours of command time busted his commercial fixed wing multi engine add on due to an inability to handle crosswind landings. Then, an hour later, he landed gear up during his retraining. Not to generalize, but there are circumstances where your argument doesn't fit. I don't know what the hours should be, but flying fixed wing is different from rotor wing. There should be a minimum number of fixed wing flight hours, as there would be if I tried to get a rotor wing job.
I NEVER said there shouldnt be minimum of fixed wing time, just that theres a slight disadvantage. My last airline hired plenty former military helicopter pilots that only had the time for a fw multi-comm. Funny, they seemed to get through training just fine.

And you could take an old crusty 747 CA with 20k+ hours and put him into a tail dragger that he may not have flown for decades and he'd probably kill himself. Not to generalize, but there are circumstances where your argument doesnt fit.

Quote: Thats because a helicopter is not an airplane.
Well of course, they're a sub class of pilots that have NO business flying fixed wing, duh. For the slow types, that's extreme sarcasm.

But see above.

Annnnnnnny waaaaaaayyyyyyyyy.......getting back on topic. For those that think a PIC requirement will go away, think again. It'll ALWAYS carry a premium. Of course, the value of the premium subject to supply and demand.

And for those that think that RJ FO's with no TPIC will start getting cold calls from the legacies/majors with ZERO recommendation/internal connection/affiliation, well, probably not gonna happen anytime soon. If EVER.
Well, we've gone from on topic to several pages of mil/civ crap and now to fixed wing/rotary wing.

I guess the next logical morph is female pilots aren't as qualified as male pilots? Or perhaps someone who flew for gojet can never be as qualified as someone from TSA?
Quote: Enlisting is nowhere near the same things as being appointed as an officer.
So are you saying enlisted types are inferior? I sure hope not.

- former enlisted.
Quote: Well, we've gone from on topic to several pages of mil/civ crap and now to fixed wing/rotary wing.

I guess the next logical morph is female pilots aren't as qualified as male pilots? Or perhaps someone who flew for gojet can never be as qualified as someone from TSA?
No no no...

Hat? Or, no hat?

Quote: No no no...

Hat? Or, no hat?

The only place for a hat, is on a picket line!

Oops...wrong forum.
Quote: So are you saying enlisted types are inferior? I sure hope not.

- former enlisted.
Are you saying as enlisted you were held to all the same qualifications as the officers?
Quote: Are you saying as enlisted you were held to all the same qualifications as the officers?
Oh here we go

Quote: Are you saying as enlisted you were held to all the same qualifications as the officers?
Nope, however, it shouldn't matter whether or not one was enlisted or appointed as officer. They served their country. His comment above sure seemed like enlisted types didn't count because they were enlisted.
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