Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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Quote: AA just filed for bankruptcy. When they come out they're gonna have a brand new fleet and low costs. What a sham.
Wow - I was pretty sure it was coming, but not this soon.
Quote: FTB, thanks for the wx update, I have to come up there today for a trip, I hope they don't 'preemptively' cancel my commute flight as soon as they see a snow flake!
You realize that while yes there is a beautful sunrise to my east and the death toll is still 0... For now... that that could change at any moment!? This Wintry Mix 2011 is a fluid and dangerous situation certain to only get worse. I highly recommend that people stay scared, stay indoors and in the Tebow position until I say it's safe.

Local desperate tv reporter
American Airlines files bankruptcy
Stay Scared my Friend.

It can only get worse.

What was that noise?

Where's Glen Beck when you need him??
Quote: AA just filed for bankruptcy. When they come out they're gonna have a brand new fleet and low costs. What a sham.
If this works for AA then it's still the AA of old, always beating the competition.
Quote: Reporting live in Atlanta... no wintry mix yet so death toll is still a 0 but we're sure it'll climb here shortly! Stay tuned and remain paniced and on short call!

as a local tv news reporter

That's some funny sh*t! Thanks for the update FTB.
Quote: So what was heard at the LCP meeting? I'll bite.
I was going to post something said at the bar just to illustrate the ridiculous nature of unsubstantiated rumors like Orvil is spouting, but since it would have come from a source that was at the LCP meeting (me) it would probably make the rounds as "An LCP said...." so I am not going down that road. Sorry to get your hopes up. I'm really try not to spread rumors unless I have a good source. He cites none, and it doesn't pass the smell test to begin with.
Quote: Wow - I was pretty sure it was coming, but not this soon.
Yep. I figured right before the end of the year. Their bookings may be crud and figured it would preserve cash and no effect them too much.
AA has almost 30 billion in debt and are paying some of the highest financing rates amongst the majors. And the reason they filed is because of they were unable to get labor to take pay cuts???
It is snowing in MEM though. But they're north of Atlanta so they probably know how to handle it.
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