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Quote: What is BS?
Hopefully that there's any truth to this pension garbage that the Teamsters or some corporation will steal out from under us anyway. I'm an adult and like to manage my own retirement far from the greedy clutches of others.
I'm not interested in a pension plan whatsoever. 16% off the bat put into a 401k no matter my contribution, sign me up. No pension plan though.

As to having a backup flight, that's pretty ridiculous to give to the company in this current job market.
This current EXCO is terrible!! So amazingly ignorant I just can't believe it sometimes. So…Im not surprised by this pension nonsense. If that happens, Im so freaking gone!
Soo what does EXCO stand for?
Quote: This current EXCO is terrible!! So amazingly ignorant I just can't believe it sometimes. So…Im not surprised by this pension nonsense. If that happens, Im so freaking gone!
Yeah... I wonder if American Eagle is hiring...
Quote: Most of the stuff about the current ExCo here is total BS, campaign season begins!
I have my political views but it is not my intent to express them on this forum. I am concerned about what is going on with our union. If you are calling BS, could you stand behind a statement with 100% certainty that the pension or the gateway relief is not in the works? If you can put that statement out with your name to back it, then I owe an apology to all for bad information I have received. However, I don't think that will be the case.
LucasM: ExCo = Executive Committee; the leaders of the union at Atlas Teamsters. It is equivalent to an MEC at an ALPA carrier

Whaledriver has it correct above. This poking at the leadership is juvenile and most of it is totally unfounded. A bunch of half-truths spread by excitable people who think they can get a wedge issue going when what this group needs is solidarity.

Campaigning cannot start before the required date in the by-laws of the union and there is no pushing anything back by the current ExCo to avoid anyone's campaigning. It is illegal for anyone to campaign before the specified date so those watching, be forwarned and now you are informed as to the truth.

Also, as far as censorship on the union board, that is a complete fabrication. Probably this rumor was started by some disgruntled P2P recent quitters trying to ride the ol' crap cart to see if they can get any traction; again, not true.

I am new to this site, but not new to Atlas. I will gladly shine the light of truth on those who think they can snow the rest of the folks with trumped up hysterical rhetoric. Glad to be part of the conversation!

Quote: LucasM: ExCo = Executive Committee; the leaders of the union at Atlas Teamsters. It is equivalent to an MEC at an ALPA carrier

Whaledriver has it correct above. This poking at the leadership is juvenile and most of it is totally unfounded. A bunch of half-truths spread by excitable people who think they can get a wedge issue going when what this group needs is solidarity.

Campaigning cannot start before the required date in the by-laws of the union and there is no pushing anything back by the current ExCo to avoid anyone's campaigning. It is illegal for anyone to campaign before the specified date so those watching, be forwarned and now you are informed as to the truth.

Also, as far as censorship on the union board, that is a complete fabrication. Probably this rumor was started by some disgruntled P2P recent quitters trying to ride the ol' crap cart to see if they can get any traction; again, not true.

I am new to this site, but not new to Atlas. I will gladly shine the light of truth on those who think they can snow the rest of the folks with trumped up hysterical rhetoric. Glad to be part of the conversation!

I have had 2 union board posts censored and it had nothing to do with elections or politics. The union did email me first to tell me they were going to, but I was censored none the less! And, I know for a fact Im not the only one. Get your "facts" straight...
Quote: I have my political views but it is not my intent to express them on this forum. I am concerned about what is going on with our union. If you are calling BS, could you stand behind a statement with 100% certainty that the pension or the gateway relief is not in the works? If you can put that statement out with your name to back it, then I owe an apology to all for bad information I have received. However, I don't think that will be the case.
If you are in possession of that type of information and negotiations are indeed ongoing, you are not only jeopardizing any possible outcome of what is likely confidential at this point, but demonstrating that you cannot be trusted with important projects by those you serve. If you work for the union, as you state a couple of pages back, this is not something you should be posting here or anywhere else.

Backup flights are in your CBA; do your homework. As to the ExCo working to eliminate them, it is hard to do that when it is part of your contract. This issue is, as usual, being interpreted by Atlas in the most crewmember unfriendly way and can likely be minimized by creating some better rules for the company and union to both follow to reduce crewmember angst.

One thing you need to remember is that the eating of the elephant takes place one bite at a time. Nothing is quick in labor relations except maybe the jumping to conclusions by those who think they have all the information or are "read in" on issues they actually are not.

Solidarity, brother!
Quote: I have had 2 union board posts censored and it had nothing to do with elections or politics. The union did email me first to tell me they were going to, but I was censored none the less! And, I know for a fact Im not the only one. Get your "facts" straight...
Chip1: It must have been pretty harsh and completely against the union to have them pull it from their own board. Do you not support our union? Remember, they own the board, and the server, and the medium. They do not have to tolerate everything that is posted. The board is also not an exercise in constitutional free speech; perhaps that is what you are forgetting? Perhaps that is why you are here on APC? Censorship vs. what others might call graffitti if you own the board? I don't know, obviously I never saw it, but I think it is too harsh to call it censorship.
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