Republic after the contract

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Quote: When were you hired? I'm wondering if 12 weeks is a good wag at training footprint. Thanks.
I was last month.
This is how the foot print looks today. Caveat- subject to change at any moment
DOH (report date)
2 weeks of indoc
3 weeks off
3 week of systems
2 weeks off
2 weeks of Sims
3 weeks off off
Star IOE (minimum 25hrs, average 48 hrs before getting release)
Reserve- depending on bases...1-2 months for junior bases, 5-7 months for senior.
You get paid $1800 a month during indoc and systems, then MMG.
Bonus after week 3 or 4. No more physical paychecks, all direct deposit.
Does anyone know where DCA would sit on the "junior" side of things; new FO hire? How long to get that base or even hold a line? Thank you!!!!
Quote: Does anyone know where DCA would sit on the "junior" side of things; new FO hire? How long to get that base or even hold a line? Thank you!!!!
Junior DCA FO is a 05/18/2016 hire. Junior DCA FO line award for July is a 02/16/16 hire.
Thank you!!!!
how senior is IND?
Quote: how senior is IND?

2/2/16 is most Jr IND FO.
Quote: 2/2/16 is most Jr IND FO.
Thanks. I would assume MIA is senior to IND
If you have over 1000 sic 121 at another airline would that bump you up for upgrade? Usually it's seniority but I'm curious about Republic. Thank you!

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Quote: If you have over 1000 sic 121 at another airline would that bump you up for upgrade? Usually it's seniority but I'm curious about Republic. Thank you!

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Sure, if we had problems with current FOs not having that time. We have no shortage of FOs with 1000 hours of 121 time though.

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Quote: If you have over 1000 sic 121 at another airline would that bump you up for upgrade? Usually it's seniority but I'm curious about Republic. Thank you!

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With upgrades at 4 yrs, there's literally HUNDREDS of FO's that will upgrade before you. No help at all.
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