Negotiating Committee - In or out?

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In light of the MEC Chairman's message, what's your opinion? I for one, have a hard time ever trusting that group again. I'll take the delay in a deal over a TA1.1, but i'll listen to the other side.
Quote: In light of the MEC Chairman's message, what's your opinion? I for one, have a hard time ever trusting that group again. I'll take the delay in a deal over a TA1.1, but i'll listen to the other side.
The number of advocates trying to rush this thing shows we haven’t learned our lesson from the last time. Get the right contract. Not the right now contract.
Quote: The number of advocates trying to rush this thing shows we haven’t learned our lesson from the last time. Get the right contract. Not the right now contract.
I share similar sentiments, but we also have to acknowledge that we are not the proverbial 'man in the arena' either. We did our job when we turned down the TA and elected new leaders and reps. They are back engaged with the NMB and have bargaining dates pending with one new NC member. At some point we have to let those we elected do their thing.
Quote: I share similar sentiments, but we also have to acknowledge that we are not the proverbial 'man in the arena' either. We did our job when we turned down the TA and elected new leaders and reps. They are back engaged with the NMB and have bargaining dates pending with one new NC member. At some point we have to let those we elected do their thing.
Agree with the sentiment. Hard not to be frustrated when B7 ran on accountability, but is now prioritizing staying the course.
Quote: I share similar sentiments, but we also have to acknowledge that we are not the proverbial 'man in the arena' either. We did our job when we turned down the TA and elected new leaders and reps. They are back engaged with the NMB and have bargaining dates pending with one new NC member. At some point we have to let those we elected do their thing.
Well said.. Except is Pancake Pat more trustworthy now, then or ever for that matter…. I don’t think I can ever believe anything he says based on his snake oil sales job!
The NC proved themselves to be untrustworthy and lacking integrity, looks like the new block 7 guy is too. They all need to go.
Quote: The number of advocates trying to rush this thing shows we haven’t learned our lesson from the last time. Get the right contract. Not the right now contract.
100% agree! Isn’t the definition of insanity “doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results”?

From TA1 itself to the sales job…..I don’t trust this NC.
But, but, It was going to be different this time. The newly elected heros not following the masses?
So how many of you burn the house down guys are stepping up and telling your reps YOU will run for the NC position
Quote: So how many of you burn the house down guys are stepping up and telling your reps YOU will run for the NC position
The house needed to be burned down.

Close to retirement? Sorry, dude. Take the money and run ain’t gonna cut it around here anymore.
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