How can I shut him up?

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Howdy all,

I fly for a regional but wanted the insight of those with a few more gray hairs. I need advice with a touchy problem: I am flying with a CA who will NOT shut up. He talks continuously (non-flight related) from engine start to shut down. It is to the point I am missing radio calls and getting distracted during critical phases of flight. Ironically, during checklists, the one time I DO want him to speak up, he rifles through them so fast I have don't know when to reply or what I am replying to.

In my 40s, I am no spring chicken and have ten years 135 time; he is in his 30s at his first non CFI job. I have politely and privately asked him to go easy on the chatter when I am flying hoping he would curb the chatter. It worked for the next couple legs, but his old ways soon returned.

On one leg, we were empty and the FA came up to the jump seat to watch. My CA started listening to his iPod. He decided the FA needed to hear a couple songs, so he placed one of the ear buds against his mic. At the time, I was talking to center trying to keep us out of the worst weather and still make some time. Center gave us a choice of long and smooth or short and choppy. Had I been CA, I would have answered immediately, but as I was not PIC, I asked my CA for his preference. After not hearing the reply after two attempts, I yelled "Turn that G.. D... thing OFF!" A few minutes later, he asked me if the iPod really bothered me that much, "Yeah, when I can't hear a D... thing you are saying, it does."

So, I have another long trip with him. I do NOT want this to get hostile nor do I want it to affect my work. So what do you all suggest?

Thanks for the help,
Trip trade it or call in sick!
Man, this may sound drastic, and I hate to sound so anal, but I would call the chief on this. Simply because you would be held just as responsable for any violation (or worse) which may come from this guy yapping at the wrong time.
On a side note, I am not sure who you fly for. I am just an FO-in-training and have yet to go to sim. But my company spent several hours in indoc hammering this very situation into our heads. I could be completely over reacting here. Just my 2 cents.
De-select intercom from your audio panel, or go to speaker. Hopefully he will get the hint.
I would definetly NOT go to the Chief as a first step. IF you can trade, IF you can call in...IF you can't work with this guy, then you go to your Proffessional standards guy with the Union, explain the situation to him/her and Let the Union handle it. This is always done as descreatly as possible.
Don't call the chief pilot whatever you do - that's horrible advice. Does your union have a pro standards committee? You already tried asking him nicely, the next step would be to contact someone from pro standards and have them talk to him. If that doesn't work drop/trade the trip or call in sick if you feel it's unsafe. Going to the chief will bring down a hailstorm that I doubt you want to find yourself in so use that as a last resort. That's what I would do anyway. Don't know what airplane you're on but you can always turn the intercom listen button off (momentarily) if you can't hear ATC over his BS and then shout at him. Good luck.
Just rip his headset cables out of the jacks and tell him to "shut your **# mouth"
Quote: Man, this may sound drastic, and I hate to sound so anal, but I would call the chief on this. Simply because you would be held just as responsable for any violation (or worse) which may come from this guy yapping at the wrong time.
On a side note, I am not sure who you fly for. I am just an FO-in-training and have yet to go to sim. But my company spent several hours in indoc hammering this very situation into our heads. I could be completely over reacting here. Just my 2 cents.
Since you are new you should learn this right away. Call the union/Professional standards before you ever run to the chief pilot!!!
Quote: Man, this may sound drastic, and I hate to sound so anal, but I would call the chief on this. Simply because you would be held just as responsable for any violation (or worse) which may come from this guy yapping at the wrong time.
On a side note, I am not sure who you fly for. I am just an FO-in-training and have yet to go to sim. But my company spent several hours in indoc hammering this very situation into our heads. I could be completely over reacting here. Just my 2 cents.
Always handle things in this order:
1. Try to resolve it with the offending individual. Talk.

If that doesn't work,

2. Tell your captain you are taking the matter to pro stan and go to your union professional standards rep. He should have a more formal chat with the guy. Usually this clears things up. Stress to him that you feel this is a safety issue that is not being fixed at the flight deck level. Nothing personal.

3. If you fly with him after this and he persists, then you can tell him if he doesn't knock it off, you are gonna rat on him to the CP. The professional Mr. Nice Guy approach didn't work and now you have to be a d*ck. Sometimes, some people don't respond to anything but disciplinary action. This is your last resort...even though you are in the right, you probably won't be very popular after doing this. Sometimes the right thing isn't the easy thing.

And calling in sick only dumps this problem captain on some other, possibly less assertive, first officer. You wouldn't be doing a responsible job by doing this.

Just my $00.02.
Quote: then after he gets done with that and listens to the union's cry for months and months and months and months and months of proper documentation....he might get the chance to put himself on a list to not have to fly with him....

It can be handled a lot quicker then that. And with greater satisfaction....
I'll buy your method of the back stairwell but if you actually think pilots should run to the chief pilot and complain I'd tell you to put your apron on and go help in the back because that's flight attendant mentality.
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