Mesa Furloughs??

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A friend of mine just got furloughed from Mesa. She was in the new hire class and was told they could go home but should only expect a few months....

anyone have any thoughts or input on this??

by the way, I looked up the word "furlough" on is what they say:

"A furlough is temporary leave of absence, especially from duty in the armed services or from a prison term. In these cases, a furlough is a vacation."

note the word "prison"


There is no getting around it. They are going to loose the Freedom ERJ contract (that is 36 aircraft, approximately 350 pilots) and the Freedom CRJ-900 flying for Delta (14 aircraft were expected. I think they only had 7 or so, but that is another 70-140 pilots no longer needed).

I know Mesa was really short staffed, but there is no way they can absorb this loss of 40-50 aircraft. Mesa has been on the road to Ch.11 bankruptcy, and some say Ch.7 for a very long time. US Air is not going to renew their contract. United is not going to renew their contract. Delta has already cancelled their contract. So who does Mesa have left? Maybe it is good that your friend got furloughed. It will let him try for a job before all 1500 pilots at Mesa are on the street looking for jobs.
My condolences go out to all the furloughed Mesa people.
Quote: A friend of mine just got furloughed from Mesa. She was in the new hire class and was told they could go home but should only expect a few months....

anyone have any thoughts or input on this??
Things are quite messed up at MAG right now. Yes, the fate of about 400 pilots hang in the balance but one has to wonder what the heck is going on. Things just don't add up. The CRJ has been short staffed for years, culminating in canceled vacations from Sept 2007 through Jul 2008. Then, they furlough 50 newhires this month and reinstate vacations. HUH??? The DAL CRJ flying hasn't been pulled down yet, forcing those pilots back to the other certificate flying. Then, there are some 400 F8 ERJ pilots siting on couches between MCO and JFK, many of whom upgraded from the CRJ and could fill those much needed seats on the YV side. Why aren't they being pealed off to go to training? They aren't gong to be flying the ERJ again any time soon, and no matter what we won't be getting a full schedule from DAL (even if we do get some flying back which is doubtful). Yes, there is a token 16 lines in JFK right now, and there will be some flying in CVG... but there's no way it will be a full schedule.

So, you do the math. Its a big mess and who knows how it will sort itself out. We will all probably be on the street soon. JO and his cronies have bit every hand that has feed them (including a very upset pilot group), so yea this company's prospects are very thin.

See ya in line for the soup kitchen around Dec.
JO and company are doing this in response to your lack of a TA. Trust'll be back on the property soon enough. You all need to hold your ground and kick some "behind". You'll be happy you did when you return to the list.

Personally, I think Mesa wanted a good contact for its pilots PRIOR to the bankruptcy so that they could get major concessions in court. GIVE THEM NOTHING!!!! They haven't earned one bit of it.

How many times have you been called out on days off? How many vacations have you had cancelled? You are not short staffed. You have a management problem if they are furloughing when a loss of a contract would only right-size the pilot list to the flying. However, they've been working you to death and you've been doing it. Hence the reason your life sucks right now.

Stand fast.....don't settle....and go for it all. You've earned it!

Word from someone in training is that mesa furloughed the new hires because they want to put the ERJ guys into CRJ training before it's too late, they see the writing on the wall. Good for the ERJ guys, at least then they don't have to furlough out of seniority when the time comes. I do agree though that Mesa is seriously F'd, not sure about Airways but they can't staff their planes, they can't do anything on time, enjoy it while it lasts.
kindof have a feeling that mesa's days are numbered....
I really hate to see people lose jobs, but let's look at the big picture:

Any scenario which results in J.O. eventually homeless on the streets giving hand-jobs for crack will benefit the entire industry in the long run!

-Always a bright side!
yes, J.O. on the street, that will be the day...
When will the United & US Air contract expire?
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