Continental or FedEx?

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Let's say that you live in one of Continental's domiciles, would you choose to fly for Continental or FedEx? Please correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems obvious that CO would offer the better quality of life, such as time spent at home and (since they are a PAX carrier) better domestic/international destination's to fly to.

Thank you all ahead of time for the input.
You're right, I believe Continental would offer a better Quality of Life. That's assuming oil stays below $100 and no more terrorists targeting commercial aviation. It's a gamble I personally wouldn't be willing to take.

For money and stability, the easy choice would be the boring MEM cargo outfit.
That is a NO-BRAINER. FedEx. Wouldn't even cross my mind. FedEx.
In the long term you will have a better quality of life, more money, stability, better route system and flexibility and all around a much better job.
Quote: Let's say that you live in one of Continental's domiciles, would you choose to fly for Continental or FedEx? Please correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems obvious that CO would offer the better quality of life, such as time spent at home and (since they are a PAX carrier) better domestic/international destination's to fly to.

Thank you all ahead of time for the input.
Joeseph, If you have to ask, go to Continental.
I'd go FedEx in a second. (Luckily for me Memphis is only a two-hour drive from my home so getting based there would be great.)
I'm at CAL, so I'm biased. I prefer the passenger flying lifestyle. CAL has more international destinations than any other US airline. Fedex is also a good place, just different. You can't go too wrong with either. You have to decide what you prefer.
Quote: I'm at CAL, so I'm biased. I prefer the passenger flying lifestyle. CAL has more international destinations than any other US airline. Fedex is also a good place, just different. You can't go too wrong with either. You have to decide what you prefer.
Besides for flying more during the day, what in the world do you prefer about passenger flying? I am just curious.

BTW, in a perfect world, if I lived in a city CAL has pilots based in, I would go to CAL for QOL. I am really paranoid after 9/11 so with the way the world is right now, I would probably suck it up, commute and go to FedEx.
Lord only knows what the future holds for FedEx and UPS.....we are the most desirable carriers to be at today but it wasn't always like that and may not be like that in the future. I wouldn't be surprised if something happens to cargo aviation and we are facing the same types of problems pax carriers face now. Never say know?

FEDEX and CAL are 2 totally different jobs. The fed offers more $ and a lot more stability. If you have to ask, I'd say FedEx is a no brain-er. I don't however subscribe to the theory that pastures in MEM will always be greener. In fact, they've only been greener for the very recent past. I am very happy that FEDEX and other freight carriers have been able to maintain decent pay scales. If it hadn't been for them, I fear that us pax guys would have taken a bigger and longer lasting hit. The best advice I have to give is to find another way to supplement your income and pick what you'd love to be doing for your last decade of your career. I love flying pax and dread the thought of flying freight around the world throughout the night. But I've got very good supplemental income. I have a great respect for the professionals at the freight carriers, and don't want to offend anyone, but remember, those guys haven't gotten a pay "raise". They've maintained their pay scales. The current climate in this country tends to capitalize on the fear of terrorism but do very little to thwart it in this country. This has been very detrimental to our industry. On an aside, if anyone wants to question my patriotism for such a remark, I'll forward my GWOT and Air war medals to you. You should also consider globalization. I think open skies could be the 9/11 of the freight carriers. All things considered, freight is the best bet NOW. If you feel that lifestyle is palatable to you as it is to most. If I were entering the industry at this time, I'd choose freight. Luckily, I entered in the 90's. I've had my ass handed to me, but still love flying pax. This probably sounds crazy to all of the geniuses out there who knew that 9/11 was coming and freight would be the way to go, but it is true. Good luck and remember that it is a great thing to have choices.
If communting to either I'd say FEDEX.

Since you live in a CAL hub. CAL.

That right there ends the discussion.

I get a kick out of those that make it sound as though one carrier is so better than the other. Whatever. Get over yourselves. Commuting as we go forward is the biggest drain on quality of life outside being furloughed.
in a perfect world,
There's no such thing.....

I am really paranoid after 9/11 so with the way the world is right now,

Paranoia.......the goal of terrorism.

Let's say that you live in one of Continental's domiciles, would you choose to fly for Continental or FedEx?
First of all...if....if you're in a position to really have to make a choice, (been offered class dates by both), count yourself as among the very fortunate in aviation. And therefore would have been in contact with employees of both. Go back and get the "pro's and cons" of both through actual conversation....write them down......sit down with friends and family...perhaps an adult beverage or two.....and make an informed decision.
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