Logbook question - fixing errors

I have a few questions in regards to errors made in the log book.

-All my Army rotor time is in an electronic logbook through an app on iPad/iPhone. With that being said I did not initially log (in the paper logbook) my 300+ hrs of NVG and thus now only my night unaided time is in ink (<100 hrs). How do I correct this without looking like I am pencil whipping this thing?

I should have just left the rotor time out of the paper logbook but I thought I needed to show prior experience to the DPE prior to my private add-on checkride and thus "amount forward" time is done very poorly and corrections need to be made for PIC time, night, cross country, etc.

Additionally, I have not done the military time to civilian conversion. Should I do that on my own prior to a interview or let them? I didn't do it myself because I never felt confident with the guidance I read on adding .2 or .3 per sortie. I was MEDEVAC for the majority of my time so we could sit on the ramp at 100% for sometimes upwards of an hour awaiting approval to launch. But I never logged a single minute of that time.

Thanks for anyone providing some clarification. I understand there is going to be some "best estimation" going on in converting these times but I want to do it right and thus the reason for the long-winded post.
Other can weigh in, but I would not do your own mil conversion in your logbook... some airlines will do that for you, and anyway all of them consider mil vs. civ as apples to oranges. So even the ones that don't give you a conversion factor will be weighing your experience in the context of military flying, and comparing you to other mil aviators.

There have been a few civilian-centric operations which were total-time focused, but they are probably few and far between these days.

You could in theory legally log all of you mil time FAA style in your logbook, but that would then conflict with your military records and would mess up the applications which automatically apply a factor.
I would use a printout from your digital logbook for interviews. Also I would not do a military “conversion” as there is no such thing in the FAR. Sitting at 100% isn’t the key-it’s moving under your own power for the purpose of flight. So if you crank to 100% and sit, no time. If you taxi out and hold then you do get to count it as time. I log both times for my mil flights, but wouldn’t feel comfortable padding historical mil time as it isn’t really logging as per the definition. If you are still flying then definitely log both accurately.

If you are coming from near 0 fixed wing time, you are looking at regionals that want 750 hours for the most part and the .2s aren’t really going to help you unless you are super low on hours...
Another logbook question
Additional question for those that have gone MIL rotor to airlines... I am submitting application and prepping for interviews very soon. With that said, I'm in the process (still) of converting all military time to a proper electronic logbook and can't help but think that I am wasting a good bit of time. The electronic logbook I was using before was an iphone app and looks like pure arse when exporting to xcel. Thus, I started to re-log it all in myflightbook.com. If I plan to make a bounded logbook for the interviews should I just place the DA759, to prove my MIL time, in the front and throw all my fixed wing time behind, then make a total time breakdown? Or is it worth the extra time to re-log all the MIL time to have several pages all organized together?
There is no real reason to have leg by leg stuff logged for mil. Your best bet (imo) is to take all of your army time from your 759 and make a single line entry by aircraft type into your logbook, and have your 759 to back it up.
Log book
Adding to the conversation...
I am in a similar situation... lots of mil RW time and some FW time... is is best to combine all the mil and civ time into 1 log book for presentation?
Meaning-- put a single summary line for the RW time, UPT time and other mil time (with supporting military print outs) and then list your -172, BE-76 time line by line...
Quote: Additional question for those that have gone MIL rotor to airlines... I am submitting application and prepping for interviews very soon. With that said, I'm in the process (still) of converting all military time to a proper electronic logbook and can't help but think that I am wasting a good bit of time. The electronic logbook I was using before was an iphone app and looks like pure arse when exporting to xcel. Thus, I started to re-log it all in myflightbook.com. If I plan to make a bounded logbook for the interviews should I just place the DA759, to prove my MIL time, in the front and throw all my fixed wing time behind, then make a total time breakdown? Or is it worth the extra time to re-log all the MIL time to have several pages all organized together?
Just my 2 cents from when I did it. I spent dozens of hours taking my flight records and inputting them line by line into a electronic fight book. It was a waste of time IMHO... my experience....

I struggled to figure out how to get accurate numbers into apps. One thing I struggled with was trying to figure out my PIC time in a previous heavy airframe. Old guy in the squadron said just use 80% of time from making AC on. I calculated like 500 hours with his method. Took me maybe 2 minutes. Then, after spending countless hours inputting every sortie, dotting every I and crossing every T, it came to about 490 hours. When I got to multiple interviews, I had my electronic logbook all bound and beautiful and ready to go. No one ever even looked at it. Just took my Harm printout and that was it. No questions, that was it.

I guess I was prepared, but now I tell everyone, just take a wag at the numbers and have a method you can explain. I really felt like I wasted a lot of time better spent on other things.

Again, my 2 cents only
Quote: Additional question for those that have gone MIL rotor to airlines... I am submitting application and prepping for interviews very soon. With that said, I'm in the process (still) of converting all military time to a proper electronic logbook and can't help but think that I am wasting a good bit of time. The electronic logbook I was using before was an iphone app and looks like pure arse when exporting to xcel. Thus, I started to re-log it all in myflightbook.com. If I plan to make a bounded logbook for the interviews should I just place the DA759, to prove my MIL time, in the front and throw all my fixed wing time behind, then make a total time breakdown? Or is it worth the extra time to re-log all the MIL time to have several pages all organized together?
Short answer (again my opinion)... 1 line in logbook, have 759 attached behind it.
AF Airlift Fixed Wing guy here. If the DA 759 is your Arrrrrrrrmy flight history record/printout, rely on that for all your mil time. Recruiters and interviewers know what to look for on mil history printouts, and it simplifies their review. It might be sound to total your mil time to one line in any bound Logbook, but it isn’t required. Log your civ time as you’ve already been doing.
Mil to civ conversions aren’t for logbooks, they are for applications, if directed by specific companies.
Don’t start “Making Easy Hard”. The Juice is not worth the Squeeze. That’s what the Arrrrrmy, and the Air Force, have been doing forever.