ALPA Dues reduction?!

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Quote: "Well people are saying." It's the new fact source in the era of fake news.
“As is well known...” was a favorite phrase of the Soviet newspaper “Pravda”. Citizens joked that it meant a whopper was coming.
Sometimes I find my Union to be corrupt and generally disgusting. My attitude improves when I see a bunch of company guys in their 50s get replaced with fresh grads at half the pay.
They’re courting the APA still. It’s been their dream for years now to make the AA pilots ALPA. Reducing the dues to attract them more was part of that plan as far back as 2013. Looks like they’re moving forward on a sales pitch to APA members.....
Quote: Sometimes I find my Union to be corrupt and generally disgusting. My attitude improves when I see a bunch of company guys in their 50s get replaced with fresh grads at half the pay.
Often I find that such nonsense comes from someone who doesn’t have a clue and hates the fact that their chosen profession is dependent on collective bargaining. Fortunately, such selfishness rarely lends itself to any action.
Quote: They’re courting the APA still. It’s been their dream for years now to make the AA pilots ALPA. Reducing the dues to attract them more was part of that plan as far back as 2013. Looks like they’re moving forward on a sales pitch to APA members.....
APA pilots are assessed a higher dues rate too often to justify their lower dues rate. In addition there is something called value and the APA ain't it.

It's a nightmare of mine... when the APA does something it cheapens the profession... whether it's crappy contracts or freeloading off of ALPA's efforts.. (FAA ReAuth)

They [APA] don't even have a code of ethics, which a profession requires.
Quote: APA pilots are assessed a higher dues rate too often to justify their lower dues rate. In addition there is something called value and the APA ain't it.

It's a nightmare of mine... when the APA does something it cheapens the profession... whether it's crappy contracts or freeloading off of ALPA's efforts.. (FAA ReAuth)

They [APA] don't even have a code of ethics, which a profession requires.
Regardless, it’s been ALPA nationals wet dream for the past several years to bring the AA pilots into ALPA. Lowering dues rates closer to APA rates was always part of every plan to get it done.
Quote: Often I find that such nonsense comes from someone who doesn’t have a clue and hates the fact that their chosen profession is dependent on collective bargaining. Fortunately, such selfishness rarely lends itself to any action.
Definitely hate it. The market is what it is so a nineteenth century labor union is the best situation most can hope for. That is unless your daddy owns the company. The best action is to start your own. That's what I'm doing.
Quote: Actually ALPA PAC gave 51% to Democrats and 49% to Republicans last year,...but why let facts get in the way of a good story.
51 is more than 49... right? Unless in your “cloudy” World math doesn’t make sense, which wouldn’t surprise me
Quote: Did I read correctly that ALPA is thinking to go from 1.9% to 1.85%?
Read... I'm not doing anyone's homework.
Quote: 51 is more than 49... right? Unless in your “cloudy” World math doesn’t make sense, which wouldn’t surprise me
Partisan lines are not black and white. I suspect that the PAC's efforts result in a net positive gain for me over the long term, all things considered. I doubt they are supporting extremists or demagogues of any stripe.
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