If You Open it They Will Come...well maybe...

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Quote: Biden is on his way down mentally.... but Trump is already at alomost rock bottom in his cognitive abilities.

Even on Biden's WORST day, one of his turds is more mentally alert than Trump.

You're clealy not familiar with what this DEEP recession and double-digit unemplyment are going to effect the election. But you'll see. The excuses will be funny.

Another brainwashed liberal. No facts, just personal hate for the guy who was smart enough to outmaneuver the whole establishment. It’s pretty simple; Vote Trump if you believe

Illegal immigration is wrong
Firearms are your right to own
Murdering babies with our tax dollars is wrong
The economy needs to be made strong again
That the United States is inherently the greatest country on earth despite all of her flaws

And don’t believe any of the far left lies coming out of CNN or MSNBC. Time will tell how much they embellished about the China Virus. Just like their Russiagate nothing burger, Impeachment hoax, Campaign spying, General Flynn entrapment, and Covington Kid scandal.
Quote: Trump said he’d open states, the left yelled tyranny, king, and 10th amendment. Fine. Now rely on your own Governors to open up your state.

“Restoring consumer confidence.”

Consumer confidence should never have been lost in the first place. 98+% of Americans know (or should know) if they get infected, they’re gonna still live. It’s the ones in that 1-2% that are dying with multiple pre-existing conditions and ones who are old (70+). And yes there have been people under 50 dying from Covid but they are very rare. The way this country has reacted, is like if this was some bubonic plague that has a 90% infection rate and a 60% fatality rate. If that was the case, then a full shut down was warranted. But this Covid is not. 1/3 of all deaths from covid in this country are in nursing home and their workers. And even though African Americans make up 15% overall population, they represent 60% of all Covid fatalities in this country. Yet, the entire damn country is in fear and panic mode. Protect the most vulnerable, let them stay home and quarantined, and let the rest of us get on with our lives.

The bottom line is EVERY single day, CNN and the types play a constant 24 hr coverage of Covid with EVERY single story being doomsday type. Everyday, a new thing to fear. A new statistic. They said when 3,000 died that as many as 9/11 are dead. Then it was as many as Vietnam war are dead. Throwing out useless irrelevant metrics to scare people . It’s to create shock and awe, to turn people against Trump. It’s literally the definition of propaganda. And it rolls everyday, unchecked.

Vaccine. I don’t think we’ll see it. We’ve never had a vaccine for SARS or any virus that spread from China, and to be fair they went away quickly so there was no need. Now we’re rushing at a crazy speed with human trials to get a vaccine for this. God knows what long term unknown consequences we could have from a vaccine that we say works. Picture the opening intro scene of “I am Legend”
You’re correct... consumer confidence should have never been lost in the first place (or at least to the degree that it has been). Trump bungled the response. Plain and simple. You can blame the media, you can blame the “libtards”, you can blame whoever the hell you want. The fact is Trump was in charge and he let this thing spiral out of control. Trump’s misdirection and thumb twiddling are what created the power vacuum that led to individual states having to devise their own responses. So here we are, almost 4 months after the first known COVID case in the US, still floundering about with a piecemeal, ineffective, state-by-state response to a national crises which has left the entire country divided and confused. I know, I know... “but he shut down travel from China (which he really didn’t) and then all the mean nasty liberals were super mean to him and called his policies racist.” When you’re the leader of the free world the buck stops with you, that’s the deal. You don’t get to blame everybody else.
Quote: Another brainwashed liberal. No facts, just personal hate for the guy who was smart enough to outmaneuver the whole establishment. It’s pretty simple; Vote Trump if you believe

Illegal immigration is wrong
Firearms are your right to own
Murdering babies with our tax dollars is wrong
The economy needs to be made strong again
That the United States is inherently the greatest country on earth despite all of her flaws

And don’t believe any of the far left lies coming out of CNN or MSNBC. Time will tell how much they embellished about the China Virus. Just like their Russiagate nothing burger, Impeachment hoax, Campaign spying, General Flynn entrapment, and Covington Kid scandal.

LOL.... "fury"....

The kids who died on the floors of detention camps are getting their vindication. Karma is coming for the supporters of their deaths.

Enjoy the layoffs. KISS!
Quote: Sounds like a perfect time to open everything up fully. Based on those polls, many won't leave. Some will. Those "some" will create a natural social distance being few as it is. Then slowly we can get more people to come out once they see it's not all Armageddon like it's been hyped up to be (and yes, it's been hyped). 1/3 of all deaths have been in nursing home residents+workers. And even though Africa Americans only make up 15% of the population, they represent 60% of the overall fatalities in this country from Covid. It's time to stop punishing the entire country and start protecting what we scientifically see as the most at-risk from Covid and protect them. Let the rest out.
That seems like a big gamble and you're being pretty cavalier with other people's lives. By the way, that 15%/60% statistic has been rebuked by the source you're citing. Better go update your talking points.

I'm curious if this minor point will give you a change of heart. Some people won't care until it directly affects them.
Quote: You’re correct... consumer confidence should have never been lost in the first place (or at least to the degree that it has been). Trump bungled the response. Plain and simple. You can blame the media, you can blame the “libtards”, you can blame whoever the hell you want. The fact is Trump was in charge and he let this thing spiral out of control. Trump’s misdirection and thumb twiddling are what created the power vacuum that led to individual states having to devise their own responses. So here we are, almost 4 months after the first known COVID case in the US, still floundering about with a piecemeal, ineffective, state-by-state response to a national crises which has left the entire country divided and confused. I know, I know... “but he shut down travel from China (which he really didn’t) and then all the mean nasty liberals were super mean to him and called his policies racist.” When you’re the leader of the free world the buck stops with you, that’s the deal. You don’t get to blame everybody else.
Blame Trump for a global viral pandemic, that's the liberal left today. Trump did and has done about what could have been expected for how prepared this nation was for a pandemic. From the looks of it, no western country was prepared for a global viral outbreak. Jan 14th WHO told the world there were no known animal to human spread from Covid19. 45 days later this was a global pandemic. Now we know the first cases were already arriving in December and spreading it. Trump can't order states to shut down and that decision was up to each individual state. Liberals are losing their minds, frankly I think we've actually done a good job in this country so far. 75k dead sucks but what other country in the world is like ours with our land size, individual states, demographics, and general unhealthiness (way too much fat, diabetes, hypertension, heart issues). It could have been far worse. And now many medical facilities are empty and laying off medical personnel.

There probably will not be a vaccine. Unless Covid just goes away on its own, you're probably gonna get sick. And statistically speaking you're highly likely to live. The sooner Americans can mentally accept, the sooner they can all move on.
All known facts as of today. Total US cases.

9 dead under age 19
45 dead under age 30
190 dead under age 40
413 dead under age 50

Interpret that as you will.



Quote: Blame Trump for a global viral pandemic, that's the liberal left today. Trump did and has done about what could have been expected for how prepared this nation was for a pandemic. From the looks of it, no western country was prepared for a global viral outbreak. Jan 14th WHO told the world there were no known animal to human spread from Covid19. 45 days later this was a global pandemic. Now we know the first cases were already arriving in December and spreading it. Trump can't order states to shut down and that decision was up to each individual state. Liberals are losing their minds, frankly I think we've actually done a good job in this country so far. 75k dead sucks but what other country in the world is like ours with our land size, individual states, demographics, and general unhealthiness (way too much fat, diabetes, hypertension, heart issues). It could have been far worse. And now many medical facilities are empty and laying off medical personnel.

There probably will not be a vaccine. Unless Covid just goes away on its own, you're probably gonna get sick. And statistically speaking you're highly likely to live. The sooner Americans can mentally accept, the sooner they can all move on.
Nobody is blaming him for the pandemic. It’s his response to it that has been the problem and will continue to be the problem if we want a strong economic recovery. What we need to move forward here is a clear, consistent message from the top. The states, corporations, etc. all will play a role but they need a general script to play by. “We’re going to open up by Easter! Ok maybe not Easter, maybe a few weeks later, or maybe after that, I don’t know but the liberals and the media are your enemy.” So instead of uniting the country in the common goal of defeating this virus and getting the economy on track, we have somebody using the bully pulpit to sow mass confusion and whine about how the media is being mean to him. Great... just the sort of strong, mature, and effective leadership we need at a moment like this. People are confused and scared right now and that is going to be one of our biggest hindrances moving forward with the economic recovery. Scared people don’t go to Disney. Take the slow ramp up of testing and all of the policy issues out of this and let’s just look at Trump’s leadership and messaging. I would argue that messaging from the top is one of the most, if not the most important role of the executive branch in a crisis like this, and that messaging has been wildly inconsistent, divisive and weak. A national crisis is often the easiest time to bring the country together and Trump is failing miserably. But yeah, sure, it’s all CNN’s fault and our poor helpless victim of a president would be doing much better if that pesky media wasn’t so mean to him.
You do realize that many governors, in charge of their states, have continually pushed the goalposts back? The national leadership has published guidelines, but the states ultimately have control.
It's amazing how polarizing this has been. I try to stay out of politics, I'm not smart enough and I'm easily tricked and lured.

I'm a scientist by education and trade and a novice airline pilot. I've worked for both private industry and government in my past/present career and see my retirement job as pilot slipping away.

From a science, pragmatic perspective, yes, quarentine, social distancing, lockdown, etc, are the answer without a treatment and vaccine. Easy... here's the data.. here is our guess.. yada yada yada.. and the data is still being collected, parced and interpreted. Studies and data get leaked and data is cherry picked and confirmation bias runs a rampage. The impacts of which are terrible. Everything has become so polarized we are all suffering severe cognative dissonance.

Now that the public and much of the leadership for the most part does not accept what it takes to control the virus there most likely will be an increase in infection and deaths. Business will deal with employees being sick, insurance, lost time, lost workers etc. I don't know the implications but know many businesses have hired outside consultants to run allot of numbers for them.

I see allot of people on here talk about demographics, age race and sex here and applying data from the NY tri state area or other place and making broad statements and applying them nationwide. Worse, data from another country such as Sweden which is murky now at best. Data is so multivariate at the moment, incorrect conclusions are being made and spread.

I have never before seen such an army of researchers working on a common goal before. The belief that the virus runs its course like a wild fire and burns itself out, till herd immunity is acheived, may or may not be true. No data or limited data has been established on antibody immunity, reinfection/relapse, viral mutation, and IgM longevity.

From a business person and novice pilot, this sucks. There is no easy way out of this. Globally and nationally. Unfortunately I personally believe we are in the top of the first inning right now. History will parce who is right or wrong, and what the correct course of action should have been.

The good news now... Healthcare providers have learned allot about "better" ways to treat patients in various stages of covid infection. Some very promising clinical data is being reviewed now and treatment with various antivirals in conjunction with beta interferon and/or other monoclonal antibodies is very, very promising. The bad news.. there will be more infection, more deaths, more strain on the various healthcare systems and personnel in various hotspots throughout the country as they arise.

Hope for the best, plan for the worst.
Mickey makes his move...
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