70% of upgrades had a failure.

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Quote: These are good questions to ask yourself. One of the greatest things we can do in life is to learn from all negative encounters. Yes I believe you can study harder and leave nothing to chance always assume you will be taking a checkride with the toughest check pilots you’ve ever met even when you’re at a better company.

Unfortunately I do believe that as applicants we must do our DD and become as informed of a company as best as possible. There are companies that have bad training departments and unfortunately have narcissistic characters who hold power over us such as chief pilots and check pilots. I’m blessed to be at my final airline which is one of the 3 legacies but if I could do it all over again I would have avoided the regional where it all started. Companies like Republic, PSA, Atlas, and Gojet I would avoid like the plague due to the higher than normal career altering events and bad training departments. I remember calling in sick when I would get a known tough for nothing check pilot. Unfortunately I believe some of these guys determined how the outcome of a meeting or checkride would go before the ride even began and stroked their egos with the outcome. Also most of those super tough for nothing check pilots that I knew of were terrible pilots. I knew of those guys dragging wings, tails, runway incursions, and violating the P56 out of DCA.

Now it is possible to go to one of these regionals and the Swiss cheese never aligning where you’ll be fine but why risk it when the percentage numbers are higher than other places? The majors know of the problem airlines and see the bigger picture so don’t give up but also work to become the best pilot you can and DO YOUR DD and avoid places with higher than normal problems.

Yup, thanks. I agree with not only about your comments of those mentioned carriers, but yes, looks like I really slipped into a hole and broke a leg on this recurrency. Although the KV part, yes it was overwhelming, but after I passed the KV with all the knowledge and expertise I gained, I felt my competence sky rocketed (don't mean to sound cocky), and I felt much better and was gaining the confidence to eventually upgrade as I saw myself better prepared for the worse, so I probably would not change the KV the way it is. And it's true, treat all recurrency like an initial checkride. And I know how to prepare now with the right approach. I guess I was just too relaxed based on the outcome of success at XJT? Possible. Currently talking with Emerald Coast and trying to figure out what exactly were the triggers to this. And it's possible maybe i've been explaining about my failures the wrong way on my app, trying to figure it out.

I wish that after the LOE failure I'd have the opportunity to take those bad mistakes as a lesson and continue, at least the LCA complemented me that i'm really competent and capable in my role and can definitely fix the gaps. Yeah the rudder issue during single engine and standing outside of the stabilized approach envelope were pretty huge and none a tolerable mistakes. That's what I think is the worse scar now in my career and it's going to be hard to explain about that. Like someone mentioned here, I might've fell back to the student pilot level and i'm considered dangerous now to the paying passengers.
Quote: Your continued justification hurts only you.

The C-17 pilot is irrelevant, but had he passed his training, would it have helped you? No. Whether he or she passed has no bearing on you, or your performance. You were told by your union stewards that there was nothing they could do for you. You were given a unanimous decision by your training review board: you were offered the chance to resign, rather than be fired. Whether the C-17 pilot was told the same is irrelevant. What the C-17 pilot did in the USAF is irrelevant. You neither studied for him, nor did he study for you. You failed on your own. Your continued, dogged insistence on justification and excuse makes quite clear why you didn't pass. Your obstacle to your career is not the Republic training department. It is you.

This is where you must start and what you must fix. You can focus your excuses on Republic and blame them for your troubles, and you can attempt blame everywhere but yourself, if you insist, but it will not prepare you for a checkride or an interview, or fix your lifetime pilot record database (PRD) employment history. All the excuses in the world, and a resignation, won't change the record that will go in the PRD. That's the purpose of the PRD.

You need to put distance between this event and yourself. The only possible scenario that will help you is to establish a track record of good study habits, decision making, employment, and checkrides, because these are evidence. Excuses are not. No employer will listen to you justify yourself based on what a C-17 pilot did. Doing so will only succeed in making yourself look bad.

This is a good time for you to hire professionals: you need an honest evaluation of your flying and any training necessary to fix some obvious deficiencies in aeronautical decision making and basic airmanship. Only you can make yourself study and prepare.

You need to consult with a professional interview preparation service to discuss the best way to address the specifics of your situation, moving forward. Fail to do so at your own peril.

Stop making excuses. Own your past, stop projecting it on others, and fix what's broken. It won't fix itself.

have to agree. It wasn’t one fail and they certainly gave you multiple chances. You failed more than you passed. Even the best pilots can have an unlucky day and anyone can fail a checkride, oral or type ride. It takes some luck which is why they do offer multiple attempts with little repercussion. You can’t put it on the training department solely. Having some internal self reflection will go along way into helping you grow and learn something that a future employer will appreciate.
I’m an outside from delta and in training. Imho the union should be fighting the training department on that. We can make any mv or LOE pure hell and impossible to pass, but it would also be going outside of aqp. Which I believe you guys have. If there are to be 3 distractors on the LOE, the union should fight anyone adding 10 more.

Now given there could be variances with programs, the problem for the pilot who has a multitude of mistakes spread throughout the LOE, that does constitute an UNSAT. Usually 10 phases of the flight, 2 can be repeated. Not 3. The mv is a little different it’s up to 2 tasks can be repeated, not 3.

I do know, and this goes for delta as well, failing a CQ is a very big deal. You don’t have as many repeats and protections as you did during the initial qual.

I would press any instructor to explain on the 5 point grading scale why there was a grade 2. Make them show it. Chances are they didn’t even write it down.
JohnBurke. Do you take private messages? Well. . . . if you're willing to.
I agree on the union doing their part however at the regionals especially the ones with non ALPA unions they simply don’t do anything. I remember delaying my upgrade at the regionals by over 1,000 hours due to the high failure rate. The company towards the end even started asking us to upgrade calling us to offer us the next upgrade class however I went when I felt over prepared. I did talk to the union with my concerns and the guy who I spoke with his answer was ‘Yea we know that the failure rate is 50-60% and some of us have failed during upgrade’ I was just amazed at their incompetence and knew I had to take full responsibility for my outcome and assume the union would be of no help.

To the guy who failed out of training try to always be humble and learn from every event. Even if you had passed everything the first time there’s always something to learn and grow from. There is no such thing as a perfect check ride and at the legacies they really want us to take something positive for every event. I would apply to mesa they seem to take guys who fail out of training at other carriers. They are far from the top regional however their training department I hear is very good and now you have some 121 experience. Treat the next airline seriously and during training you should have no life other than eat, sleep, little time to connect with family, and your training. Good luck
Quote: I’m an outside from delta and in training. Imho the union should be fighting the training department on that. We can make any mv or LOE pure hell and impossible to pass, but it would also be going outside of aqp. Which I believe you guys have. If there are to be 3 distractors on the LOE, the union should fight anyone adding 10 more.

Now given there could be variances with programs, the problem for the pilot who has a multitude of mistakes spread throughout the LOE, that does constitute an UNSAT. Usually 10 phases of the flight, 2 can be repeated. Not 3. The mv is a little different it’s up to 2 tasks can be repeated, not 3.

I do know, and this goes for delta as well, failing a CQ is a very big deal. You don’t have as many repeats and protections as you did during the initial qual.

I would press any instructor to explain on the 5 point grading scale why there was a grade 2. Make them show it. Chances are they didn’t even write it down.
Quote: I agree on the union doing their part however at the regionals especially the ones with non ALPA unions they simply don’t do anything. I remember delaying my upgrade at the regionals by over 1,000 hours due to the high failure rate. The company towards the end even started asking us to upgrade calling us to offer us the next upgrade class however I went when I felt over prepared. I did talk to the union with my concerns and the guy who I spoke with his answer was ‘Yea we know that the failure rate is 50-60% and some of us have failed during upgrade’ I was just amazed at their incompetence and knew I had to take full responsibility for my outcome and assume the union would be of no help.

To the guy who failed out of training try to always be humble and learn from every event. Even if you had passed everything the first time there’s always something to learn and grow from. There is no such thing as a perfect check ride and at the legacies they really want us to take something positive for every event. I would apply to mesa they seem to take guys who fail out of training at other carriers. They are far from the top regional however their training department I hear is very good and now you have some 121 experience. Treat the next airline seriously and during training you should have no life other than eat, sleep, little time to connect with family, and your training. Good luck

Yup, Absolutely. Well. . . already submitted my app to Mesa and got an email "we are unable to provide you with the offer for employment at this time". I'm guessing probably because I applied for FO instead of DEC. Thinking about trying again and selecting DEC. But currently waiting to get some advice from Emerald Coast with explaining my failures. It's possible I wrote my failures the wrong way.

JohnBurke. . . . please hold your thoughts now as you've hammered me plenty of times now and I get your point. Let me get intels to the Mesa subject here, please. . . .
Quote: But the ISSUE was CA upgrades. So I ask again, what is the proposed solution? To never upgrade to CA???
You don't need to upgrade to get a major job these days.

Upgrade and PIC will generally speed up your progression, but you might be better off as an SIC with a clean record, than a PIC with recent 121 training busts. The clean SIC is definitely better off than an SIC who attempted upgrade and ended up back in the right seat.

Just the world we live in right now.
Quote: You don't need to upgrade to get a major job these days.

Upgrade and PIC will generally speed up your progression, but you might be better off as an SIC with a clean record, than a PIC with recent 121 training busts. The clean SIC is definitely better off than an SIC who attempted upgrade and ended up back in the right seat.

Just the world we live in right now.
But that begs the question:

Are you never going to upgrade at the legacy then? And why do you think it’ll be any easier there?
Quote: I would apply to mesa they seem to take guys who fail out of training at other carriers

this is completely false. You are thinking of the mesa that paid 38/hr. Now that they are the top highest paying regional, with first year line holder FO's making $140k/year, they arent who you think they are anymore. Mesa wont take you especially now unless you previously worked for them, or are a DEC. Even this person with a recent 121 failure, Mesa wont take him as a DEC. You'd need training events whether its 121 or 135 between last 121 failure and applying.
Quote: this is completely false. You are thinking of the mesa that paid 38/hr. Now that they are the top highest paying regional, with first year line holder FO's making $140k/year, they arent who you think they are anymore. Mesa wont take you especially now unless you previously worked for them, or are a DEC. Even this person with a recent 121 failure, Mesa wont take him as a DEC.
Well. . . .. . thanks. lol
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