I think things will turn around soon

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Quote: Your Hitler comparisons cheapen any argument you have. End of story.
Disagree... I will repost what I told Led Zep in a PM.. I'm not alone in the Hitler comparison..

And on the topic of Hitler, I'm well read in the history of WWI and WWII and spend more time on message boards for that than even here!

.. recall he convinced his generals and the Wehrmact who were initially very distrusting that his only goal was to return to Germany it's rightful lands (Prussia was a soft sport for many of them) and a return to it's glorious status of pre-WWI. with the loss of Prussia, the Sudaten Lands and parts of their French borders as his sole objectives they set off to attack Poland which then lead to the declalration of war by the French and by extension the British.

But he duped his people and his military and only a small handful of inner circle Nazi's knew of his plans for the Jews and his plan to eventually invade Russia.. Except now it's us being duped with information about Iraqi involvement in 9/11 and other misinformation.. Substitute the desire to kill all the Jews with the desire to make Oil even more profitable, and take control (thru puppet governments in the region) of that oil... Thru a war of aggression.. we weren't invited into Iraq by their internationally recognized government, were we? Nor did we have the concurrence of the world community or the UN Security council.

Similarly with Hitler is the rhetoric of GW Bush, which is mostly nationalist and mostly about what's in the interest of the "American" people the rest of the world be damned! There are a lot of serious scholars who compare the two, so don't tune out too fast!
Didnt say you were alone....just cheapens anything you have to say. You are certainly welcome to you own opinions..... but if you really think Bush II is ANYTHING remotely like Hitler ..... well you really are jaded. All countries do things in their own national interest.... that alone is a weak argument. There is MUCH I do not like about things this president has done, but frankly a comparison to Hitler is just ludicrous. Those who really make do it for shock value alone.
Quote: Didnt say you were alone....just cheapens anything you have to say.

Sorry, I've turned blue in the face with the 30+ posts on this topic explaining every other logical argument ad endum and providing video and text links... Desperate times call for desperate measures!
Quote: Sorry, I've turned blue in the face with the 30+ posts on this topic explaining every other logical argument ad endum and providing video and text links... Desperate times call for desperate measures!
I'm sorry but who led you to believe your arguments were logical? You? Comparing to Bush to Hitler, saying we HAVE to negotiate with all Muslims? Why would we have to negotiate with Muslims who are non-violent? No, what the lefties are advocating is negotiating with RADICAL Muslims which I do not find logical in the least. I know, why don't all of the "lets talk it over" types sit and have a debate with Khalid Shiek Mohammed down in Gitmo....no guards, no fences, no weapons and we'll see just how long "negotiations" last. Kinda hard to negotiate without a head.
George W. Bush's days are numbered. He will be out of office soon.

Then more than likely Barack Hussein Obama will be in the white house taking advice from his Pastor Wright about how the U.S. of KKK of A. is Wrong not wright. What a great role model he has.

Its hard to believe that Obama claims this crazy, whacked out, pastor made him "closer to Jesus" when all he does is "hoop and holler" about how the black folk is second in America.

You think its bad with Bush? Just wait till Hussein Obama takes over.....
But hey, atleast we will have a President who is union friendly, right?
Quote: .........Barack Hussein Obama .....
Classic Xenophobia.. classic. Makes me want to vote for him even more.
Quote: Classic Xenophobia.. classic. Makes me want to vote for him even more.
Just like the rest of the mezmerized herd. Vote for BHO based on many many unsubstantive ideas because he's a "rockstar" and everyone else who thinks they are educated are going to anyway. Total herd mentality. I just LOVE those who can't think for themselves.
Quote: Just like the rest of the mezmerized herd. Vote for BHO based on many many unsubstantive ideas because he's a "rockstar" and everyone else who thinks they are educated are going to anyway. Total herd mentality. I just LOVE those who can't think for themselves.
Did someone hi-jack your user name, or did you just accuse me of not thinking for myself... I think you can call me a lot of things on here, including a flipping liberal, but to say I don't think for myself is a stretch.

Anyway, gotta prepare for a job interview.. if I can get re-employed, then maybe I can join the ranks of the rich and vote for McCain so I can get a tax cut, cause that's all that really matters in the end, is me.. my taxes and my money, screw the poor, hungry and needy.. they can get a job!
Quote: Did someone hi-jack your user name, or did you just accuse me of not thinking for myself... I think you can call me a lot of things on here, including a flipping liberal, but to say I don't think for myself is a stretch.

Anyway, gotta prepare for a job interview.. if I can get re-employed, then maybe I can join the ranks of the rich and vote for McCain so I can get a tax cut, cause that's all that really matters in the end, is me.. my taxes and my money, screw the poor, hungry and needy.. they can get a job!
No, no hi-jacked handle........but since you said that xenophobia is just one more reason you'll vote for BHO, can you please tell me ONE thing he stands for that would be good for this country and thats NOT rooted in Marxism?
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