Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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Quote: Respectfully, the company fixed one of our problems, not the other way around. It was the right thing to do to address an unforeseen, highly unique, and massive penalty on some of our newest brothers and sisters.
While I agree it was the right thing to do, I think this was a company need. I would be inclined to believe that we're already seeing the hiring pool thin, and NH pay was hurting retention / applicants of potential new hires. So if this was a "company need" to keep enough people in the pipeline, than we should have used that leverage to help our, ever worsening (inflation / optimizer), 6 yr old contract. They had a NEED, we NEED a new contract. And the end result, a good new contract, would address our need and also their need, by attracting more applicants. WIN, WIN just takes a little longer?
Quote: While I agree it was the right thing to do, I think this was a company need. I would be inclined to believe that we're already seeing the hiring pool thin, and NH pay was hurting retention / applicants of potential new hires. So if this was a "company need" to keep enough people in the pipeline, than we should have used that leverage to help our, ever worsening (inflation / optimizer), 6 yr old contract. They had a NEED, we NEED a new contract. And the end result, a good new contract, would address our need and also their need, by attracting more applicants. WIN, WIN just takes a little longer?
Our union’s fiduciary responsibility is to the approximately 207 of our brother and sister pilots who were stuck in a gap in the contract only revealed by Covid (and yes, to some extent, management’s ill-advised handling of it).

I’m not sure it was actually a company need at all. But to the extent it was, any ‘help’ this provides to them is incidental.

I do get your point though, I just don’t think it would have provided as much leverage as maybe you do.
Quote: While I agree it was the right thing to do, I think this was a company need. I would be inclined to believe that we're already seeing the hiring pool thin, and NH pay was hurting retention / applicants of potential new hires. So if this was a "company need" to keep enough people in the pipeline, than we should have used that leverage to help our, ever worsening (inflation / optimizer), 6 yr old contract. They had a NEED, we NEED a new contract. And the end result, a good new contract, would address our need and also their need, by attracting more applicants. WIN, WIN just takes a little longer?
The problem is the company has no shortage of qualified applicants.
Quote: The problem is the company has no shortage of qualified applicants.
incorrect. There are about 3,300 applications on file, and bear in mind, these applicants are also applying at United, FedEx, etc.
Quote: While I agree it was the right thing to do, I think this was a company need. I would be inclined to believe that we're already seeing the hiring pool thin, and NH pay was hurting retention / applicants of potential new hires. So if this was a "company need" to keep enough people in the pipeline, than we should have used that leverage to help our, ever worsening (inflation / optimizer), 6 yr old contract. They had a NEED, we NEED a new contract. And the end result, a good new contract, would address our need and also their need, by attracting more applicants. WIN, WIN just takes a little longer?
I don’t think it was a company need. Overhauling first year pay may be but closing this loophole probably does not do much to help them get qualified applicants
Quote: I don’t think it was a company need. Overhauling first year pay may be but closing this loophole probably does not do much to help them get qualified applicants
I have heard from multiple sources that we are not the number 1 choice of pilots looking for a job. MGMT will put a shiny spin on it, but as all Majors, we have folks taking jobs here then turning around and leaving us for other Majors.

As to the timing, I wish we wouldn't do anything while in Section 6.
Quote: I have heard from multiple sources that we are not the number 1 choice of pilots looking for a job.

I have a friend leaving another legacy (after 2 years) for here and passed up an interview at UPS. Why? Because here, he can sit short call from his house. People just have choices these days, which is great. Not saying we don't need a better contract, but this is just a subjective viewpoint.
Quote: I have a friend leaving another legacy (after 2 years) for here and passed up an interview at UPS. Why? Because here, he can sit short call from his house. People just have choices these days, which is great. Not saying we don't need a better contract, but this is just a subjective viewpoint.
Absolutely! I was a NH mentor and lost 2 to other companies. Both made more sense to their QOL.

I was really pointing out that MGMT knows they have to step up their game, they can't just be arrogant about "This is Delta!"

I'm happy here but wish we weren't married to one major so that we could really explore what the market will bear. The idea that a contract doesn't expire, it only becomes amenable really hurts our bargaining power.

EB and his minions can just sit and wait, with little to no pressure.
Quote: Absolutely! I was a NH mentor and lost 2 to other companies. Both made more sense to their QOL.

I was really pointing out that MGMT knows they have to step up their game, they can't just be arrogant about "This is Delta!"

I'm happy here but wish we weren't married to one major so that we could really explore what the market will bear. The idea that a contract doesn't expire, it only becomes amenable really hurts our bargaining power.

EB and his minions can just sit and wait, with little to no pressure.
Sure, until AA, UAL and the Lcc get new contracts and suddenly future Profit Sharing is not attractive anymore.

I actually would like to UAL and AA get a contract sooner than us.
Quote: incorrect. There are about 3,300 applications on file, and bear in mind, these applicants are also applying at United, FedEx, etc.
They are getting new apps everyday. I know several highly qualified applicants who have heard crickets and others who after playing pong online get the try back in 6 months.
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