Legislatoin to Stop the TSA!

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Also remember TSA's new slogans (sent to me by 80ktsclamp) to help combat the feisty public backlash against their techniques:

Can't see London, can't see France, unless we see in your underpants.

Grope discounts available.

If we did our job any better we'd have to buy you dinner first.

Only we know if Lady Gaga is really a lady.

Don't worry, my hands are still warm from the last guy.

Throw a few back at the airport Chili's and you won't even notice.

Wanna fly? Drop your fly.

We've handled more balls than [omitted].

We are now free to move about your pants.

We rub you the wrong way, so you can be on your way.

It's not a grope. It's a freedom pat.

When in doubt, we make you whip it out.

TSA: Touchin', Squeezin', Arrestin'

You were a virgin.

We handle more packages than FedEx
Oh, and SNL has weighed in:

Quote: You mean like abolishing the department of education???

Yeah, I'm not making that up. That is one of Ron Paul's view. He has the most radical political views I have ever heard, and he will cause far more harm to this country than good.

In all my life, I have never met a politician who I have disagreed with 100%. Then I heard about Ron Paul.
Actually he has more radical ideas than that... as an earlier poster mentioned, the GOP had long held the Dept of Education as un constitutional. That is pretty main stream, actually.

Going on an actual standard (gold) instead of fiat (decreed) money is somewhat radical...
De-criminalizing illicit drugs is radical...
Allowing people to make their own stupid decisions and living with the consequences is radical...
Following the founder's dictum of non-interventionism is radical...
Allowing people to pick who touches their junk (medical and non-medical touching) is radical...
Not forcing parents to send their kids to government schools is radical...

Oh yeah... LIBERTY... pretty radical stuff.
Quote: You mean like abolishing the department of education???

Yeah, I'm not making that up. That is one of Ron Paul's view. He has the most radical political views I have ever heard, and he will cause far more harm to this country than good.

In all my life, I have never met a politician who I have disagreed with 100%. Then I heard about Ron Paul.
Ron Paul's opinion, as many other professionals, about abolishing the Dept of Ed is not what you fear; it's not that he believes our kids should not be educated, quite the contrary. He, and most teachers, agree that the Dept of Ed is a useless bureaucracy like most things out of DC and is a self serving money sucking office. How has public education trended since the Dept took over? By doing away with it the states then have the responsibility, as they should with many issues, to get the job done. The federal gov't was created when the original colonies came together for a common military defense and to create a commercially hospitable trading environment, not to manage our daily lives.
The Second Amendment is not about hunting or sport shooting, it is about defending the first, third, fourth, etc
Quote: I know it is not the "American Way" but it is time to start profiling!

It's not profiling, it's a description of the suspect.
They ranked this fourth behind free speech, right to bear arms, and quartering troops. It might be important.

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

Practical definition of the 4th Amendment:

Fourth Amendment Defined & Explained

Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I would love to see someone drop pants and demand a visual inspection as opposed to a rub down.
Like this?

Video: Woman strips to underwear at Seattle airport to protest against TSA - San Francisco Fashion Trends | Examiner.com
EVERYONE is a SUSPECT under TSA and HLS eyes, it's our fault we create it in hopes of better security during the previous reign.

We allowed the Administration do their job and to go after US Citizens like they are made of meat and guess what? its open season.

And a big number of these guys can even pass the basic security screening to fly a cargo airplane out of Chechnya on a Tuesday afternoon.

And we don't want Communism? the trend is showing otherwise.
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