Malaysian 777 missing

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So they have pretty good radar and ADS-B coverage. How do they not have at least some idea where the airplane went down ? Or is it just not being reported possibly ??
Quote: That's what is most odd about it, it's almost like they had a complete electrical blackout, and then may have flown several hundred miles blind to a crash site.
you mean electrical failure, caused by something, loss of all of the screens and then spiral it in like JFK Jr's crash where it hits, sinks fast and remains in one piece?

For god's sake, if you get a call to give an interview on TV, and the idiot interviewer asks you "do these new planes fly themselves"? DON'T SAY YES!!!

The 777 does not fly itself - WE fly the aircraft. We control and manage the crew and the plane's automation. We understand what automation means. The public doesn't. Telling the public, who has no real idea what our job is about (with the exception of watching the movie "Airplane"), that the planes fly themselves is ridiculous.

I just watched some ex-777 captain agree with Greta Van Susteren that, yes, many pilots let the plane fly itself and turn on the autopilot at 400 feet. Sheesh. Take some pride and talk about how automation augments our natural god-like aviating abilities. We don't need to let the public think a monkey could do our job as long as he's fed bananas. If we keep this up, they'll be able to replace us with drones and chimps.
Hithe job.[/QUOTE
God like? Lol. Bit of a God complex, mate?
I think you missed the point. While I disagree with LightAttack's assessment, "We control and manage the crew and the plane's automation," he seems to know what he's talking about regarding pride.

It's trendy these days to belittle the pilot's role in the Air Transportation industry and to ridicule his sense of responsibility. This trend was started with deregulation, when grocery store chain managers started running airlines. Totally ignorant of the meaning of moral responsibility in general, and of the pilots responsibility to his passenger, his employer, his society and his profession in particular, they started a campaign to reduce pilot wages by downplaying the importance of the pilot's contribution and by spreading contempt for the strength of character every pilot is expected to develop if he hopes to live up to trust vested in him.

And that character includes developing a sense of pride in one's knowledge, skills and achievements. It has nothing to do with any so-called "God complex" - whatever that is - harangued by here-today-gone-tomorrow cost-cutting experts. It has everything to do with getting the the job done. A pilot who puts on his stripes will think like a pilot. And if he thinks like a pilot, he will act like one. It's human nature 101. However, if he thinks a pilot is just another cog, his sense of responsibility is immature and he will merely conform. And conformance means focusing on justification, on escaping responsibility. And that leads to lost flights and Air Carrier failures. But if he's thinks the success of his flight and the lives of all those aboard depends on him, he will perform. And performance means bread on the table and safe flights.
Quote: Very sad, seems like a very interesting and intelligent person, I hope shyguy doesn't come on here and demoralize and point blame toward him because of a failed checkride from the early 80's, like he did the UPS captain. (I don't know if the captain has a failed check ride for the early 80's but shy will let us know if he does).
Stop making horse-rear-end-product comments, I have said nothing of the sorts and will not say anything about him. A large airliner has disappeared/crashed without a hint/trace and and this is very concerning.
Quote: Two illegal immigrants were traveling together? There's still no known motives for terrorists to attack MH.
Agreed, I don't understand why the media is running with this terrorist angle. It doesn't matter if John Doe travelled with his own John Doe passport, whereas Bill Smith travelled with a Bob Anderson passport. Both of these passengers would be treated equally by the Kuala Lumpur airport security, their bags would be searched the same, their bodies searched the same, etc etc etc.

If it was terrorism, they'll just write it off to poor security in the third world.
I've been to several third world countries and I have to say their airport security puts the TSA to shame.

Looks like it may have been a terrorist attack. It was an Iranian who purchased a ticket with a stolen passport.
Why would an Iranian terrorist take out a Muslim airliner from Malaysia to China of all places? The typical Iranian has nothing against Malaysians or Chinese people.
Maybe they ditched, and everyone is safe on a deserted island, wouldn't that be something.
Quote: Maybe they ditched, and everyone is safe on a deserted island, wouldn't that be something.
I don't know anything about B777 systems but what about the ELT? Shouldn't that be activated on impact? Can't they get a signal from the ELT?
Quote: I don't know anything about B777 systems but what about the ELT? Shouldn't that be activated on impact? Can't they get a signal from the ELT?
Well, if the ELT is made by Honeywell, there's always the possibility it overheated and caused a fire...
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