LGA Mad Dog Mishap

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Quote: Looks like the venerable Mad dog has had yet another problem in LGA. I suspect Runway contamination in excess of what has been reported.
EXACTAMUNDO. This is a problem that sticks its ugly head up every so often. If the tower isn't accurate about the runway condition, you are now along for the ride. Here's to hoping the crew isn't put through the ringer, and is actually commended on their airmanship, given the conditions.
Quote: Definitely not pilot error. Delta pilots don't make any mistakes
Stupid comment
warning: bad language

Quote: Definitely not pilot error. Delta pilots don't make any mistakes
Wind check..

Glad everyone ok.
Quote: Stupid comment
I am pretty sure it was a joke. Cut him some slack will ya?
I'd be willing to bet that both pilot seat cushions are a total writeoff.
Quote: Stupid comment
It is a running joke that Delta pilots take themselves a bit too seriously... You must have missed my wink
Reports that he landed with a 9kts. tailwind????
current wind at 1200 lcl. 360 at 9 gust to 16.
Quote: Wind check..

Glad everyone ok.
Too soon, methinks.
This could have been much much worse. Small prayer of thanksgiving that they aren't in the water. Thoughts going out to you Delta bubbas and bubbettes and the crew involved.
Quote: It is a running joke that Delta pilots take themselves a bit too seriously... You must have missed my wink
Sorry I missed your wink.....however, when an event like this occurs, you may be using poor judgement posting what you did.
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