Compass Updates - Saga Continues

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That employee call was kind of a dud. No real news. They are looking at line MX and maybe a crew base in KSLC tho since our flying there isn't going away anytime soon
I love how he described how TSA lost their planes back to American for no plausiable reason that he sees, but yet our American flying is completely safe. You could tell halfway through his sentence he realized he was digging a hole.

Y'all have inspired me to work on what may be my best yet. I am legit proud of this.

That's amazing!
85 hour floor going away in September! Or October! We’re not too sure....

Glad to know we are “AA’s #1 regional” !
Employee call recap?
Quote: Employee call recap?
Same old same old. American numbers great, delta not so much.

OJIs still above where they want them.

Working to get wifi and turbulence app by end of month.

RNP nowhere close, even after approved may take a year to get everyone trained.

Acknowledged SLC flying will stick around for near future and working to see if MX base logical, crew base didn't seem as logical because many of the planes don't stay over night.

Asked about slc crew rooms and long sits, mentioned they are mainly due to mainline scheduling. The way they talked about crew room seemed like it's unlikely.

New hire classes are full but number in class goes down each month until like 16ish in December. When asked when FO floor will be lowered, expecting around OCT.

Captain upgrade 20-22 into fall.

FA (you know who)wants to know what's the status of IOCC?
Quote: FA (you know who)wants to know what's the status of IOCC?

Y'all have inspired me to work on what may be my best yet. I am legit proud of this.
This was so epic that it broke our forum. Legendary! “But that didn’t stop us in PHX”. I was so done after that! 😂
Quote: This was so epic that it broke our forum. Legendary! “But that didn’t stop us in PHX”. I was so done after that! 😂
Unsure if forum broken or just won't load in tapatalk
FA (you know who)wants to know what's the status of IOCC?
How dare you forget the other senior mama who *really* wants an answer on the retiree flight benefits as soon as possible because "a lot" of people are having issues. BR responds he only knew of a handful and those issues have been resolved
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